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Presentazione sul tema: "ESSERE SUBJECT PRONOUNS PLURALI AGGETTIVI FISICHE."— Transcript della presentazione:









9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 ESSERE SUBJECT PRONOUNS PLURALI AGGETTIVI FIC=SICHE AGGETTIVI PSICOLOGICHE DOMANDE

10 Io _____ una ragazza americana

11 sono

12 Mio amico ___ alto e atletico.

13 è

14 Noi ________ alti e magri.

15 siamo

16 Loro ______ gli studenti di Signora McD.

17 sono

18 Mario e tu____ amici buoni, no?

19 siete

20 Mario e io = _____

21 noi

22 Lina e tu = _____

23 voi

24 Mario e Luigi =________

25 loro

26 Tu Voi Lei Loro

27 You informal You all-informal You Formal You all Formal

28 Io=___ noi =___ Tu=___ voi=___ Lui=___ loro=__ lei=____ Loro=___ Lei=___

29 I we You –i you all-i He they Sheyou all – F You –F

30 Marco e Giuseppe sono alt_

31 alti

32 Marina e Gina sono bell_

33 belle

34 Pietro e Giovanni sono simpatic_

35 simpatici

36 Anna e Paola sono giovan_

37 giovani

38 Pina e Lina sono fort_

39 forti

40 brunette/blond

41 bruno/ biondo

42 strong/weak

43 forte/debole

44 fat/thin

45 grasso/magro

46 young/old

47 giovane/vecch io

48 big/small

49 grande/ piccolo

50 good/bad

51 buono/cattivo

52 happy/sad

53 allegro, felice, contento / triste, infelice, scontento

54 generous/stingy

55 generoso/avaro


57 good at(capable)/inep t(incapable)

58 bravo/in etto

59 _____è lui? Lui è Mario.

60 Chi

61 _____è il tuo compleanno?È il sette luglio.

62 Quando

63 ___tempo fa oggi? Oggi fa bel tempo.

64 Che

65 _____ è la data di oggi? Oggi è lunedì, il primo gennaio

66 Qual

67 ____ abiti tu? Io abito negli Stati Uniti.

68 Dove



71 Fractions

72 Decimals

73 Percents

74 Order of Operations

75 Expressions and Equations

76 Rounding Decimals

77 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Rounding Decimals Expressions and Equations Order of Operations PercentsDecimals Fractions

78 Compare 5/6 and 7/9

79 What is >?

80 Common denominator of 5/9 and 8/15

81 What is 45?

82 Common denominator of 13/17, 3/4

83 What is 68?

84 Compare 4/7 and 5/8

85 What is <?

86 Common denominator of 5/14 and 11/18

87 What is 126?

88 Compare 1.22 and 1.02

89 What is >?

90 Order form least to greatest. 5.13, 5.07, and 5.009

91 What is 5.009, 5.07, 5.13?

92 Compare 2.36 and 2.3600

93 What is =?

94 The greatest number 0.9, 0.88, 1.02, or 0.98

95 What is 1.02?

96 Order from greatest to least. 6.5, 6.05, 6.56, 6.505

97 What is 6.55, 6.505, 6.5, 6.05

98 Write the ratio 52/100 as a percent

99 What is 52%

100 Write the ratio 66 2/3:100 as a percent

101 What is 66 2/3%

102 Express 1/ 4 as a fraction.

103 What is 25%?

104 Express 5/25 as a percent

105 What is 20%?

106 Express 23/25 as a percent

107 What is 92%?

108 In the expression (8-2) 3, this should be done first.

109 What is subtract in parenthesis?

110 In the expression 2 · 6 + 4², this should be done first

111 What is exponents?

112 The answer to 2a³ if a is 3

113 What is 54?

114 Write x · x · x using an exponent

115 What is x³?

116 The answer to the following expression: 2(3 + 2)² + 4 · 6

117 What is 74?

118 The coefficient of 4x

119 What is 4?

120 2x + 1 = 17is a two step equation because it has two ___

121 What are terms?

122 Write five more than a number is 25 as an algebraic equation.

123 What is 5 + n = 25?

124 Write the difference of g and 4 as an algebraic expression

125 What is g – 4?


127 Write the number of students increased by 15 is 220 as an algebraic expression

128 What is s + 15 = 220?

129 0.219; hundredth

130 What is 0.22?

131 0.555; tenths

132 What is 0.6?

133 4.52988; thousandth

134 What is 4.530?

135 9.1283; thousandth

136 What is 9.128?

137 1.704; hundredth

138 What is 1.70?

139 A mathematical sentence that contains the symbols,, or

140 What is an inequality?

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