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Revising english verbs

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1 Revising english verbs
Lingua Inglese

2 CACCIA ALL’INDIZIO… In un esercizio di GAP FILLING in cui si devono riempire gli spazi con i verbi al “tempo giusto”, come si capisce quale è il “tempo giusto”? Un frase non viene quasi mai da sola, sottintende sempre un certo contesto… Di solito ci sono gli indizi che aiutano a capire quale verbo si deve utilizzare… Lingua Inglese Michela Giordano

3 Gap filling (1) Present Simple or Present Continuous?
Lingua Inglese Ginger usually (1) ____ (live) in a big house in New York, but at the moment she (2) _____ (live) in a flat in Cambridge. She (3) _____ (like) her flat but she (4) _______ (look for) a bigger house in these days. She (5) _____ (work) for a local newspaper, but now she (6) _________ (write) an article for a magazine. Michela Giordano

4 Gap filling (2) Present Simple or Present Continuous?
Lingua Inglese Where are Sam and Nick? I (1) ____________ (not know). Perhaps they (2) ______________ (have) lunch at the café. They usually (3) _____________ ( have ) lunch there. Can you answer the phone, please? I (4) ____________ (wash) my hair. Colin is very busy these days. He (5) _____________ (study) hard. Michela Giordano

5 Present Simple (1) esprime idee e fatti oggettivamente veri.
Lingua Inglese esprime idee e fatti oggettivamente veri. non include alcuna nozione di tempo specifico; non necessariamente riguarda il tempo presente. Water freezes at 0° C. North Pole is very cold. 3) esprime azioni abituali (avverbi di frequenza: usually, every day, always, often, rarely, sometimes, three times a week/month) o realtà sempre presenti. Paul goes to school every day. Michela Giordano

6 Present Continuous Lingua Inglese 1)descrive un'azione in corso di svolgimento al momento attuale (now, at the moment) o in un periodo di tempo presente circoscritto (in this period, these days, this week). 2)indica un’azione nel suo svolgersi; corrisponde alla locuzione italiana “stare facendo”. L'uso di questa forma include una certa idea di durata e indica che il tempo è una considerazione importante… (indizio nella frase…) Michela Giordano

7 Present Continuous with future meaning
Lingua Inglese 3) Si può usare per indicare un’azione futura. Di solito si tratta di un futuro relativamente vicino, di piani che stiamo facendo o sono già stati fissati. Indica che un evento è stato pianificato, un accordo è già presente, sui tempi e suoi luoghi di un incontro. Paul and I are going to the cinema on Friday evening. I am seeing my doctor at five o’clock. Michela Giordano

8 Present Simple VS Present Continuous (1)
Lingua Inglese Il Simple Present si usa per: ABITUDINI: avvengono regolarmente STATI: condizioni che non cambiano spesso Il Present Continuous si usa per: AZIONE TEMPORANEA: che avviene ora, in questo momento o periodo   UN PROGETTO DEFINITO PER IL FUTURO: già pianificato e programmato Michela Giordano

9 Present Simple VS Present Continuous (2)
Lingua Inglese I verbi statici sono (quasi) sempre usati al Present Simple: danno l'idea di permanenza e completezza. Verbi di opinione o atteggiamento mentale: believe, think, understand, suppose, agree, know, remember, forget Verbi di emozione, volontà e desiderio: like, love, detest, envy, hate, hope, prefer, wish, want Verbi di “avere o essere”: belong, own, depend, contain, seem, appear, need, have Verbi dei sensi e percezione involontaria: see, hear, taste, smell. Michela Giordano

10 Gap filling (3) Past Simple or Past Continuous?
Lingua Inglese We (1) ________ (wait for) Emma and Jack outside the restaurant, and they (2) ___________ (look for) us inside. When we (3) __________ (find) them, we (4) _________ (sit) down at a table near the restaurant garden. It (5) _________ (be) a beautiful evening: while we (6) ___________ (eat), a band (7) _____________ (play) romantic music. Michela Giordano

11 Gap filling (4) Past Simple or Past Continuous?
Lingua Inglese There was a nice film yesterday, but I ______________ (not/watch) it because I preferred going to bed early. George _______________ (stay) at home yesterday. It was a sunny day, so he _____________ (decide) to spend some time in the garden. ____________________ (you/not/go) to Piccadilly Circus when you were in London? Michela Giordano

12 Gap filling (4) Past Simple or Past Continuous?
Lingua Inglese She couldn't hear what they _________________ (talk) about. I __________ (ask) my sister to go out with me yesterday but she ____________ (not/want) to as she was tired. The man _______________ (try) to cross the garden when the dog began barking. Michela Giordano

13 Gap filling (5) Past Simple or Present Perfect?
Lingua Inglese I ________ (phone) him yesterday but he __________ (not be) in. ________ (you/go) to the disco last night? I __________ (read) that book already. I _________ (not read) it yet. Michela Giordano

14 Gap filling (6) Past Simple or Present Perfect?
Lingua Inglese I _________ (never drive) a car before. I __________ (try) sangria on holiday in Spain last year. ____________ (you/go) to the mountains recently? I __________ (just make) some tea, if you would like a cup. Michela Giordano

15 Gap filling (7) Past Simple or Present Perfect?
Lingua Inglese I __________ (read) a very interesting book on diets recently. __________ (you/do) anything special last summer? Yes, I ______ (go) to New York and ______ (visit) the Empire State Building. I_______ (not see) them since last summer. Michela Giordano

16 Simple Past Lingua Inglese 1) Indica azioni completamente passate e concluse, spesso definite con avverbi o espressioni di tempo determinato come yesterday, last week, last night, last summer, a year ago, two years ago, a minute ago, when I was a child, in 1990, etc. Michela Giordano

17 Past Continuous Lingua Inglese 1) un'azione che era in corso di svolgimento in un momento del passato: Jill was working when I got up. 2) un'azione che era in corso di svolgimento quando un certo evento del passato si verificò: While I was reading a story, the telephone rang. 3) due azioni di una certa durata che erano entrambe in corso di svolgimento in un dato momento del passato: While Bob was watching TV, Rita was playing the piano. Michela Giordano

18 Present Perfect Simple
Lingua Inglese 1) un’azione avvenuta in un periodo di tempo non del tutto trascorso o concluso: (this week, this morning, this month, today, so far, up to now) I have been to the cinema twice this week. 2) Le conseguenze dell’azione interessano il tempo presente: ciò che importa è il risultato, l’effetto dell’azione sul presente: (yet, already, just, recently, ever, never, since, for) I have just come back. Michela Giordano

19 Present Perfect VS Past Simple (1)
Lingua Inglese Si usa il present perfect quando l’azione: è avvenuta in un periodo di tempo non ancora concluso: this week, today, this morning I have seen three movies this week. 2) è già avvenuta ma il tempo non è specificato: l’importante è l’effetto sul presente: I have seen that movie already. 3) riguarda il passato recente: Martin has crashed his car again. 4)non è ancora finita, con for e since: I have lived in London for two years/since 2003. Michela Giordano

20 Present Perfect VS Past Simple (2)
Lingua Inglese Si usa il past simple quando l’azione: 1) è avvenuta in un tempo passato e concluso: yesterday, last month/year, a moment ago, when I was a child/on holiday I saw three movies last week. 2) si è svolta in un tempo ben determinato, o che si desume dal contesto: I saw that movie on Saturday. 3) è avvenuta in un passato un pò più remoto: Martin crashed his car last year. 4) è già finita, con for e since: I lived in London for two years. Michela Giordano

21 Gap filling (8) Past Simple or Past Perfect?
Lingua Inglese When John ______ (telephone) Maria, he __________ (already prepare) dinner. I __________ (turn off) the radio because I (already listen to) the news. When I ______ (see) Paul last Christmas he ______ (tell) me his wife __________ (leave) him three months before. When Mary (come) ________ back home last night, she _________ (realize) someone ________ (break in) her house. Michela Giordano

22 Past Perfect Lingua Inglese descrive un evento che è accaduto prima di un altro evento nel passato: When I arrived at the station, the train had already left. (Entrambe le azioni sono avvenute nel passato, ma la seconda, precede la prima). Yesterday I arrived at the station at 9:00, but the train had left at 8:00. 2) specifica quale dei due eventi è avvenuto prima. E’ utile quando si racconta una storia mettendo in relazione eventi passati. Michela Giordano

23 Gap filling (9) Future: will or going to?
Lingua Inglese I need some more money. I ______ (go) to the bank tomorrow. I promise: I ______ (write) to you. Get ready! The soccer match _________ (start). It’s very cold. I _________ (close) the window. What a nice blouse! I __________ (buy) it for Mum! Michela Giordano

24 Gap filling (10) Future: will or going to?
Lingua Inglese Are you going shopping? What ______ (you/buy)? Tom _________ (be) 35 next August. The concert_______ (be) on 10th June. John thinks he _________ (get) the job. That boy ___________ (fall off) his bike! Look at those clouds! It _______ (snow)! Michela Giordano

25 Future with will Lingua Inglese 1) azioni future non programmate, che in quel momento si decide di compiere: It’s very cold. I’ll close the window. 2) previsioni future: I think Italy will win the Football World Cup. 3)azioni che sicuramente avverranno e che non dipendono dalla nostra volontà: The concert will be on 24th May. 4) con i verbi hope, think, be sure, believe, suppose: I think I’ll go next year. Michela Giordano

26 Future with going to Lingua Inglese 1) l’intenzione personale di compiere un’azione: traduce “avere intenzione di”: I am going to have a holiday next week. 2) qualcosa che sta per accadere e che risulta inevitabile date le premesse: in questo caso corrisponde alla locuzione italiana “stare per”, “essere sul punto di”: Look at those clouds! It’s going to rain. Michela Giordano


28 1) If laptop computers _________ cheaper, I ______________one.
A were / would get B was / get C would be / I’ll get 2) When you come, we ______________ a picnic, but it depends _______the weather. A will have / on B are having / to C will have / from Lingua Inglese Michela Giordano

29 A doesn’t know / finishes B doesn’t know / is finishing
3) What __________ you do if something really strange _______________to you? A would do / happens B will / happen C would / happened 4) Jane studies at University. She _________ what she wants to do when she _______ her degree. A doesn’t know / finishes B doesn’t know / is finishing C is not knowing/ will finish Lingua Inglese Michela Giordano

30 A was invited / are coming B have been invited / will come
5) All the employees ___________________to the party by post. I think they _______________. A was invited / are coming B have been invited / will come C were inviting / will come D can’t be inviting / have come 6) My brother isn’t working at the moment. He ____________ for a new job. A will be look B looks C is looking Lingua Inglese Michela Giordano

31 A was wanting / have left B have wanted / has left C wanted / had left
7) She loves Colombia. She _______________ there for 6 months. Now she lives in Chile. A has lived B lived C has being living D was used to living 8) I ______to listen to my personal stereo yesterday, but I _________ all my CDs in the old flat. A was wanting / have left B have wanted / has left C wanted / had left Lingua Inglese Michela Giordano

32 A was going / remembered B was going / was remembering
9) I _______________ to work when I _____________ I didn’t have my keys to the office. A was going / remembered B was going / was remembering C went / was remembering 10) I gave up smoking a long time ago. I ____________________a cigarette _________2008. A hadn’t / in B haven’t had / since C haven’t have / for Lingua Inglese Michela Giordano

33 11) The town of Rome _________________ many centuries ago.
A has been founded B was found C was finded D was founded 12) Lucy _______________ come to the door at the moment. She ______________ a cake. A can’t / made B can’t / is making C can’t / makes Lingua Inglese Michela Giordano

34 13) I __________________________ ____ piano in the evenings.
A play usually / X B usually am playing / the C usually play / the 14) You _______________ stop smoking! You __________ start taking care of your health! A should / should B should / shouldn’t C must / don’t have to Lingua Inglese Michela Giordano

35 A am going / am calling / won’t be B am going / ‘ll call / am
15) Can we talk later? I ________ to the supermarket now. I ________ when I ___________ back. A am going / am calling / won’t be B am going / ‘ll call / am C am going / ‘ll call / will be 16) If you ______________ some exercise, you ______________ some weight! A did / lost B didn’t do / will lose C did / would lose Lingua Inglese Michela Giordano

36 A didn’t talk / will meet B haven’t talked / am meeting
17) Thomas __________ to have lots of girlfriends, but now he ___________ married to Lucy! A used / has B used / is C wasn’t used / gets 18) I ______________ to the teacher yet. I _______________ her tomorrow at 10 in her office. A didn’t talk / will meet B haven’t talked / am meeting C didn’t talk / meet Lingua Inglese Michela Giordano

37 19) Have you ever ________ a very famous person. Oh, yes
19) Have you ever ________ a very famous person? Oh, yes! I ________ Toto Cutugno last year! A did meet / have met B met / met C met / meeted 20) If it ______________ tomorrow, we _______________________ to the mountains. A will rain / will go B rains / wouldn’t go C rains / won’t go Lingua Inglese Michela Giordano

38 Gap filling (A) Lingua Inglese Dear Wendy, Here I am in Cagliari at last! I __________ (arrive) last week on Monday and I _____________ (start) the course at University. When I ___________ (arrive) early in the morning, my friends _______________ (already prepare) my room: they _______________ (clean) everything, ______________ (make) my bed and ___________ (open) the windows to let some fresh air in. Michela Giordano

39 Gap filling (B) Lingua Inglese It _______ (not be) so hot here today: it ____________ (rain) right now, and the town _________ (becomes) so sad and boring when it __________ (rain). Yesterday it _______ (be) cloudy but it ____________ (not rain). But, apart from the weather, the town ______ (be) really nice. There is a big castle which _______________ (dominate) the city. And there _________ (be) a palace, too. Michela Giordano

40 Gap filling (C) Lingua Inglese I ___________ (visit) the castle last Tuesday. It’s really impressive. But I__________ (not be) to the palace yet, because when I_________ (tell) my friends I _________ (decide) to go and visit it on Wednesday, they told me the palace had been closed the week before for some urgent works. Next week there __________ (be) an International Festival here and I ___________ (buy) to buy the tickets this afternoon. Michela Giordano

41 Gap filling (D) Lingua Inglese Next week there __________ (be) an International Festival here and I ______________ (buy) the tickets this afternoon. This week I______________ (be) to the theatre to see a performance: it________ (be) great, the best performance I ________________ (ever see). Michela Giordano

42 Gap filling (E) Lingua Inglese Next weekend I________________ (go) to the lake: my friends ____________ (tell) me it is a very romantic place and they ___________(show) me some pictures last night. There _______ (be) one with some trees, flowers, boats and ducks in the lake: when I _______ (see) it, I ______ (say):”I _____ (go) tomorrow!But Jill________ (ask) me to wait and __________ (invite) me to go with them on a trip next week. Michela Giordano

43 I ______ (write) again soon. Love, Cindy.
Gap filling (F) Lingua Inglese I_________ (miss) you and all the friends at home, but I _______ (be) back home soon, I promise! I ______ (write) again soon. Love, Cindy. Michela Giordano

44 Lingua Inglese The end Michela Giordano

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