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Presentazione sul tema: "IL PASSIVO."— Transcript della presentazione:


2 Definizione Si usa la forma passiva quando il soggetto subisce l’azione invece di compierla. La frase attiva viene invertita e il complemento oggetto diventa il soggetto della frase: They always ask permission. (frase attiva) Permission is always asked. (frase passiva)

3 Come si forma VERBO ESSERE (AL TEMPO RICHIESTO) + PARTICIPIO PASSATO DEL VERBO PRINCIPALE AFFERMATIVA The bread is made fresh every morning. INTERROGATIVA Is the bread made fresh every morning? NEGATIVA The bread isn’t made fresh every mornng. INTERROGATIVA-NEGATIVA Isn’t the bread made fresh every morning?

4 Come si forma nei diversi tempi
ACTIVE (Present simple) They make it in Italy. (Present continuous) He is writing a book. (Future simple) They will send him an invitation. (Past simple) Somebody murdered him. (Going to) They are going to send a letter. (Past continuous) They were building a road. (Past perfect) They had called her. (Present prefect) They have called a technician. (Modal) They might hold a meeting. PASSIVE It is made in Italy. A book is being written. He will be sent an invitation. He was murdered. A letter is going to be sent. A road was being built. She had been called. A technician has been called. A meeting might be held.

5 L’enfasi è sull’informazione.
Quando si usa -1 Per evidenziare un fatto o informazioni importanti: Further information will be given later! L’enfasi è sull’informazione.

6 ⇩ Quando si usa -2 Quando chi ha compiuto l’azione è sconosciuto:
The car was stolen yesterday. Non si sa chi l’abbia rubata.

7 Quando si usa -3 Chi compie l’azione non si menziona a meno che non sia considerato importante: The car is being repaired. È ovviamente il meccanico.

8 A lot of damage was caused by high winds.
Quando si usa -4 Se occorre specificare chi compie l’azione si deve usare by: A lot of damage was caused by high winds. Chi ha causato il danno.

9 Quando si usa -5 Per dare disposizioni, istruzioni ed esprimere divieti: Fishing is not allowed. Non è permesso.

10 Altre forme In frasi con think, consider, believe, say, report, know, find, ci sono due forme passive possibili: (active) People think he is writing a book. (passive 1) It is thought that he is writing a book. (passive 2) He is thought to be writing a book. (active) People say that he is brilliant. (passive 1) It is said that he is brilliant. (passive 2) He is said to be brilliant.

11 Per esercitarsi Inserisci la forma e tempo appropriato del passivo.
He………………….about the meeting. (not tell) ……..…the class room…….………..…? (paint) He…………..……………a gift tomorrow. (give) A new school……..…………….at the moment. (build) The children……………to bed early last night. (send) The chocolate…………………….! It’s finished! (eat) The house………..………..every day. (clean) She…………….copying during the test yesterday. (catch)


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