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COMPARATIVI E SUPERLATIVI GIOCARE E SAPERE. Comparatives are used to talk about one thing in relation to another, For Example: My car is older than yours.

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Presentazione sul tema: "COMPARATIVI E SUPERLATIVI GIOCARE E SAPERE. Comparatives are used to talk about one thing in relation to another, For Example: My car is older than yours."— Transcript della presentazione:


2 Comparatives are used to talk about one thing in relation to another, For Example: My car is older than yours This is better than that Superlative is used to express an absolute quality, where no direct comparison is made For Example: I am the BEST that was the WORST movie COSA SONO? GIOCARE E SAPERE

3 FORMARE REGOLAI AGGETIVOSUPERLATIVO Alto (Tall)Altissimo, Altissima, Altissimi, Altissime Buono (good)Buonissimo, Buonissima, Buonissimi, Buonissime Veloce (quick)Velocissimo, Velocissima, Velocissimi, Velocissime

4 FORME IRREGOLARE AGGETTIVOCOMPARTIVOSUPERLATIVO Alto (high)SuperioreSupremo Basso (low)InferioreInfimo Buono (good)MiglioreOttimo Cattivo (bad)PeggiorePessimo Grande (big)MaggioreMassimo Piccolo (small)MinoreMinimo GIOCARE E SAPERE

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