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N eutrino E xperiment with S pectrometer S i n E urope SPECTROMETER(S) Prospects for a New Neutrino CERN-PS Experiment: 1Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco.

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Presentazione sul tema: "N eutrino E xperiment with S pectrometer S i n E urope SPECTROMETER(S) Prospects for a New Neutrino CERN-PS Experiment: 1Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 N eutrino E xperiment with S pectrometer S i n E urope SPECTROMETER(S) Prospects for a New Neutrino CERN-PS Experiment: 1Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova Technical Proposal jointly submitted to SPS-C: arXiv:1230.3432, April 2012

2 In the last decade a set of experimental results challenged the 3 framework  no one conclusive, but all pointing toward the same direction Experimental motivations 2 LSND MiniBooNE and -bar Reactor -bar anomaly Cosmology Gallium MCi exposure Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova

3 A coupled system of LAr detector + muon spectrometer for –Observation of all reaction channels ( , e ; CC, NC) through the unique LAr-TPC imaging capabilities –Charge separation and muon momentum extension with a magnetized iron spectrometer –Different sites near (300 m) + far (1600 m) A conclusive experiment 3 Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova

4 Where: CERN North Area 4  100 GeV primary beam fast extracted from SPS  Target station next to TCC2  Decay pipe: L =100 m, ø = 3 m  Beam dump: 15 m of Fe with graphite core, followed by μ stations  Neutrino beam angle: pointing upwards, at -3m in the far detector, ~5 mrad slope Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova

5 The ICARUS-NESSIE Collaborators M. Antonello 1, D. Bagliani 2, B. Baibussinov 5, M. Benettoni 5, P. Bernardini 25,26, A. Bertolin 5, H. Bilokon 6, F. Boffelli 8, M. Bonesini 9, C. Bozza 31, R. Brugnera 4,5, E. Calligarich 8, N. Canci 1, A. Cecchetti 6, S. Cecchini 24, S. Centro 4,5, A. Cesana 10, K. Cieslik 11, D. B. Cline 12, A. G. Cocco 14, G. Collazuol 5,6, P. Creti 26, F. Dal Corso 5, I. De Mitri 25,26, D. Dequal 4,5, A. Dermenev 15, G. De Robertis 22, M. De Serio 22, L. Degli Esposti 24, D. Di Ferdinando 24,R. Dolfini 7,8, M. De Gerone 2,3, U. Dore 28,29, S. Dusini 5, S. Dussoni 2,3, P. Fabbricatore 3, C. Fanin 5, C. Farnese 4, A. Fava 5, A. Ferrari 16, R. A. Fini 22, G. Fiore 26, G. Fiorillo 13,14, A. Garfagnini 4,5, G. T. Garvey 17, F. Gatti 2,3, G. Giacomelli 23,24, R. Giacomelli 24, D. Gibin 4,5, S. Gninenko 15, G. Grella 30, C. Guandalini 24, F. Guber 15, M. Guerzon i24, A. Guglielmi 5, M. Haranczyk 11, J. Holeczek 18, A. Ivashkin 15, M. Kirsanov 15, J. Kisiel 18, I. Kochanek 18, U. Kose 5, A. Kurepin 15, J. Łagoda 19, G. Laurenti 24, M. Laveder 4,5, I. Lippi 5, F. Loddo 22, A. Longhin 6, P. Loverre 28,29, G. Lucchini 9, W. C. Louis 17, G. Mancarella 25,26, G. Mandrioli 24, S. Mania 18, G. Mannocchi 6, S. Marchini 5, A. Margiotta 23,24, G. Marsella 26,27, V. Matveev 15, N. Mauri 6, E. Medinaceli 4,5, A. Menegolli 7,8, G. Meng 5, A. Mengucci 6, M. Mezzetto 5, R. Michinelli 24, G. B. Mills 17, C. Montanari 8, M. T. Muciaccia 21,22, M. Nicoletto 5, D. Orecchini 6, S. Otwinowski 12, T. J. Palczewski 19, A. Paoloni 6, G. Passardi 16, A. Pastore 21,22, L. Patrizii 24, F. Perfetto 13,14, P. Picchi 6, F. Pietropaolo 5, P. Płonski 20, M. Pozzato 23,24, A. Rappoldi 8, G. L. Raselli 8, R. Rescigno 30, G. Rosa 28,29, M. Rossella 8, C. Rubbia 1,16, P. Sala 10, A. Scaramelli 10, E. Segreto 1, S. Simone 21,22, M. Sioli 23,24, G. Sirri 24, M. Spurio 23,24, L. Stanco 5, S. Stellacci 30, D. Stefan 1, J. Stepaniak 19, R. Sulej 19, A. Surdo 26, O. Suvorova 15, M. Tenti 23,24, M. Terrani 10, D. Tlisov 15, V. Togo 24, R. G. Van de Water 17, G. Trinchero 6, M. Turcato 5, F. Varanini 4, M. Ventura 6, S. Ventura 5, C. Vignoli 1, H. G. Wang 12, X. Yang 12, M. Zago 5, A. Zani 8 and K. Zaremba 20. Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova Slide# : 5

6 Produced documentation so far lRelevant documents sent to SPS Committee by the ICARUS and NESSiE Collaborations:  a Memorandum from the ICARUS collaboration (SPSC-M- 773) of March 9, 2011  Proposal “A comprehensive search for >” from neutrino and anti-neutrino oscillations at large mass differences (  m 2 ≈ 1eV 2 ) with two LAr–TPC imaging detectors at different distances from the CERN-PS” (SPSC-P-345) of Oct. 14th, 2011;·  Proposal “Prospect for Charge Current Neutrino Interactions Measurements at the CERN-PS” with two magnetic spectrometers for measuring CC neutrino interactions (SPSC-P-343) of Oct. 11 th, 2011;  Joint Technical proposal: “Search for “anomalies” from neutrino and anti-neutrino oscillations at  m 2 ≈ 1eV 2 with muon spectrometers and large LAr–TPC imaging detectors” (SPSC-P-347) of March 15 th, 2012. Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova Slide# : 6

7 Beam Studies at SPS 100 GeV proton, Fast Extraction (10.5  s), Luminosity as at CNGS (conservative) CC muonsCC electrons Scenario defined for DATA Taking: 2 years of anti- followed by 1 year On-Axis !! 7

8 NESSiE (Neutrino Experiment with SpectrometerS in Europe) lGoal:  Allow charge separation and momentum measurement of as many muons as possible escaping from LAr (large statistics ↔ low sin 2 2  )  Go as low as possible in muon momentum (low momenta ↔ low  m 2 )  Possibility to also study (NESSiE) internal events (coarser resolution w.r.t. LAr) lSolution:  Air-core magnets for low momentum muons escaping from LAr (E  < 0.5 GeV/c in NESSiE ↔  E  < 1 GeV in LAr)  Downstream massive iron dipolar magnets for higher momenta extension NESSiE detector concept 8 m2m2 sin 2 2  Statistics Spectru n Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova

9 Muon disappearance signal Measured muon momenta in Far detector for anti-  CC and  CC with oscillation (red) compared to the non-oscillated distribution. Event rates are for 4.5x10 19 pot at 100 GeV, negative polarity reconstructed in the fiducial volumes of the Spectrometer alone 9 1 year of anti-neutrinos ! Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova Slide# : 9

10 Comparison with MINOS+ limits  disappearance 2+1 YEARS LAr+Spectr MINOS 2+2 e dis/appearance 1 YEAR LAr MINOS 2+2 plus BUGEY Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova Slide# : 10

11 lNew concept for a large transverse area magnetic field in air (~40 m 2 ) lB = 0.15 T lPower < 2 MW lTo be coupled to a mm detector (different possibilities under study) Air-core magnet 11 Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova

12 NESSiE iron dipolar magnets 12 875 cm 410 cm 586 cm FAR NEAR Coils B detector layers 1800 + 700 m 2 of RPC 20000 + 12000 digital channels B = 1.5 T B Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova

13 Detector configuration (far position) 13 Picture credits: G. Sirri Charge mis-reconstruction at few percent level in all dynamical range of interest (full simulation including selection, efficiency and recontruction) ACM dipolar (1 arm) dipolar (2 arms) Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova

14 lPhysics proposal submitted to SPSC in Oct 2011 [arXiv: 1111.2242v1] lIn the meanwhile:  Request to switch PS ↔ SPS lJoint technical proposal submitted to SPSC in March 2012 [arXiv:1203.3432] lFrom green-light, we expect 3 years of prototyping and construction  run in 2016 NESSiE time schedule 14 Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova

15 Actions in the near future SEPTEMBER: evaluation at European Strategy Group (CERN) evaluation at Research Board evaluation at CN-II OCTOBER: submission to CTS JANUARY: requests s.j. (A) for Prototypes and Technical Studies End 2013: requests s.j. (B, extra CN-II) for starting tenders 15Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova

16 Collaboration Bari: 0.6 FTE/3 Bologna: 2.0/5 Frascati: 0.5/2 Lecce: 3.2/7 TOTAL: 10.7 FTE / 29 people Padova: 3.8/9 Roma1: 0.6/3 almost factor 3 in FTE with respect last year In the near future: joint submission to European Strategy for -R&D for far future LBL -enlarge Physics investigation in case of discovery 16Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova

17 Coinvolgimenti: BARI: Simulazione, Front-End BOLOGNA: Simulazione, Software, DAQ, Disegno, Meccanica FRASCATI: Simulazioni, Disegno, Rivelatori, Meccanica LECCE: Rivelatori, Meccanica, Front-End, DAQ PADOVA: Simulazione, Disegno, DAQ, Meccanica ROMA-1: Simulazione e Software 17Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova

18 Gruppo di Padova: M. Benettoni (30%) A.Bertolin (60%). Responsabile Locale F.Dal Corso (10%) S. Dusini (40%) C.Fanin (10%) U.Kose (30%) M. Laveder (20%) I.Lippi(60%) E.Medinaceli(40%) M.Mezzetto (20%) C.Sirignano (20%) L.Stanco (40%). Responsabile Nazionale 3.8 FTE Riferimenti nella collaborazione - Stefano Dusini: Simulazione Detector e DAQ - Luca Stanco: Supervisione Collaborazione Nel 2013 dovranno partire con le gare, test di rivelatori, allestimento sale sp. A Padova si chiedono 6 mesi-uomo di Ingegnere e 12 mesi-uomo di disegnatore 18Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova

19 Richieste finanziarie 2013 Missioni Interne: 146+55(s.j.) (30+20 a PD) Missioni Estero: 109+20(s.j) (45+20 a PD) Inventario: 15 (0 a PD) Consumo: 142+860(s.j.) (25+0 a PD) Richieste ai servizi PADOVA per il 2013: Elettronica: 2 m.u. per consulenza DAQ 2 m.u. per consulenza Front-End Meccanica: 12 mesi uomo prototipizzazione Uffico Tecnico: 6+12 mesi per Struttura meccanica  Tot 412 K€ + 935(s.j.), di cui a Padova 100+40(s.j.) (Richieste molto corpose, modulo l’approvazione) 19Alessandro Bertolin / Luca Stanco - CdS Padova  Inoltre, per fine 2013 chiesti 2000 K€

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