The people side of Change management Leadership e Stakeholder nei processi di cambiamento delle organizzazioni DIPARTIMENTI DI GIURISPRUDENZA, INGEGNERIA.

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Presentazione sul tema: "The people side of Change management Leadership e Stakeholder nei processi di cambiamento delle organizzazioni DIPARTIMENTI DI GIURISPRUDENZA, INGEGNERIA."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 The people side of Change management Leadership e Stakeholder nei processi di cambiamento delle organizzazioni DIPARTIMENTI DI GIURISPRUDENZA, INGEGNERIA INDUSTRIALE E DELL’INFORMAZIONE, SCIENZE ECONOMICHE E AZIENDALI, SCIENZE POLITICHE E SOCIALI, STUDI UMANISTICI CORSO DI LAUREA INTERDIPARTIMENTALE DI COMUNICAZIONE PROFESSIONALE E MULTIMEDIALITÀ Relatore: Prof. Giampaolo Azzoni Correlatore: Prof.ssa Chiara Demartini Tesi di Laurea di: Sara Rai Anno Accademico 2013/2014

2 Reasons for Change External/Internal Stakeholders Society and Culture Crisis Competitors Economic condition Technology

3 Barriers to change Leadership Lack of vision, bad decisions Fear to fail and to be blamed Inertia Management Fear to be inadequate for new tasks Fear to appear weak or eccessively strict with long time collaborators Inertia Stakeholders Fear to lose job, fear to have to move somewhere else.. They don’t want to waste time learning new tasks, inertia They are dragged to resistance by others Resources If the project takes too long, they can be insufficient Other external factors can compromise predictions

4 LeadershipCommunicationEmpowermentEngagement Organization’s culture

5 Owners/CEOManagers Some employee/others stakeholders Leadership Knowledge of the organization, its contest and its stakeholdersProject every step of the change program, monitoring, make correctionsSponsorshipCoaching, role model for stakeholders

6 Interviews Massimo Donelli (Mediaset, Gruppo Mondadori, Corriere della Sera…) Cecilia De Guarinoni (Henkel Italia) “Bisogna capire come accompagnare le persone verso il superamento della prima reazione: ed è difficile. Cambiamento culturale significa sconvolgimento delle persone, che devono sentirsi soggetto e non oggetto del cambiamento. Il cambiamento è parte integrante nella storia dell’uomo come la paura di esso, quindi gestirlo da una posizione di leadership è estremamente delicato.” “Si può avere il più bel piano o progetto di cambiamento ma se non lo si comunica in maniera efficace e se non si gestisce in maniera efficace ogni aspetto della comunicazione, rischia di fallire fra le mani come niente. Ci deve essere un’architettura molto più precisa, costante e va fatta a quattro mani. La comunicazione a supporto dei leaders e poi sono i leaders che devono accompagnare i processi con la comunicazione adeguata.”

7 Direct communication between leadership and stakeholders, strongly visual Listening, transparency Communication for change Use of socials and other technologies

8 Empowerment Workplace Structural Empowerment Work Context Psychological Empowermen t

9 Engagement Better qualityLess absenteeism Customer satisfaction/fidelity More/Better productivity Better/Safer workplace Reduces resistance to change Initiatives that organizations effect to motivate and involve stakeholders in the organization and its projects. It is a psychological state of mind that is characterized by great enthusiasm for the organization, its members and projects (including change projects).

10 (Travel Project) Engagement and sponsorship in…

11 Organization’s culture An organization’s culture is THE identity and symbolic dimension, its personality and philosophy. It has great influence both on the work experience and on employees’ engagement and other stakeholders’ engagement.

12 Conclusions Change is an inevitable part of every organization’s life and they have to learn how to manage it. People (leadership and stakeholders) are the key of change management. They make it possible by destroying the barriers to change and by realizing every step. If stakeholders and leadership collaborate for change success, they make organization last in the future by creating its value and by enhancing perfomances.

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