Venir - to come. ‘Venir’ is also a stem-changing verb. It has regular -ir endings but the stem changes from -e to -ie. ‘Venir’ is also a ‘go’ verb. This.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Venir - to come. ‘Venir’ is also a stem-changing verb. It has regular -ir endings but the stem changes from -e to -ie. ‘Venir’ is also a ‘go’ verb. This."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 venir - to come

2 ‘Venir’ is also a stem-changing verb. It has regular -ir endings but the stem changes from -e to -ie. ‘Venir’ is also a ‘go’ verb. This means that the ‘yo’ form ends in -go and does not change in the stem.

3 ven

4 vengo

5 vien

6 vengo vienes

7 vengo vienes vien

8 vengo vienes viene

9 vengoven vienes viene

10 vengovenimos vienes viene

11 vengovenimos vienesven viene

12 vengovenimos vienesvenís viene

13 vengovenimos vienesvenís vienevien

14 vengovenimos vienesvenís vienevienen

15 vengo I come I am coming I will come I do come venimos we come we are coming we will come we do come vienes you come you are coming you will come you do come venís you come you are coming you will come you do come viene he/she/you comes/come he/she/you will come he/she/you do(es) come he/she/you is/are coming vienen they/you come they/you are coming they/you will come they/you do come

Scaricare ppt "Venir - to come. ‘Venir’ is also a stem-changing verb. It has regular -ir endings but the stem changes from -e to -ie. ‘Venir’ is also a ‘go’ verb. This."

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