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PubblicatoGiancarlo Morelli Modificato 10 anni fa
Saving Water & Energy How can we save water and energy in the Tomato industrial agricultural crops? Matteo R. Class 4°B IIS “G.Garibaldi” a.s.2013-14
"Saving Water & Energy" Matteo R. 4°B IIS "G.Garibaldi" 2 Map Saving water & energy in the Tomato crops in the Tomato crops Tomato Metadata Water needs of tomato Bibliography Conclusion (1,2) Conclusion (1,2) Fertigation
"Saving Water & Energy" Matteo R. 4°B IIS "G.Garibaldi" 3 Tomato Crops The tomato is a crop that belongs to the family “Solanaceae”. That is a culture originated in Central and South American. Plant of tropical origin need for high temperatures to make sure the cycle of vegetation and come to fully mature fruit. Pict.1 Tomato Crop
"Saving Water & Energy" Matteo R. 4°B IIS "G.Garibaldi" 4 Water needs of Tomato The water requirements depend from potential evapotranspiration of reference. Water scarcity in fact results in a lower growth, flowering and fruit fall arrest evolution of flowers and fruitlets on the contrary, excess water is a waste of water. Pict.2 Tomato Harvesting
"Saving Water & Energy" Matteo R. 4°B IIS "G.Garibaldi" 5 Fertigation The optimized water with drip irrigation, raised awareness of most of the producer in improving the yield and utility and convenience to deliver not only the water but also nutrients with maximum efficiency. Pict.3 Drip Irrigation
"Saving Water & Energy" Matteo R. 4°B IIS "G.Garibaldi" 6 Conclusion (1) In order to save water we have to adopt drip irrigation and we haven’t to make flood irrigation because this way we can save about 60-65% of water in a productive cycle. Flood irrigation 50% of water utilized will go lost. Pict.4 Aspersion Irrigation
"Saving Water & Energy" Matteo R. 4°B IIS "G.Garibaldi" 7 Conclusion (2) Pict.6 Drip Irrigation: we can save about 60-65% of the water in productive cycle Pict.5 Aspersion Irrigation: 50% of the water will go lost
"Saving Water & Energy" Matteo R. 4°B IIS "G.Garibaldi" 8 Exercises 1)Talk about industrial tomato crop 2)What is it the fertigation? 3)How can we save water in Tomato crops?
"Saving Water & Energy" Matteo R. 4°B IIS "G.Garibaldi" 9 Solution of Exercises 1)It is tropical plants need for high temperatures to make sure the cycle of vegetation 2)This is a method for saving water and decrease production costs 3)We can save water by replacing the sprinkler irrigation with drip irrigation
"Saving Water & Energy" Matteo R. 4°B IIS "G.Garibaldi" 10 Bibliography Pic.1 Pict.2 Pict.3 Pict.4 Pict.5 Pict 6 Last Access 23/01/2014
"Saving Water & Energy" Matteo R. 4°B IIS "G.Garibaldi" 11 Metadata GENERALI: Titolo: Saving Water & Energy Autore: Matteo R. Classe 4°B Anno:2013-2014 Formato: PPT TECNICHE Dimensione: 1145 KB Punti di forza: Chiarezza Punti di debolezza: Sinteticità EDUCATIVE Tipo: Progetto Lingua: Inglese generale / microlingua Tipologia interazione: Espositiva (Selezione topic -lettura-navigazione ipertestuale) Livello di interazione: Medio Ricchezza semantica: Media Destinatari (tipo ed età): Studenti 16-17 anni Contesto di apprendimento; laboratorio multimediale, autoapprendimento, recupero Grado di difficoltà: Medio
"Saving Water & Energy" Matteo R. 4°B IIS "G.Garibaldi" 12 Thank You for your attention
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