Each student will be able to ask an adult or stranger: What do you like to do? and What don’t you like to …?

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Presentazione sul tema: "Each student will be able to ask an adult or stranger: What do you like to do? and What don’t you like to …?"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Each student will be able to ask an adult or stranger: What do you like to do? and What don’t you like to …?

2 Cosa Le piace fare? Mi piace…

3 Le piace…? Sì, mi piace… / No, non mi piace…

4 Note: The form of the verb as it is listed in the dictionary is called the “infinitive”. Most infinitives in Italian end in “-are”, “-ere”, or “-ire”.

5 The expressions Mi piace…and Non mi piace…are followed by the infinitive when you wish to indicate an action you like or don’t like to do. In English the infinitive begins with “to”: to sing, to eat

6 leggere il giornale

7 correre

8 mangiare

9 fare esercizi

10 andare alle feste

11 dormire

12 pulire la cucina

13 andare al cinema

14 uscire con un amico (un’amica)

15 scrivere lettere

16 Cosa ti piace fare? Name three things that you like to do and three things that you do not like to do.

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