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Il tema Protezione della Salute nel VII PQ ed il Programma EURATOM Donatella Tirindelli BIOTEC-MED.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Il tema Protezione della Salute nel VII PQ ed il Programma EURATOM Donatella Tirindelli BIOTEC-MED."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Il tema Protezione della Salute nel VII PQ ed il Programma EURATOM Donatella Tirindelli BIOTEC-MED

2 VII FP 2007-2013 Four specific programmes Cooperation: support will be given to the whole range of research activities carried out in trans-national cooperation Ideas People Capacities

3 VII FP Cooperation Health Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology Information and Communication Technologies Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies Energy Environment (including Climate Change) Transport (including Aeronautics) Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities Security and Space Research

4 HEALTH in the VII FP to further improve the health of European citizens and the competitiveness of European health-related industries and businesses

5 HEALTH in the VII FP Emphasis will be put on translational research (translation of basic discoveries in clinical applications), the development and validation of new therapies, methods for health promotion and prevention, diagnostic tools and technologies, as well as sustainable and efficient healthcare systems.

6 HEALTH in the VII FP Clinical research (clinical trials, epidemiological researches, new diagnostics and treatments) Biomedical research (biotechnology, medical technology, pharmaceutical industries)

7 HEALTH in the VII FP Two strategic issues Child health Ageing population

8 HEALTH in the VII FP Activities Biotechnology, generic tools and technologies for human health High-throughput research. To catalyse experimental progress in biomedical research by enhancing data generation, standardisation, acquisition and analysis. Detection, diagnosis and monitoring. With emphasis on non- invasive or minimally invasive approaches. Predicting suitability, safety and efficacy of therapies. To develop and validate biological markers, in vivo and in vitro methods and models, including simulation, pharmacogenomics, targeting approaches and alternatives to animal testing. Innovative therapeutic approaches and intervention. To consolidate and ensure further developments in advanced therapies and technologies with potential application in many diseases and disorders.

9 HEALTH in the VII FP Activities Translating research for human health Integrating biological data and processes: large-scale data gathering, systems biology. To generate and analyse the vast amount of data needed to understand better the complex regulatory networks of thousands of genes and gene-products controlling important biological processes. Research on the brain and related diseases, human development and ageing. To explore the process of healthy ageing and the way genes and environment interact with brain activity, under normal conditions as well as in brain diseases. Translational research in infectious diseases. To address anti-microbial drug resistance, the global threats of HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis as well as emerging epidemics (e.g. SARS and highly pathogenic influenza). Translational research in major diseases: cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes/obesity; rare diseases; and other chronic diseases (e.g. osteoarthritis). To develop patient-oriented strategies from prevention to diagnosis and treatment including clinical research.

10 HEALTH in the VII FP Environment (including Climate Change) Sustainable management of the environment and its resources through advancing our knowledge on the interactions between the biosphere, ecosystems and human activities, and developing new technologies, tools and services, in order to address in an integrated way global environmental issues. Emphasis will be put on prediction of climate, ecological, earth and ocean systems changes; on tools and technologies for monitoring, prevention and mitigation of environmental pressures and risks including on health, as well as for the conservation of the natural and man-made environment.

11 ENVIRONMENT (including Climate Change) in the VII FP Activities Climate change, pollution and risks Pressures on environment and climate Environment and health: Interaction of environmental stressors with human health including identification of sources, links to indoor environment, and impact and emerging risk factors; integrated risk assessment methods for toxic substances including alternatives to animal testing; quantification and cost-benefit analysis of environmental health risks and indicators for prevention strategies. Natural hazards

12 EURATOM Framework Program 2007-2011 Two areas Fusion energy research Nuclear fission and radiation protection to promote the safe use and exploitation of nuclear fission and other uses of radiation in industry and medicine

13 EURATOM Framework Program 2007-2011 Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection Establishing a sound scientific and technical basis in order to accelerate practical developments for the safer management of long-lived radioactive waste, promoting safer, more resource-efficient and competitive exploitation of nuclear energy and ensuring a robust and socially acceptable system of protection of man and the environment against the effects of ionising radiation.

14 EURATOM Framework Program 2007-2011 Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection Management of radioactive waste Reactor systems Radiation protection Research, in particular on the risks from low doses, on medical uses and on the management of accidents, to provide the scientific basis for a robust, equitable and socially acceptable system of protection that will not unduly limit the beneficial and widespread uses of radiation in medicine and industry (including the generation of nuclear energy). Research to minimise the threat posed by nuclear and radiological terrorism and mitigate its impact. Infrastructures To support the availability of research infrastructures such as material test reactors, underground research laboratories and radiobiology facilities and tissue banks, necessary to maintain high standards of technical achievement, innovation and safety in the European nuclear sector. Human resources and training

15 I progetti in corso: INUENDO GEMRATE RISC-RAD EMF-NET La partecipazione BIOTEC-MED al V e VI PQ ed EURATOM

16 Protezione della salute INUENDO – Biopersistent organochlorines in diet and human fertility: Epidemiologic studies of time to pregnancy, semen quality and reproductive hormones in Inuit and European populations 7 partners Durata 42 mesi (dal 1.2.2002) Responsabile scientifico ENEA: Marcello Spanò

17 Protezione della salute INUENDO – Obiettivi principali: identificare e caratterizzare l’impatto sulla fertilità umana di POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) presenti nella dieta. Fornire evidenze epidemiologiche sul possibile impatto sulla salute umana dovuto all’esposizione ambientale a composti EDCs (Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals) applicazione, su larga scala, di nuove tecniche analitiche per la valutazione di biomarkers di esposizione (valutazione dell’attività xeno-ormonale nel sangue) e di effetto (integrità dello spermatozoo) accanto a tecniche più consolidate Obiettivo finale: appropriata stima e gestione del rischio riproduttivo correlato all’assunzione di alimenti contaminati con POPs.

18 Protezione della salute GEMRATE – Genetic factors predisposing to radiation induction of mutation during early gestation: the role of DNA repair and cell cycle control 5 partners Durata 36 mesi (dal 1.11.2002) Responsabile scientifico ENEA: Francesca Pacchierotti

19 Protezione della salute GEMRATE – Obiettivi principali: Sviluppo e caratterizzazione di metodologie e di modelli innovativi per l’analisi di effetti genetici indotti da radiazioni in cellule embrionali del topo Valutazione dell’impatto di processi diversi di riparazione del danno al DNA sulla frequenza di mutazione genica e di aberrazioni cromosomiche radioindotte Obiettivo finale: Comprensione dei meccanismi molecolari alla base della radiosensibilità in fasi specifiche del differenziamento dei gameti e dello sviluppo embrionale al fine di ottimizzare la stima del rischio

20 Protezione della salute RISC-RAD – Radiosensitivity of Individuals and Susceptibility to Cancer induced by ionizing RADiations 29 partners durata mesi 48 (2004-2007) Responsabile scientifico ENEA: Anna Saran

21 Protezione della salute RISC-RAD – Obiettivi principali: Sviluppo di metodologie e modelli per una conoscenza più dettagliata dei meccanismi con cui le radiazioni inducono il cancro Identificazione delle variabili genetiche che intervengono nel processamento del danno al DNA indotto da radiazioni. Obiettivo finale: Individuazione di meccanismi cellulari e molecolari della tumorigenesi da basse dosi di radiazioni ionizzanti per una corretta stima del rischio

22 Protezione della salute EMF-NET – Effects of the exposure to electromagnetic fields: from science to public health and safer workplace durata mesi 36 (2005-2007) Responsabili scientifici ENEA: Carmela Marino

23 Protezione della salute EMF-NET – Obiettivi principali: valutazione scientifica dei risultati raggiunti dai diversi progetti in corso indicazioni all’industria e alla Pubblica Amministrazione analisi delle nuove tecnologie emergenti con impiego di campi em armonizzazione dell’approccio europeo formazione di una rete esperta in grado di fornire in tempo reale consulenza a produttori e decisori, oltre a definire le linee della ricerca futura

24 Alcune considerazioni Enfasi sulla ricerca traslazionale Biotecnologie, tecnologie biomediche, industrie farmaceutiche Aree strategiche: malattie infantili, invecchiamento Interazioni ambiente/salute solo nel tema “Ambiente” Nel programma EURATOM prevalgono gli aspetti radioprotezionistici

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