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IBM System i Il Sistema Enterprise per la PMI

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Presentazione sul tema: "IBM System i Il Sistema Enterprise per la PMI"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 IBM System i Il Sistema Enterprise per la PMI
Massimo Maggioni System I Manager - Italy

2 IBM System i

3 IBM System i Processor Max CPW Key Changes i5/OS Release
520 550 570 595 Processor Max CPW 1, 1/2-way 1.9 POWER 1/4-way 1.9 POWER5+ 14,000 2/16-way 2.2 POWER5+ 58,500 8/64-way 1.9 POWER5 184,000 Key Changes Accelerator CoD DDR2 Memory Optional IOP/HSL DDR2 Memory Optional IOP Simpler Structure & Licensing DDR2 Memory Optional IOP Expanded I/O Optional IOP i5/OS Release V5R3 & V5R4 Value / Express Y EDITIONS Standard Enterprise Solution Domino (Workplace) HA CBU This chart gives an outline of the major changes to products and editions. Note that with the IBM System i5 announcement, iSeries is no longer used as a family name. The 520, 550, 570 have all been enhanced with POWER5+ processors and the 595 is enhanced with a 1.9 GHz POWER5 processor. Now, Capacity on demand is available on all models, with the introduction of processor capacity on demand (CUoD, On/Off, Trial and Reserve) in the 1/2 way 520, and the IBM Accelerator for System i5 with Value and Express. Also, the 570 now starts at a 2/4-way (previously 1/2-way) and has simplified product structure for mixing different operating environments. Note that a Hardware Management Console (HMC) is not required to turn on the Accelerator nor to activate the second processor in the 12-way 520. Note that new, faster DDR2 memory is used in the new POWER5+ 520, 550 and Also, for the first time it is now possible to run a system without using an I/O processor (IOP). In practice, this feature will probably only be used on the 520. The edition structure of the new models is very similar, with the addition of a high availability edition on the 550 and 595, and a Capacity Backup Edition (CBU) on the 595.

4 IBM Systems Agenda Un disegno strategico per sviluppare tecnologie, risorse e competenze innovative
Collaborative Innovation Working together with clients and IBM Business Partners, IBM provides the breadth of expertise and resources to design, build and implement IT solutions that can drive innovation and help transform your business. Openness IBM is committed to sharing technology with the industry and providing the industry's richest portfolio of interoperable server and storage systems. Virtualization Optimize IT operations and dynamically respond to the priorities of the business by managing the IT environment more efficiently with proven IBM cross-platform virtualization capabilities. IBM’s’ strategic commitment through the IBM Systems Agenda. In the 2006 IBM Global CEO Study of 765 CEO’s, external collaboration was deemed as indispensable. Internal and external collaboration is necessary to widen the innovation circle and capture fresh ideas and new approaches. But to do that successfully, you need to know HOW to use technology for business advantage. With our commitment to collaborative innovation, IBM can help you do that. And openness becomes a critical link- systems need to interoperate, not just within an organization, but as far reaching as possible to get the right people working on the right things. IBM does this with our open communities as well as incorporating this philosophy of openness into our product development at all levels. This helps to ensure a rich portfolio of systems that you can choose from for applications as well as have confidence that systems can interoperate with each other. Finally, managing the IT environment needs to continue to become more seamless, more autonomic, more fluid. With massive amounts of information and data exploding exponentially, the need to manage more efficiently is becoming a critical success factor. And moving resources to where they are needed must become standard procedure. Advancements in virtualization, both within systems, across systems, perhaps even across systems around the world improve the ability to improve the productivity of your IT staff and your IT systems. Then you can begin to free up your IT talent to focus on innovative ways of running the business, vs just focusing on running IT. Transition Line: Building systems that can support innovation is more than developing faster chips. It is more than running benchmarks. While these are important, they don’t transform your business. How you APPLY technology is what can make you stand out in the market place. The IBM Systems agenda is our commitment to helping you do that.

5 System i all’interno della IBM Systems Agenda
Collaborate to Innovate Approccio aperto e collaborativo con gli sviluppatori di applicazioni e tools Openness Primo in grado di offrire completa integrazione di applicazioni Linux, Windows, AIX e i5/OS Più di 900 soluzioni Linux su POWER disponibili per iSeries da 400 solution providers Virtualize Everything Primo Sistema per l’integrazione e la virtualizzazione Primo a rilasciare il partizionamento ai Clienti SMB Primo a rilasciare l’ IBM Virtualization Engine

6 Architettura di riferimento
Personalizzazioni Java SOA-Enabled su Intel Software applicativo RPG SOA-Enabled su System i Software applicativo COBOL SOA-Enabled su System i Web Services (XML) Personalizzazioni RPG SOA-Enabled su System i Architettura di riferimento ACG for Java – ACG Service Bus (SOA ESB) OPENNESS – AMBIENTI DI RUNTIME E DI SVILUPPO INTEGRATI WebSphere Application Server WebSphere Portal WebSphere Development Studio basato sull’open source ECLIPSE (J2EE, Web Services, XML, WDHT, ecc.) Workplace Collaboration SICUREZZA E BUSINESS CONTINUITY Virus free Supporto protocolli standard di sicurezza Funzioni HW e SW di Alta Disponibilità FLESSIBILITA’ Allocazione dinamica delle risorse Capacity On Demand CPW Accelerator IBM System i V5R4: Wizard che creano Web Services a partire da RPG sia come provider che come requestor!!!! Chi vuole può rimanere su RPG senza convertire. SEMPLICITA’ DI GESTIONE ATTRAVERSO SOFTWARE INTEGRATO Storage Management Backup Management Database (DB2) e Tool di gestione Performance Management Gestione utenti multi-OS Resource Management Virtualizzazione INTEGRAZIONE APPLICATIVA - CONSOLIDAMENTO

7 Il valore di una soluzione integrata
Perchè System i? Perchè è AFFIDABILE e SICURO Perchè consente di gestire con SEMPLICITA’ tutta l’infrastruttura IT dell’azienda Perchè OTTIMIZZA l’uso delle risorse tecnologiche e di staff aziendali Perchè IBM investe continuamente in INNOVAZIONE su System i Ha un basso Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Perchè Java? Perchè è FACILE e APERTO facilità intrinseca riconosciuta dal mercato facile reperimento di risorse sul mercato facile reperimento di moduli open source per velocizzare i nuovi sviluppi Perchè la SOA? Perchè, attraverso standard aperti, consente di controllare, ottimizzare e automatizzare i processi di business Perchè SOA e System i? Perchè insieme coniugano integrazione applicativa ed infrastrutturale in un unico sistema Minori costi Semplicità Sicurezza

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