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Italian First Level L’alfabeto.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Italian First Level L’alfabeto."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Italian First Level L’alfabeto

2 First Level Significant Aspects of Learning
Use language in a range of contexts and across learning Continue to develop confidence and enthusiasm to communicate using the language being learnt Develop an awareness and understanding of patterns and sounds of language Begin to develop an understanding of, interest in and respect for other countries, cultures and languages Appreciate and understand the value of language learning Recognise familiar written words when listening Explore how gesture, expression and emphasis are used to help understanding. Listen, recognise and respond to familiar voices in short, predictable conversations Understand and respond to familiar spoken vocabulary Actively take part in daily routines Listen and join in with stories, song or poem Enjoy engaging with simple and familiar texts on my own and with others using resources to support learning Participate in familiar games, paired speaking and short role plays Take part in simple, paired conversations about themselves giving simple opinions and asking simple questions

3 Vocabulary 10. The Alphabet
At First Level the focus should be on being able to say the alphabet in French. L’alphabet the alphabet a a n enne b bi o o c ci p pi q qu d di k cappa e e r erre f f s esse g gi t ti h acca u u i i v vu j I lunga w doppia v k acca x ics l elle y ipsilon m emme z zeta

4 For First Level focus mainly on being able to say the alphabet in Italian, working your way up to spelling in Italian at 2nd Level.

5 L’alfabeto in italiano

6 a a

7 b bi

8 C ci

9 d di

10 e e

11 f effe

12 g gi

13 h acca

14 i i

15 j I lunga

16 k cappa

17 l EllE

18 m emme

19 n enne

20 O o

21 p pi

22 q qu

23 r erre

24 s esse

25 t ti

26 U u

27 v vu

28 w Doppia vu

29 x ics

30 y ipsilon

31 z zeta

32 Embedding the language
You could use the alphabet as a countdown in class for getting tidied up etc. You could ask pupils how something might be spelt in Italian. This can really help to enhance their spelling English as they are thinking twice as hard about the letter sequencing of a word.

33 Sample activities You will find a bank of sample activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.

34 a b c d q r s t e f g u v w h i j k x y z l m n o p
L’alfabeto e`cool ! a b c d q r s t e f g u v w h i j k The alphabet is cool! Listen to the alphabet and repeat after each sequence of letters. You can add rapper style pointing dance moves to this to make it seem all the more street  x y z l m n o p

35 a b c d q r s t e f g u v w h i j k x y z l m n o p L’alfabeto e`cool!
Now listen again with two sequences together, getting pupils to repeat after the audio. With x, y and z they should repeat after each individual letter. x y z l m n o p

36 a b c d q r s t e f g u v w h i j k x y z l m n o p L’alfabeto e`cool!
Now listen again with all four of the first sequences together, getting pupils to repeat after the audio. With x, y and z they should repeat after each individual letter. x y z l m n o p

37 a b c d q r s t e f g u v w h i j k x y z l m n o p L’alfabeto e`cool!
Ok, now all together, getting pupils to repeat after the audio. With x, y and z they should repeat after each individual letter. x y z l m n o p

38 a b c d q r s t e f g u v w h i j k x y z l m n o p L’alfabeto e`cool!
Last time and a bit faster! With x, y and z they should repeat after each individual letter. See if they can do it without the audio once you’ve practiced it a few times  x y z l m n o p

39 Match the sounds to the letters
For this activity you will need the “Letters co-op task cards” document which is on the website in the extra resources section. Print off the sounds and place them around the classroom at “stations”. Pupils should write the alphabet in their jotters. In pairs, pupils will then visit each letter sound for a set time and will copy it down beside the corresponding letter. At the end, you can check these with the sound files on the vocabulary slides.

40 Trova il suono… che corrisponde… …alla lettera. Per esempio… A = A
Hand out letter and have sounds displayed around the class. Ask pupils to work in pairs to match the sounds to the letters by moving around the room and working out which letter sounds will go with which letters. Per esempio… A = A

41 Ascoltata L’alfabeto E`corretto? Ticca la risposta.
Listen to the alphabet in Italian. Are you correct? Tick your answers. Ticca la risposta.

42 Linking the sounds to actions
You can link the sounds to actions – see if the pupils can pupils can come up with a set for your class. Some suggestions: Ah – like sticking your tongue out for a doctor Bay – a coastal bay or in Italian baby is bambino so you could do a baby in your arms mime. Say – Is like saying something so you could do something to mimic that. Day – like a day / sunrise for example E (e) – sound a bit like being punched in the stomach! Etc. These are fun to make up and it’s good to let the pupils choose which ones help them remember best. Once you’ve got a set you can practise them altogether.

43 Alpha-tig! This is best played in a gym hall/outside.
Choose 3 or 4 pupils who will be it. Give each of remaining pupils a letter so that they make up the whole alphabet. Some people will have two letters. They will then write their letter on a bit of paper and stick it to themselves with sellotape etc. Double up letters if necessary. Make sure they each know their own letter and know how to pronounce it in Italian. You could do this by getting them to line up in order of the alphabet and to say it along the line. You will then say a word and the pupils who are “it” have to then tig those with the letters. It’s the rest of the alphabets job to protect them! Once they have the letters, bring them out to the front and they can spell out the word in Italian.

44 Alpha-shapes Say a letter and get the pupils to try and form that letter by shaping themselves like in on the floor (or standing). Get everyone to say it once they are in position!

45 Songs and videos! You will find a bank of sample songs and videos which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.


47 http://www. education. vic. gov

48 L’alfabeto

49 L’alfabeto

50 L’alfabeto



53 These go with the song on the next slide 
A come alligatore che finge di dormire B come bandierone che sventola sul pennone C come canguro che salta sul tamburo D come delfino che indossa il costumino E come elefante che balla sulle punte F come frutta che me la mangio tutta G come gelato ma si e` tutto squagliato H come hotel bello come un castello ABC ABC l’alfabeto e` questo qui ABC ABC l’alfabeto e` questo qui I come imbianchino che dipinge lo scalino L come luna nel cielo e` solo una M e` la maglietta che mi va un po` stretta N e` la neve che dal cielo scende un po lieve O come orsacchiotto che la notte e` nel mio letto P come pallone che rimbalza sul portone Q come quaderno che nella cartella alterno R come rana che ora sta nella fontana S come spugna che se strissi sai ti bagna T come topino che si mangia un formaggino U come usignolo canta sempre quando e` solo V come violino che suona quel bambino Z come zucca che indossa una parrucca Ecco l’alfabeto adesso tocca a te L 'alfabeto è questo qui_versione karaoke -

54 L 'alfabeto è questo qui_ versione karaoke -

55 Military style alphabet

56 ICT Resources online You will find a bank of sample ICT activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. You will find a set of more supported activities in Early Feelings and more challenging activities in Level 2 Feelings. Each of the slides contains an image of the website page. If you click on the image it will take you to the page. Alternatively you can use a link address which you will find in the slide notes.


58 Il pesce rosso alfabeto
ABC in Italian with short activities attached to each letter.




62 http://www. pianetascuola

63 Arrivederci!

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