Benvenuti in Italian Club!. Who speaks Italian Language? More than 150 million people speak Italian language worldwide (about half are native speakers)

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Presentazione sul tema: "Benvenuti in Italian Club!. Who speaks Italian Language? More than 150 million people speak Italian language worldwide (about half are native speakers)"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Benvenuti in Italian Club!

2 Who speaks Italian Language? More than 150 million people speak Italian language worldwide (about half are native speakers) Italian is spoken in Italy, Switzerland, Malta, Croatia, Slovenia, and more!

3 Where did it come from? Italian is a romance language, which means it comes from Latin Shares a similar grammar structure to French, Spanish, and Portuguese There are many different dialects and accents of Italian language!

4 Viva Italia! Italy is a country with a very rich history It is a part of the European Union Italy shares a border with France, Switzerland, Germany, and Austria, and Slovenia

5 What is Italy Known For?

6 History

7 Architecture


9 Beautiful Sights and Unique Places

10 Mangiamo!

11 Forza Italia!

12 Parliamo!

13 Greetings Ciao! Buongiorno! Buona sera! Come stai? – Va bene, grazie! E tu? Greetings

14 Mi chiamo… – Come ti chiami? Io sono… Piacere! – Piacere mio! Introductions

15 Greetings Ciao! Arrivederci! Buona notte! Alla prossima! Leaving

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