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La piattaforma Microsoft per lo sviluppo di applicazioni

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Presentazione sul tema: "La piattaforma Microsoft per lo sviluppo di applicazioni"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 La piattaforma Microsoft per lo sviluppo di applicazioni
Walter Poloni Developer & Platform Evangelism Lead

2 Three Waves of Software
Client Server Office Business Solutions

3 Platform Roadmap 3 Waves of Innovation
Summer 2005 2006 Longhorn Today Yukon Basic Web Services Advanced Web Services Indigo Communications SQL Server 2000 SQL Server ‘Yukon’ WinFS Data Office 2003 WinForms Office 2003 WinForms Avalon Office Longhorn Smart Client & Presentation Managed Code XP SP2 VS ‘Whidbey’ WinFx ClickOnce NGSCB… Fundamentals

4 The Phases of a Rhythm Sustained Marketing Touchdown Ascend TAP 50
# of ISVs and Customers in Program # of Design Wins # of Solutions & Customers <20 ~200 ~5,000 >10,000 Sustained Marketing Touchdown 100,000 ISVs & Enterprises Ascend 200 Launch TAP 50 Each Rhythm has three phases: TAP, Ascend and Touchdown. A Rhythm starts after early messaging about the product or technology is sent to maket, and ends close to the launch of the product, when the Sales and Marketing organizations start sustained marketing. Ideally, the phases and their related activities follow a timeline related to the several milestones of product development. Since those milestones are not fixed in time, the delivery of the phases also are not fixed in time. The logistics of nominations and the interest from customers and partners can also influence the delivery of the phases, in an ongoing, interactive process. Early Staging Phase Alpha Beta 1 RTM Time Beta 2 t -24 t - 12 t - 6 t Launch t + 6 t – 18 t + 12 t -36

5 TAP Tap is the first of the 3 phases of a Rhythm
Starts during a product’s early Alpha phase ~25 ISVs, ~25 customers worldwide Companies with global appeal and brand 1-to-1 engagement with product groups Influential customers and ISVs Discuss ideas, features, conduct design reviews Driven and executed by D&PE Corp Field can eventually nominate ISVs and customers for consideration, following Corp’s guidelines Goals Provide feedback and validation to the product groups Develop early applications/pilots with real-world scenarios Obtain great customer and partner evidence The Technology Adoption Program (TAP) is the first of the three phases in a Rhythm. TAP starts during the product's early alpha phase. TAP is a highly interactive, one-to-one engagement targeting the most influential customers and ISVs. In a TAP engagement, we will discuss ideas, discuss the product's features list, and conduct design reviews. TAP is primarily a Corporate-driven program: Field involvement is limited to nominating its best customers and partners for consideration by the D&PE Corporate TAP team. The main objectives of the TAP phase are to provide feedback and deep platform validation to the product group, create a sense of inevitability for the Microsoft platform, and obtain key customer and partner evidence for Launch. In the TAP phase, we engage roughly 25 ISVs and 25 enterprise customers per Rhythm. Each customer or ISV should develop an application or proof of concept by the end of its engagement.

6 Ascend Ascend is the second of the 3 phases of a Rhythm
Starts during a product’s pre-public Beta 1 phase ~1,000 influential customers and ISVs GSM and CAS customers, managed partners launch deployments Driven by D&PE Corp and Field Field nominates ISVs and customers for consideration, following Corp’s guidelines Corp-led trainings + Field activities “Train-the-trainer” element for Field Deep engagement – moderate scale, Field involvement Goals Early deployments, Field readiness Obtain great customer and partner evidence, PR momentum Generate content and demos for Touchdown phase Ascend is the second of the three phases of a Rhythm. Ascend usually begins during the product's Beta 1 (pre-public) phase, and is aimed at our Global, Strategic and Major (GSM) customers, Corporate Account Segment (CAS), and our Gold certified, managed partners. Like TAP, Ascend is a highly interactive, program. This phase involves the Field much more than TAP, and includes a “train the trainer” program element for Field engagements. Ascend is primarily focused on training and early deployments of a given Rhythm, and involves a combination of Corporate-led trainings and Field-driven activities. The objectives for Ascend are deep engagement via moderate scale and Field involvement; achieving Field readiness; generating content and demos for the Touchdown phase; generating customer and partner evidence; and generating PR momentum. In the Ascend phase, we plan to secure launch deployments.

7 Touchdown Touchdown is the third of the 3 phases of a Rhythm
Starts during a product’s public Beta 2 phase ~100,000 developers in ISVs and Enterprises Field drives demand, Corp produces content Broad marketing Field-driven events Online assets Goals Reach a wide audience ~100,000 professional developers Secure online statements of intent from ISVs Obtain great customer and partner evidence, PR momentum Touchdown is the third of the three phases of a Rhythm. While the first two phases are high-touch engagements, Touchdown is a broad initiative aimed at promoting a given Rhythm to a very wide audience. As a rule, the goal of the Touchdown phase is to reach 100,000 professional developers, and secure online statements of intent from a number of ISVs. Touchdown generally runs from a product's first public beta to about 12 months after the product launches. Touchdown achieves scale through broad marketing, Field-driven events, and online assets. The Field drives the demand for Touchdown, while Corporate develops the content for this phase of the Rhythm.

8 FY05 Rhythm Visual Studio 2005 SQL Server 2005 Smart Client
Connected Systems Windows Server 2003 Windows Longhorn

9 Eventi Ascend Eventi riservati agli ISV iscritti ai programmi Ascend
SQL Server 2005 Corsi di 5 giorni Database Development (31 gennaio 2005) Database Infrastructure & Scalability (28 marzo 2005) Business Intelligence Development (4 aprile 2005) Visual Studio 2005 Conferenza di 5 giorni su 3 track parallele (14 marzo 2005)

10 New Directions for Solutions
Smart Client Office Smart Client – Wave 2 Windows Server 2003 Small Business Server 2003 Windows Sharepoint Services SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services OLAP

11 Skill Assessment I vostri sviluppatori sono pronti per la certificazione?
Test on-line erogato da PCSnet 3 linguaggi: VB6, VB.NETt, C# 3 specializzazioni: Windows, Web, XML e Web Serv. 52 domande: Livello equivalente esame certificazione Esito in tempo reale Piano di formazione personalizzato Report al Direttore Tecnico Nessun risultato di dettaglio a Microsoft Tutte le informazioni disponibili presso Carlo Pinasco e nel documento che vi è stato consegnato Per aderire compilare il documento allegato

12 Chiamateci per .... Technical concierge Assessment di soluzioni
Review architetturali Integrazione di tecnologie Roadmap di prodotti Certificazione di soluzioni ISV Team Carlo Pinasco Gabriele Castellani Walter Poloni

13 Call to action Skill assessment Eventi Ascend Office Smart Client
Windows Sharepoint Services SQL Server 2005


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