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Sociologia delle comunicazioni 16 marzo 2009 Cibercultura e studi culturali.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Sociologia delle comunicazioni 16 marzo 2009 Cibercultura e studi culturali."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Sociologia delle comunicazioni 16 marzo 2009 Cibercultura e studi culturali


3 In sci-fi novels, they dreamt of 'ecotopia': a future California where cars had disappeared, industrial production was ecologically viable, sexual relationships were egalitarian and daily life was lived in community groups. [9] For some hippies, this vision could only be realised by rejecting scientific progress as a false God and returning to nature. Others, in contrast, believed that technological progress would inevitably turn their libertarian principles into social fact. (Barbrook and Cameron ‘The Californian Ideology’

4 … West Coast radicals became involved in developing new information technologies for the alternative press, community radio stations, home-brew computer clubs and video collectives. These community media activists believed that they were in the forefront of the fight to build a new America. The creation of the electronic agora was the first step towards the implementation of direct democracy within all social institutions. The struggle might be hard, but 'ecotopia' was almost at hand. (Barbrook and Cameron ‘ The California Ideology ’ )

5 Collettivi Autoproduzione Video

6 Radio Alice, Bologna

7 Homebrew Computer Club Auditorium








15 John T. Draper “Captain Crunch”

16 Kevin Mitnick

17 War games (1983)


19 British Cultural Studies


21 Cultural Studies Parole chiave: Ideologia (Marx) Egemonia (Gramsci) Rappresentazione/significazione (semiotica) Identità (psicoanalisi) Discorso (Foucault)

22 Critiche alla cibercultura Espressione culturale di gruppi privilegiati (bianchi, classe medie, occidente, uomini, giovani, sobborghi etc) Fuga dalla realtà in un mondo artificiale controllabile

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