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PubblicatoDomenico Sartori Modificato 11 anni fa
Come analizzare e impiegare le best practices di confronto
Dall’esperienza del Global Contact Center Benchmarking Report - Roberto Fasiani CIS & IPC Line of Business Manager Dimension Data Italia
Agenda Dimension Data Contact Center Development Model CIS
Contact Center Benchmarking Report 2006 Contact Center Benchmarking Survey 2007
Dimension Data Dimension Data è un fornitore specializzato di servizi e soluzioni IT che aiuta i clienti nella pianificazione, realizzazione ed evoluzione delle infrastrutture IT Fondata nel 1983 8,600 dipendenti (Novembre 2005) Attiva in più di 30 paesi su cinque continenti Revenue 2005 superiore ai $2.7 billion Quotata al Primary Stock Exchange di Londra Dimension Data fornisce servizi e soluzioni IT con l’obiettivo di aiutare le aziende nella: Riduzione dei costi Incremento dei ricavi Gestione dei rischi Dimension Data Italia Fondata nel 2000 100 dipendenti 3 sedi: Milano, Roma, Padova
Contact Center Development Model
Chi sei e dove puoi andare
Stadio di sviluppo strategico Stadio di sviluppo operativo
Un modello di sviluppo Ottimizato Integrato To Be Stadio di sviluppo strategico Coordinato di Base Il bagaglio ventennale di esperienza ed il patrimonio informativo acquisito attraverso un’attività globale ci consente di proporre ai clienti un percorso di migrazione dallo stato attuale (che analizziamo insieme al cliente tramite attività strutturate di valutazione, Surveyor) all’obiettivo identificato sia dal punto di vista del posizionamento strategico del contact center in azienda sia dal punto di vista dell’operatività ottimale. As Is Stadio di sviluppo operativo
Competency Review Operational Strategic Management Customer Management
1 Management Customer Management 1 People Customer Experience 2 2 3 Process Business Integration 3 4 Technology Architecture 4 Information Customer Knowledge 5 5 6 Reporting Strategic Value 6
Principali trend e sviluppi
Primary focus on operational development with strategic development lagging Contact centres mostly focused on customer service with sales and marketing potential unrealised Business and technical architectures lacking the integration required to “act as one” Lack of investment in people (and their skills) who are the face of the organisation and core to the brand Cost reduction initiatives implemented without measuring the service delivery and productivity consequences
Stadio di maturità delle esigenze
Decline Maturity Shakeout Growth Development Contact Centre Infrastructure Outsourcing Interaction CRM Self-Service IP Architected Contact Centres Abbiamo oggi una domanda di: Ottimizzazione infrastrutturale (IP Convergence), -> IP Contact Center Ottimizzazione della maggior voce di costo (personale) tramite servizi self-service e ottimizzazione dello staffing (workforce optimization), -> Voice Portal, Web Portal, IVR -> Pianificazione via Workforce Management Massimizzazione dell’interazione con i clienti tramite Contact Management (CRM) e adeguamento formativo (workforce optimization) -> Sistemi applicativi di front-end e supporto (Help Desk, Customer Care, CRM), -> Coaching via registrazione delle interazioni. Workforce Optimisation
Customer Interactive Solutions
CIS Customer Interactive Solutions
Le soluzioni Contact Center Integration Integrazione dei canali di comunicazione di un contact center Integrazione del contac center con i sistemi di back-office associati IP Architectures Soluzioni che traggono vantaggio dalle tecnologie di convergenza IP per realizzare nel contact center reti unificate per voce e dati Interaction Management Gestione dei contatti tramite i diversi canali di comunicazione per ottenere una “single view” dell’organizzazione e dei clienti Self-Service Soluzioni interattive automatiche per la fornitura di servizi self-service attraverso tecnologie di speech-processing e web portal Workforce Optimisation Ottimizzazione della produttività e miglioramento delle prestazioni delle risorse di un contact center per mezzo di metodologie di quality management, workforce management e information management
Solutions Vendors Strategy
Perchè Dimension Data Dimension Data facilita oltre 6 miliardi di interazioni/anno utente/azienda attraverso i contact center e le soluzioni self-service che implementa per i suoi clienti. Dimension Data ha progettato, integrato e costruito più di 400 contact center nel mondo, fornendo servizi di gestione e manutenzione per il 50% di questi. Dimension Data – attraverso Merchants e i suoi offici –disegna, costruisce e avvia contact center da oltre 25 anni.
Contact Center Benchmarking Report 2006
Best practices, problematiche e possibili scenari
Contents of the Report Sample Specifications Strategy and Development
Financial Rationale and Management Customer Knowledge and Management Performance Measures and Metrics Processes and Procedures Organisation Technology Environment
Industry representation
Domanda: What industry are you in? [n = 333] Industry Segment Number of Contact Centres % of Contact Centres Automotive and Manufacturing 10 3 Business Services 32 Consumer Goods and Retail 27 8 Financial Services 97 29 Government and Education 24 7 Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals 18 5 Media and Entertainment Service Providers and Telecommunications 38 11 Technology 37 Travel and Transportation 35 Utilities and Energy 2
Average size of contact centre
Domanda: How many contact centre seats are there in the contact centre you are completing this survey for? [Average number of seats per contact centre|n = 349] The Merchants Global Contact Centre Benchmarked study was launched in 1997
Fundamental KPIs Customer Satisfaction (%, measured for the contact centre) First Contact Resolution Rate (% calls resolved first time) Agent Utilisation (% talk time) Staff Attrition (% annual agent turnover) Staff Absenteeism (% annual agent absenteeism) Abandoned Call Rate (% calls abandoned) Speed to Answer (% calls answered in 10 seconds) 83% 71% 57% 23% 8% 13% Cost per Productive Hour (average USD range across regions) 9 26 2005 Overall 82% 59% 21% 11% 12% 70% 26 68 2006 Overall -1% +12% +2% -2% +3% +17 +42 Change Cost per Productive Hour (overall average USD) 20 50 +30 Fundamental Key Performance Indicators The slide depicts a set of fundamental Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that together provide a quick summary of key changes in performance across the contact centre industry. KPIs are discussed throughout the 2006 Report and are covered in detail in Chapter 5 - Performance Measures and Metrics. Customer satisfaction – Measured specifically for the contact centre to understand the services available to customers. First contact resolution – Metric that addresses customers’ needs, as well as internal efficiency and productivity requirements. Agent utilisation – Metric that focuses on managing staff capacity, defined for the APS as agent “talk-time”. This is a critical indicator of management’s ability to appropriately plan and manage their resources. Staff attrition – Indication of staff turnover within the contact centre. A critical indicator of management and HR effectiveness. Staff absenteeism – Indication of employees’ unplanned for absence, and an often unaccounted for, but large direct and indirect cost to the organisation. Abandonment rate – Indication of an organisation’s service levels in response to customers’ calls; and their ability to effectively apply routing and channel strategies to meet volume demands. Speed to answer – Indication of an organisation’s service levels in response to customers’ calls; and their ability to effectively resource to meet volume demands. Cost per Productive Hour - The Cost per Productive Hour (CPPH)[1] is the commercial metric used to assess the real cost of providing a specific service. This is defined as the average cost per FTE per productive hour in the contact centre. [1] CPPH includes all elements of cost required to staff an agent seat. Once the cost per seat has been calculated, this cost should be allocated across the number of hours that the seat is productive. For example, if cost per seat is USD 200 per day and if the average occupancy is 65% over an eight hour day, CPPH = 200 / (65% of 8 hours) =
Reporting lines Domanda: Which of the following most accurately describes the level of person that the senior manager within the contact centre reports to? [Percentage of contact centres|n = 239]
Cost per seat Domanda:What is the average cost per seat (per month) in your contact centre both fully-loaded and without agent costs? [Average cost per seat (US Dollars)|n = 124]
Reasons to outsource / not to outsource
Domanda:If applicable, what was the main reason for your choice to outsource or not to outsource? [Percentage of contact centres | n = 173] To outsource Not to outsource Other includes "other" and "don't know"
Industry trends Domanda: Which of the following contact centre industry trends are the top three affecting your contact centre? [Percentage of contact centres | n = 247]
Use of speech technologies
Domanda: Do you use, plan to use or plan to upgrade the following speech technologies in your contact centre? [Percentage of contact centres | n = 263]
Resolution rates Domanda: With respect to call resolution, please indicate, where applicable, the relevant percentage of calls resolved during the past 12 months [Percentage of calls | n = 164] The percentages of calls shown in the graph represent the scaled averages of all respondents in each segment
Response times Overall Europe/ UK Africa/ Middle East Asia- Pacific
Overall Europe/ UK Africa/ Middle East Asia- Pacific North America Time to resolve calls Time to resolve calls not resolved in the first call within the call centre (hours) 3 1 6 2 Time to resolve calls not resolved in the first call outside of the call centre (hours) 9 4 17 Time to reply to messages Lapsed time from customer leaving a message to first attempt to re-contact (hours) 8 16 Lapsed time from customer leaving a message to successfully re-contact (hours) 10 23 Time to reply to s Lapsed time to reply to (hours) 25 19 28 11 Time to dispatch a reply to physical correspondence Lapsed time from when first received by mail room to reply to physical correspondence (hours) 55 65 42 50 13 Lapsed time from when first received by contact centre to reply to physical correspondence (hours) 37 35 36 43 Please indicate: Time to resolve calls (a) Average time taken to resolve enquiries that were unable to be resolved during the first call WITHIN the contact centre | n = 103 (b) Average time taken to resolve enquiries that were unable to be resolved during the first call OUTSIDE OF the contact centre | n = 91 Time to reply to messages (c) Lapsed time from a customer leaving a message to the FIRST attempt to re-contact the customer | n = 25 (d) Lapsed time from a customer leaving a message to SUCCESSFULLY re-contacting the customer | n = 19 Time to reply to s (e) Lapsed time from a customer being received to a response being dispatched | n = 105 Time to dispatch a reply to physical correspondence (f) Lapsed time from a customer letter being received by the mail room to a response being dispatched | n = 44 (g) Lapsed time from a customer letter being received by the contact centre to a response being dispatched | n = 46 Average number of hours
Use of IP and TDM Technology Infrastructure
Domanda:Do you use, plan to use, or plan to upgrade, the following infrastructure in your contact centre? [Percentage of contact centres | n = 238] Dialler Voice/call recording IVR Hybrid PBX/AC ACD PBX
Telephone number strategies: single number
Domanda: Do you have a single telephone number for the contact centre or different numbers for different customers / types of requirement? [Percentage of contact centres]
Risultati importanti Generali Tecnologici Organizzativi
Il contact center riporta sempre più spesso alla direzione La customer satisfaction è sempre più importante e la tecnologia è uno dei fattori per incrementarla Tecnologici Self service sempre più importante: speech recognition! Single number Organizzativi Sempre più outsourcing ma difficoltà a valutare oggettivamente Trascurata la gestione efficiente del personale, che è 2/3 del costo
Contact Center Benchmarking Survey 2007
Finalmente in Italiano!
Perchè partecipare, come fare?
È un’occasione professionalmente unica per confrontarsi con il mercato. Significa fare il punto di dove si è e di dove si vuole andare. Quest’anno finalmente l’intero questionario è disponibile in Italiano! Vi permette di ricevere in esclusiva l’Executive Summary 2007 della ricerca (Ottobre 2006). Vi pemette di acquistare il Report 2007 con uno sconto (per gli associati CMMC lo sconto è ancora maggiore). Come fare… Per ricevere il questionario è sufficente: Richiederne copia cartacea presso il nostro desk (previa iscrizione) Richiederne copia elettronica (via ) presso il nostro desk (previa iscrizione) Richiederne copia direttamente dal nostro sito web all’indirizzo Richiedere un incontro con CMMC e Dimension Data per lavorarci insieme! Tra coloro che riconsegneranno il questionario compilato entro il 21 agosto sarà estratto il vincitore di un iPod Nano.
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