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Scienze dell’Educazione e della Formazione a.a. 2010-11 Silent Letters.

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1 Scienze dell’Educazione e della Formazione a.a. 2010-11 Silent Letters

2 letters and syllables you don’t hear or say but are written! Some unstressed sylllables disappear altogether in spoken English – this is always a source of trouble for non-native speakers.

3 Examples of ‘long’ words that become ‘short’ when spoken Comfortable Different Interesting Interested Laboratory raspberry Corporate Literature Procedure Temperature dictionary Marvellous

4 Silent ‘k’ ‘k’ before ‘n’ at the beginning of a word is silent know knee knock knight knickers knife knit knuckle knot

5 Silent ‘p’ A ‘p’ before an ‘s’ at the beginning of a word is silent psychology psycholinguistics psyche psychoanalysis psychiatrist psychopath psychodrama psychedelic

6 Silent ‘h’ The following words have a silent ‘h’ (they function as a vowel – eg. an hour honest honour, honesty, honourable hour heir

7 Silent ‘r’ final ‘er’ is pronounced [Ə] e.g. teacher father mother further driver computer master The ‘r’ in ‘ar’ [a:] lengthens the vowel eg. bar car far star start cart art

8 Other Silent letters 1. final ‘n’ after ‘m’ eg. column autumn 2. ‘e’ in ‘ed’ eg. walked phoned stopped 3. ‘gh’ before ‘t’ eg. daughter night eight 4. an ‘l’ or an ‘r’ that precede a consonant after a pure vowel e.g. calm form warm 5. the ‘t’ in cluster ‘stle’ eg. castle, whistle bustle

9 Silent ‘e’ A final ‘e’ which follows cluster ‘single vowel + single consonant is silent. BUT it makes the single vowel say its name. 1. can vs cane man vs mane 2. bit vs bite kit vs kite 3. tub vs. tube cub vs cube 4. mop vs mope cop vs cope

10 Glottal stop The glottal stop, or more fully, the voiceless glottal plosive, is a type of consonantal sound used in many spoken languages. voicelessglottalplosive consonantalspoken languages The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ʔ. It is called the glottal stop because the technical term for the gap between the vocal folds, which is closed up in the production of this sound, is the glottis.International Phonetic Alphabetglottis

11 Italian version L'occlusiva glottidale sorda è una consonante, rappresentata con il simbolo [ ʔ ] nell'alfabeto fonetico internazionale (IPA). Essa viene anche chiamata comunemente colpo di glottide (in inglese glottal stop, in francese coup de glotte). Un colpo di glottide è realizzato quando le corde vocali si chiudono bruscamente per fermare il flusso dell'aria e immediatamente dopo vengono riaperte. consonantealfabeto fonetico internazionaleinglese francesecorde vocaliaria

12 Examples of words pronounced with a glottal stop Commonly the ‘dd’ and ‘tt’ in the clusters -ddle and -ttle are pronounced with a glottal stop middle kettle settle little fiddle paddle saddle

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