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Francesco Albano Solution Architect Microsoft

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1 Francesco Albano Solution Architect Microsoft
L’Application Platform a sostegno dei processi di business aziendali Francesco Albano Solution Architect Microsoft

2 Come governare tutto ciò??

3 Serve un’architettura organica!

4 Platform for Advanced SOA Will Require Expertise in Many Technology Areas
Strategic Planning Assumption: Through 2010, complexity of the application platform technology will continue to increase, widening the gap between the all-in-one generalists and the best-of-breed specialists; in favor of the generalists for the breadth and in favor of the specialists for the depth of their functional offering (0.8 probability). End-to-End Development Framework Common Metadata Repository g Portal Product, Rich Client User Interaction BPM Suite Business Process Management EII, MDM Data Integration Application Integration Integration Broker Event Server Complex Event Processing Application Server, TPM Transaction Processing Business Component Library Application Building Blocks Shared Middleware Infrastructure (RPC, MOM, WS) Gartner defined Application Platform Suite (APS) as a combination of a component-container platform (such as an application server), integration platform (such as an integration suite) and a user-interaction platform (such as a portal product). This three-tier definition essentially remains in place as the industry evolves, but the products and technologies that constitute the essential functionality of an APS are becoming more differentiated. An advanced APS, serving its three core functions consists of more than three technologies. The integration function is now represented by BPM tools, by data integration tools, including Enterprise Information Integration (EII) and Master Data Management (MDM) and by the ESB-based, service-oriented and event-driven integration brokers. The application servers consist of service-focused and separate event-focused servers. The portal products are expanded into Smart Enterprise Suites (SES) by addition of content and knowledge management. The extended APSs include the integrative layers of common development, metadata, security and systems management. Some vendors (BEA, IBM, Oracle, SAP) extend their APS with a library of pre-built reusable business components or packaged composite application extensions. The breadth of functionality makes it difficult for the generalists to achieve excellence in all areas of the APS technology, opening the platform market to partnerships of leading-edge specialists. Action Item: For best-of-breed platform technology, continue to look to specialist vendors; the irresistible benefits of one-stop shopping will come at the unavoidable cost of all-in-one solutions, uneven quality levels and vendor lock-in. Integrated Security and Systems Management APS core Advanced APS core Extended APS

5 Microsoft Application Platform
Key Points: The way we deliver on Connected Systems is through our Microsoft application platform. Today, we’re shipping three new products that augment the application platform that deliver: A trusted platform that enables organizations to make better decisions and obtain faster results. Text: Ten years ago, the conversations heard in the hallways of IT departments and application development centers were about application servers that touted tightly-coupled object systems and about individual products. But in the last decade, the conversations have shifted dramatically. Now you’re much more likely to hear conversations about entire sets of applications built on a consistent infrastructure using a consistent application model and built around Web services. Some analysts and pundits have dubbed this confluence the “superplatform”[1] – an integrated suite of products that provides organizations with an application server, web server, portal, integration broker, database, web services capabilities, a single integrated development environment, unified management and administration, and a smart client experience. At Microsoft, we simply call it the application platform. The Microsoft application platform is the way Microsoft delivers on Connected Systems and is the foundation of the competitive business and spans clients, servers, and devices, while providing the patterns and practices for creating reliable, enterprise-grade solutions. With the Microsoft application platform, organizations can build connected systems to bring together their people, processes, and information. The application platform brings IT assets and business processes into a cohesive whole, enabling deeper customer connections, integrated partners, empowered employees, and faster time to market. [1] We tried to pick some core building blocks and highlight the new things that are coming out. So in the bottom half is the server technologies, and we do a lot of work under the guise of our Windows Server System umbrella to make sure that these systems work well together. So you can be sure when we develop these things and work on them, the APIs used to write to are done in a consistent fashion, so when you use our development tools it's easier to write to them, whether it's SQL Server or BizTalk or SharePoint or other of the tools. Common execution formats, so when you actually build an application the CLR is the same and it will work across all of the different applications. It also means that security and manageability is done in a consistent way. Management: For the developers we use WMI for consistency in terms of how you write to and for management, and then we build Microsoft Management console plug-ins for all of our server tools and technologies so that you can manage them in a consistent fashion. Common identity systems through ADFS, so when you set the rights in one place it carries all the way through, from SharePoint potentially through the Windows Server and IIS down to SQL, depending on what the application does. So we work hard through Common Engineering Criteria to make sure that on the overall stack that the server components are all built to work together, and that's not just sort of run together, that's security, that's management, that's development, it's running the systems themselves. So that's a core part of the work we do, and with the latest releases for BizTalk, SQL and Visual Studio we've moved that forward, and I'll talk a little bit about that. And then, of course, a lot of what our customers ultimately interact with is the client end of the systems. And whether that's a portal, whether it's an Office application, whether it's a business app, one of ours like Dynamics or others, and ultimately the clients themselves, what Will was showing this morning, as well as devices, all of those hook into the overall platform as well. So we want to use the launch event to make sure we remind people that altogether we create and build a lot of technologies and products that come together to enable you to hopefully write better applications or build better applications and manage them in a way that you can empower your employees to make better decisions faster and that you can trust it's the platform to run your business on. Overall, the Microsoft application platform consists of: Microsoft Windows Server. The most productive infrastructure platform for powering connected applications, networks, and Web services from the workgroup to the data center, Microsoft Windows. The world’s most popular operating system for executing the most demanding business applications. Microsoft Windows Mobile. Windows Mobile software provides a familiar, flexible, financially-compelling mobile solutions platform for enterprise Line of Business applications and mobile messaging so businesses can realize the benefits of a more mobile workforce broadly throughout their organizations. Microsoft Office. A comprehensive and integrated suite of personal productivity products that provide a platform to enable organizations to address a broad array of business problems. Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server. A collaboration and information sharing system that enables businesses to communicate more effectively and work more efficiently. Microsoft Dynamics. Extensible solution to automate and help improve financial, customer relationship, supply chain management, and other essential business processes. Microsoft SQL Server. An enterprise-class database and business intelligence server capable of running the most demanding applications, analyzing data, and reporting results so that businesses can obtain a faster return on information. Microsoft BizTalk Server. Server infrastructure that enables businesses to to automate and orchestrate interactions in a highly flexible and reliable manner. Microsoft .NET. A comprehensive and productive development framework for building a new generation of connected applications and Web services. Microsoft Visual Studio. The premier development tool for cost-effectively and efficiently building solutions using the Microsoft application platform. Microsoft System Center. Management tools and technologies to help ease operations, reduce troubleshooting time, and improve planning capabilities.

6 Piattaforma affidabile

7 Direttore Divisione Sviluppo
Consorzio Operativo Gruppo MPS Marcello Milano Direttore Divisione Sviluppo

8 Soluzione Esigenze Benefici
Evoluzione del sistema informativo unitario in coerenza con gli scenari interni ed esterni al Gruppo “Dal 1996 abbiamo adottato la tecnologia Microsoft, prima per lo sportello, poi per la multicanalità e oggi per lo sviluppo di applicazioni mission critical (es. SOA e GRID). Dieci anni di collaborazione con Microsoft hanno dimostrato il valore della relazione e delle tecnologie.” Gabriele Maccari, Direttore Generale, Consorzio Operativo Gruppo MPS Esigenze Soluzione Benefici Evolvere l’architettura del sistema informativo coerentemente con le innovazioni tecnologiche, le dinamiche del mercato e con l’organizzazione del Gruppo Aumentare la fruibilità dei servizi e semplificarne l’accesso da parte degli utenti Ridurre i costi di sviluppo e il TCO delle soluzioni La Piattaforma applicativa Microsoft viene utilizzata in modo pervasivo. Ad esempio: Progetto IAS (costo ammortizzato, impairment, fair value + segment reporting) Basato su SQL Server Circa 15 Tb di dati Gestione flussi Corporate Uso esteso di BizTalk Oggi circa 6 milioni di disposizioni mensili. A breve 17 milioni di transazioni dispositive e informative Corporate Portal Sharepoint Portal Server Servizi offerti a utenti Time to market: primi in multicanalità e innovazione Efficace integrazione fra le diverse società del Gruppo. Sviluppi verso l’azienda ”estesa” Maggiore flessibilità nella definizione dell’offerta di nuovi servizi Riduzione del TCO

9 Piattaforma per la Business Intelligence in Real Time

10 Tele Sistemi Ferroviari
Marco Poggi Responsabile Area Sviluppo Mercato e Sistemi per le Infrastrutture Ferroviarie

11 Soluzione Esigenze Benefici
Integrare gli strumenti di gestione della circolazione con SQL Server 2005 “La Piattaforma Integrata di Circolazione (PIC), supporta il processo di circolazione dei treni su tutto il territorio Nazionale. Grazie alla tecnologia Microsoft le informazioni gestite in tempo reale e quelle storiche di registrazione del servizio sono integrate e disponibili per il monitoraggio, l’analisi ed il reporting, aumentando la capacità gestionale della circolazione.” Marco Poggi, Account Manager RFI, Tele Sistemi Ferroviari Esigenze Soluzione Benefici Necessità di fruire di informazioni storiche e real-time in un’unica soluzione di analisi, che permetta di gestire la circolazione di oltre treni al giorno Richiesta di totale adesione agli standard Web Services per garantire la massima interoperabilità con i sistemi interni e con altre aree o enti Time-To-Market per il rilascio di nuovi strumenti di analisi Soluzione di Business Intelligence basata su Database Storico SQL Server 2005, dati multidimensionali su Analysis Services 2005 e reportistica realizzata con SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Partizionamento del database SQL Server (2 TB) per ottimizzazione dello storage e delle performance Alimentazione real-time da PIC tramite BizTalk Server 2006 Esposizione dei servizi agli Smart Client presenti in ogni Centro di Coordinamento ed altri moduli applicativi tramite Web services Maggiore controllo sulla circolazione grazie all’integrazione dei dati di monitoraggio della circolazione, di andamento dei processi e di analisi dei trend del servizio in un’unica soluzione Possibilità di fornire, a supporto delle attività operative, funzionalità di carattere analitico integrate all’interno delle applicazioni transazionali Capacità di analisi dei fenomeni con profondità ed accuratezza necessaria al middle management di processo Flessibilità ed evolvibilità delle soluzioni analitiche e di reporting

12 Piattaforma integrata e interoperabile

13 Poste Italiane Paolo Sardoni Responsabile Sistemi di Produzione nella Divisione Operazioni Logistiche

14 Soluzione Esigenze Benefici
Integrazione real-time tra i centri di smistamento ed i sistemi centrali “Non ha senso pianificare se non si ha una visione aggiornata e precisa di quanto accade negli impianti di produzione. Grazie al SAC , si lavora sempre di meno su cosa è successo ieri e sempre di più su quello che sta accadendo adesso.” Paolo Sardoni, Capoprogetto del Sistema di Automazione Corrispondenza, Poste Italiane Esigenze Soluzione Benefici Fornire al management uno strumento per il monitoraggio e la pianificazione delle attività di smistamento Aumentare l’efficienza delle linee di produzione Integrare sistemi gestionali centrali e sistemi di smistamento attraverso piattaforme e tecnologie standard Soluzione di integrazione per integrare centralmente i 23 centri di meccanizzazione postale (CMP) con i sistemi SAP Adozione della piattaforma applicativa Microsoft per lo scambio di informazioni tra i sistemi di supervisione degli impianti e le applicazioni logistiche SAP (APO, LES) Realizzazione di un cruscotto manageriale per il monitoraggio delle linee di produzione Gestione in tempo reale della produzione Ottimizzazione della produttività e qualificazione del personale Riduzione dei costi di gestione Supporto alla creazione di nuovi servizi a valore aggiunto Disponibilità di una piattaforma avanzata per l’integrazione di sistemi eterogenei

15 Piattaforma di sviluppo

16 INPS Alfredo D’Amato Responsabile Strategie per gli standard architetturali, Direzione Centrale Sistemi Informativi e Telecomunicazioni, Alessandro Rossi Senior Executive, Government Operating Group, Accenture

17 Aumentare l’efficienza mandando “in pensione” la vecchia tecnologia
“Abbiamo effettuato una serie di analisi per essere certi di ciò che sceglievamo. La tecnologia Microsoft .NET ha dimostrato sul campo di rispondere appieno a tutti i requisiti richiesti, dimostrandosi pienamente in grado di supportare l’enorme mole di dati che gestiamo quotidianamente. Non abbiamo avuto dubbi a preferirla ad altre soluzioni” Dionigi Spadaccia, Direttore Centrale Sistemi Informativi e Telecomunicazioni, INPS Esigenze Soluzione Benefici Costruire una nuova infrastruttura informatica potente, affidabile, flessibile, indipendente da sistemi legacy e comunque in grado di interagire con essi, aperta alla tecnologia Web e, al tempo stesso, capace di ridurre i costi, semplificare i processi e offrire una maggiore produttività nello sviluppo del software Salvaguardare il patrimonio applicativo e di competenze presente in azienda Migrazione dell’infrastruttura applicativa da AS/400 alla tecnologia Microsoft. Microsoft Visual Studio .NET è stato adottato come strumento di sviluppo, Windows Server come sistema operativo server e SQL Server per la gestione dei database Migrazione di: 300 applicazioni, 40 milioni di anagrafiche,12,5 milioni di righe di codice COBOL, 2 Terabyte di dati su SQL Server ed Hardware Intel Itanium Forte riduzione dei costi di gestione dell’infrastruttura informatica Riduzione di tempi e costi per la manutenzione e lo sviluppo del software Possibilità di riuso del codice applicativo già realizzato Aumento del livello di interoperabilità, grazie all’utilizzo dei Web service Aumento del numero di servizi on line a disposizione dei cittadini

18 Conclusioni

19 Piattaforma affidabile: grandi prestazioni
Over 1.3M tpmC 188,761K tpmC 5.70 $ / tpmC 109K tpmC 2.73 $ / tpmC 0.99 $ / tpmC Approximate length: 3 minutes Text: Talking points TBD TPC-C: 1P: Dell, 38,622 tpmC with a price/performance of 0.99 $/tpmC. Dell used SQL Server 2005 x64 Standard Edition running on an Intel dual-core Xeon CPU (Paxville). The best results from Oracle and DB2 are 1.81 and 1.61 $/tpmC, respectively. (Already Released) 2P: HP, 109,633 tpmC with 2.73 $/tpmC on 2P Opteron 2.4GHz dual-core, new all-time record for 2P performance (Already Released) 4P: HP, 202,551 tpmC with a price/performance of 2.40 $/tpmC – setting a new all-time record for 4P performance. Compared to the next best 4P (IBM’s eServer p5 570 running on POWER5 CPUs which got 197,669 at 3.93 $/tpmC), SQL Server+Windows+HP+AMD beats DB2+AIX+IBM+POWER5 by 2% on perf at a price/perf that is 39% lower. (Already Released) 16P: IBM, TBD, expected to be > 600k tpmC on 16P Xeon dual-core (Paxville) system, should set a record for perf on 16P systems (Targeting release at launch) 64P: HP, TBD, refresh of our current 1.08M tpmC result on 64P Itanium2 Superdome, expected to be ~ 1.3M tpmC (Targeting release at launch) *** Need to make the point here that 1M tpmC is over 1 Billion transactions per day, more than all the daily stock exchange, credit card and airline reservation transactions in the world added up; more performance and scalability than anyone needs Siebel: On Oct. 17th Siebel, Microsoft and HP announced two record breaking application benchmarks using SQL Server The top benchmark used Itanium 2, 16-processors and set the world record with 30,000 concurrent users. The second benchmark achieved the best price/performance with 20,000 concurrent users with a commodity 4-processor dual-core AMD server. The throughput, scalability & reliability delivered by SQL Server 2005 is unprecedented beating the best IBM result by 10,000 users and Oracle’s best result by 12,000 users. (Released) SAP: TBD, goal is 100K on SAP/SD benchmark on 64P Itanium2 HP Superdome. Oracle current top result: 100,000 concurrent users, IBM: 168,300, SQL 2000: 26,000. Results could be between 90k (“As good as Oracle”) and 100k (“Better than Oracle”).  (Targeting release at launch) 1P 2P 4P 64P Standard Proprietary

20 Piattaforma affidabile SAP su SQL Server 2005
Davide Piattaforma affidabile SAP su SQL Server 2005 Scalabilità a 3.5X! Nr.massimo di utenti concorrenti Miglioramento 8X! Nr. di proc. per utenti concorrenti Piattaforma di riferimento Piattaforma leader nelle nuove installazioni di SAP % of New SAP Installations On Windows and SQL Server 75% 50% 25% 0% 1998 2002 2005 1994 42x Growth! 93,000 32 HP Integrity Superdome 26,000 HP ProLiant Approximate length: 2 minutes Text: Microsoft and SAP started a partnership in 1993, and on 2005 we have the strongest relationship ever. More than 20,000 customers today are running SAP business applications on SQL Server. SQL Server is now the platform of choice: 42% of all the new SAP deployments and more than 60% of all new SAP shipments are on Windows Server. SQL Server is the fastest growing database for SAP business applications. Microsoft engineers sit in SAP Headquarters, working with the SAP engineering team ensuring total interoperability and seamless operation with SAP business applications. SAP is READY to support SQL Server 2005 for the largest customer workloads. The future looks even better: SQL Server 2005 benchmarks for SAP show unprecedented price performance, and world class scalability. Customers are currently running SAP business applications on SQL Server 2005, like Kohler paper, Tuv North, and Microsoft. Actually, Microsoft has been running it’s own mission critical SAP instance on SQL Server 2005 since August 2004! The momentum is growing: SAP and Microsoft are launching aggressive sales force initiatives and go-to-market programs targeting Oracle, and are looking to migrate to SQL Server the largest existing SAP customers that currently run on Oracle. Benchmark information 58,000+ SAP installations on Windows; over 52% of existing installs 42% of all new SAP installations on SQL Server 24,000+ SAP installations on SQL Server Benchmark 1 – Three tier SD Standard Application Benchmark -- 93,000 concurrent users A) 26,000 concurrent users, SQL 2000, 32 processors, Cert # , 3/4/2002, Unisys, Windows Datacenter Server Limited Edition (DB),MS SQL Server 2000, Unisys, 32 processors  B) 93,000 concurrent users, SQL 2005, Intel Itanium 2, HP Integrity superdome hardware, 64 processors, Cert # TBD Benchmark 2 -- Three tier SD Standard Application Benchmark – 18,000 concurrent users in a standard commodity 4-proc server A) 18,500, SQL 2000, 32 processors, Cert # , 4/23/2001, Unisys, concurrent users, Windows 2000+MS SQL Server 2000, HW: Unisys Enterprise Server ES7000, 32-way, Pent. III Xeon, 700 MHz, 2 MB L232  B) 18,000 concurrent users, SQL 2005, 4 processors, Cert # , 6/27/2005, Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition (64-bit) (DB), Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition (32-bit) (Apps)SQL Server 2005 (64-bit)HP ProLiant DL585, 4-way SMP, Dual-core AMD Opteron processor Model GHz, 128 KB L1 cache, 2 MB L2 cache4  4 SAP SD three-tier standard application benchmarks # and SAP SD three-tier standard application benchmarks # , and other Grande scalabilità e ottimo rapporto prezzo/prestazioni per l’utilizzo delle SAP business application su SQL Server 2005

21 Prossimi appuntamenti (per il vostro staff: IT Manager area applicativa)
Executive webcast (1 ora): 13 dicembre Business Intelligence e scorecard con le nuove tecnologie Microsoft 19 gennaio Application Integration Workshop di approfondimento (mezza giornata) 14 dicembre Milano 16 dicembre Roma Visual Studio 2005 Team System: un insieme di tool di sviluppo innovativi Setting the Stage 1) Breakfast is meant to complement what will be discussed later today 2) This presentation is meant to be interactive 3) We will focus mainly on customer examples where Microsoft’s new Application Platform Technologies come to life 4) In the end, we invite you to take us up on our offer to learn more…

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