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The passato prossimo You left He studied I walked They ate She sang

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Presentazione sul tema: "The passato prossimo You left He studied I walked They ate She sang"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 The passato prossimo You left He studied I walked They ate She sang
We laughed You wrote

2 What is the passato prossimo??
The passato prossimo is the SIMPLE PAST TENSE in Italian. It expresses actions that have been completed and are no longer happening. The passato prossimo is equivalent to the ending “-ed” in English Per esempio: They danced at the party I walked to school. She laughed at the joke. She left for work

3 Questions to ask yourself...
1. Is there an –ed on the end? 2. Is the action still happening? She left for work I walked to school. She spoke at the meeting. They danced at the party

4 Past Participle Helping Verb + The passato prossimo Let’s conjugate!
Now that you understand WHAT the passato prossimo expresses… Let’s conjugate! In Order to use the passato prossimo you need… Helping Verb Past Participle +

5 A Helping verb is used in the Passato Prossimo to tell you
WHO did the action We use either… Avere Essere io noi tu voi lui / lei loro ho io noi tu voi lui / lei loro abbiamo sono siamo siete hai sei avete è ha hanno sono

6 Past Participle Examples: danced jumped walked lived studied talked
The past participle is the verb. It tells you what action was done. It is semi-equivalent to the –ed ending in English. Examples: danced jumped walked lived studied talked laughed opened listened

7 Parlare Parlare Parlato
Past participles are formed depending on if they are ARE ERE or IRE verbs. Step 1: Take the infinitive of the verb Parlare Step 2: Remove the ARE , ERE, IRE ending of the verb The verb when it is not conjugated. Meaning it still has the ARE, ERE or IRE ending Parlare Step 3: Add the past participle endings If the verb ends in: Add this ending: ARE ATO Parlato ERE UTO ITO IRE

8 Forming the Passato Prossimo
To form the passato prossimo… know the formula: Avere Essere + Past Participle or (ATO, UTO, ITO)

9 Forming the Passato Prossimo
with AVERE Follow these steps, to fill in the formula: Step 1: Step 2: WHAT verb are you using? & WHO are you conjugating for? (io,tu, lui,lei, noi, voi, loro) Conjugate AVERE for the subject you chose in step 1. ho abbiamo hai avete ha hanno ( ( Step 3: Take the verb (in this case, that action that is completed) and form it into an… ATO, UTO, ITO

10 Forming the Passato Prossimo noi abbiamo cucinato la cena.
Nowwww, follow the steps to say: We cooked dinner. Step 1: WHAT verb are you using? & WHO are you conjugating for? (io,tu, lui,lei, noi, voi, loro) to cook - cucinare noi we - Step 2: noi abbiamo Conjugate AVERE for the subject you chose in step 1. Step 3: cucinato cucinare Take the verb & make it into a Past Participle. noi abbiamo cucinato la cena. We cooked dinner = Avere Past Participle

11 Pratica Scritta Ieri sera, io ___________________________ (mangiare) pizza per la cena. La settimana scorsa tu ____________________ (giocare) a baseball. Ieri Mario ______________________ (chiamare) suo nonno. Caterina _______________________ (camminare) a scuola lunedi’. Noi __________________________ (guardare) un film sabato. Voi ____________________________ (parlare) con il professore dopo classe. 7. Marco e Carla _______________________ (dormire) tardi domenica mattina.

12 Past Participles Not ALL past participles end in ATO, UTO or ITO.
(you didn’t think you were going to get away that easy did you???) aprire bere chiedere chiudere conoscere correre decidere dire fare Some past participles are irregular... Unfortunately there are no tricks, no secrets, no easy way out… JUST MEMORIZE THEM!!! scendere scrivere sorridere spendere vedere venire vincere vivere leggere mettere morire nascere perdere prendere ridere rimanere rispondere rompere On the next slide you will see ONLY the irregular pp’s that take Avere

13 Irregular PP's that take Avere
aprire - bere - chiedere - chiudere - conoscere - correre - decidere - dire - fare - aperto bevuto leggere - mettere - perdere - letto scrivere - sorridere - spendere - vedere - vincere - vivere - scritto chiesto sorriso messo chiuso perso speso conosciuto visto corso vinto prendere - ridere - rispondere - preso deciso vissuto riso detto risposto fatto

14 Pratica Scritta La settimana scorsa, io ___________________________ (vedere) un film. Ieri, tu ____________________ (leggere) un libro. Ieri Mario ______________________ (correre) dopo scuola. Caterina _______________________ (scrivere) un racconto. Noi __________________________ (fare) il compito ieri sera.. Voi ____________________________ (perdere) le chiave! 7. Marco e Carla _______________________ (spendere) molti soldi al grande magazzino.

15 Forming the Passato Prossimo WAIT!!! There’s an extra Step!!
with Essere Follow the SAME steps as you did when using Avere, BUT substitute Essere to fill in the formula: Step 2: Step 1: WHAT verb are you using? & WHO are you conjugating for? (io,tu, lui,lei, noi, voi, loro) Conjugate ESSERE for the subject you chose in step 1. sono siamo sei siete è sono Step 3: Step 4: Take the verb (in this case, that action that is completed) and form it into an… ATO, UTO, ITO WAIT!!! There’s an extra Step!! (Next slide)

16 Forming the Passato Prossimo with Essere
But wait… There’s more! Step 4: When using ESSERE you MUST make sure: IF you are talking about MORE THAN 1 PERSON : Or 1 boy or 1 girl You change the last letter of the ATO, UTO, ITO (“pp”) to: If speaking about 2 or more boys. If speaking about 1 girl. e If speaking about 2 or more girls. If speaking about 1 boy. i a o

17 Mrs. Vanderpuverscats G,C,S,B The House! Forming the Passato Prossimo
with Essere When using the Passato Prossimo, some verbs will take ESSERE as their helping verbs NOT Avere. But SCOTTO!! how will we know!??!?! There are three ways to recognize verbs that take Essere in the Past: 1. 2.. G,C,S,B Mrs. Vanderpuverscats 3. The House!

18 1 G C S B oing oming eing taying
If the meaning of the verb falls into one of these categories, it most likely takes ESSERE

19 Here is a list of Verbs that use ESSERE as the helping verb:
partire morire stare ritornare cadere uscire arrivare venire nascere vivere tornare diventare entrare Salire essere restare andare rimanere

20 Mrs. Vanderpuverscats 2 Ciao! I’m Mrs. Vanderpuverscats
The letters of my name stand for All of the verbs that take ESSERE in the passato prossimo! Its simple, just memorize!! 2

21 Mrs Vanderpuverscats orire orire orire itornare cendere enire ndare
Don’t forget about my daughter Ms. V. Verns! She can help you remember the irregular pp’s that take ESSERE! enire ndare ascere iventare ssere imanere Mrs Vanderpuverscats artire scire ivere ntrare estare tare adere rrivare ornare alire

22 Irregular PP's that take Essere
Irregular PP – a past participle that Doesn’t follow the regular ATO, UTO, ITO formation Ciao studenti! I’m Ms. Vanessa Verns My name will remind you of the Irregular past participles that go with ESSERE! orire cendere morto sceso V . enire venuto Ms Verns ivere vissuto stato ssere imanere rimasto ascere nato tare stato

23 3 The house of Essere!!! Most verbs that Describe something
you do in your house, fall into The House of Essere, therefore, they take ESSERE in the passato prossimo (Match up all of the verbs from Mrs. Vanderscupersat, and relate them to the house!)

24 Pratica Scritta Ieri sera, Noi ___________________________ (andare) al cinema. Io ______________________________ (mangiare) la pizza. Loro _____________________ (partire) alle sette. Lui __________________________ (parlare) con la mamma. Voi ________________________ (entrare) a casa tardi. Maria _________________________ (bere) una soda con la cena. Tu ________________________ (essere) stanca. Dopo la classe, noi ______________________ (uscire). Io ____________________________ (decidere) di andare alla festa.

25 Auguri! Avete finito il ripasso del passato prossimo!
Adesso andate avanti per ripassare gli altri powerpoint.

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