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Raffaele Cirullo Head of New Media Seconda Giornata italiana della statistica Aziende e bigdata.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Raffaele Cirullo Head of New Media Seconda Giornata italiana della statistica Aziende e bigdata."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Raffaele Cirullo Head of New Media Seconda Giornata italiana della statistica Aziende e bigdata


3 You should take an inventory of what you have got in the way of data, and you should think about how valuable each piece of data in the company would be if it were available to other people across the company, or if it were available publicly, and if it were available to your partners. Tim Berners Lee Talis interview, 2008

4 IF? WHAT what information can be published freely to improve transparency and enhance our reputation? What does it mean to go "Open"? Who can benefit? It is really about looking at the data we have (INVENTORY) and understanding if there is a value in sharing data What if we try to explain to the retail unit that 97% of our clients go online to find their shops? What if mashups are build by the community using our data rather then by our external agency? What if by marketing the data we can get 13.208 new impression for one of our stores in 30 days What if the content you write gets linked to the Open Linked Data Cloud? What if your SEO efforts are not just about keywords but...about entities? (SEMANTIC SEO)

5 206 Dataset organizzati in 4 macro categorie I dati sono stati pubblicati in formato CSV, XML, Excel e Google Fusion Tables Laccesso ai dati avviene attraverso la navigazione del sito OPEN DATA Enel 2012

6 FRUIZIONE DEI DATI Nuove macro categorie secondo la tassonomia aziendale e introduzione dei filtri verticali per consentire allutente la selezione dei data-set dinteresse. Dati Ambientali (Sostenibilità) Dati geografici (impianti e mercato) Dati di marketing e comunicazion e (Punti vendita) Dati economici e finanziari (Finanza) CATEGORIE FILTRI TempoFreq. LuogoAzienda + OPEN DATA Enel 2013

7 OPEN DATA Enel 2013

8 Grazie.

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