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Department of Economics

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Presentazione sul tema: "Department of Economics"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Department of Economics
Academic Year COURSE “INSURANCE MANAGEMENT AND RISK FINANCING” Iryna Nyenno Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University Programme per day: 17/05/2019 (aula 7) · 13,30-16,50 23/05/2019 (aula 7) · 13,30-16,50 24/05/2019 (aula 2) · 13,30-16,50 30/05/2019 (aula 1 ex Ateneo) · 8,30-11,50 31/05/2019 (aula 2) · 13,30-16,50 Content: Insurance Management Concept   State regulation of the Insurance Market Financial Planning and Forecasting of the Insurer Solvency Requirements: Practice of Ukraine and the EU Investment Activity of the Insurer Formation of the insurance portfolio and the policy of the insurer. Management of the process of settlement of losses. Managing the insurer's marketing activities. Management of reinsurance activities. Risk Management of the Insurer   Workshop. Development of the RM program for the Insurer Ai fini del riconoscimento di CFU a libera scelta la partecipazione all'evento corrisponde a n. 20  ore di attività frontale (2 CFU)

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