Northern Ireland Valeria

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1 Northern Ireland Valeria

2 Ireland Northern Ireland situated in the north-east of the island of Ireland, it shares a border with the Republic of Ireland to the south and west Irlanda del Nord  è uno dei quattro paesi del Regno Unito .  Situato nella parte nord-est dell'isola d’Irlanda , condivide un confine con la Repubblica dell'Irlanda a sud e ovest.

3 Ulster people are outdoor people
Ulster people are outdoor people. They spend their leisure time pottering around the coast or going on family expeditions to the mountains at weekends. The rivers are full of fish. Free time Il patrimonio del Nord è in gran parte rurale. Ulster persone sono persone all'aperto. Trascorrono il loro tempo libero andando lungo la costa o in montagna nel fine settimana. I fiumi sono pieni di pesce.

4 The majestic cliffs of the causeway and inaccessible bays combine with myth and legend to inspire but look carefully amongst this breathtaking landscape and you will find echoes of another reality. sEAside Le scogliere maestose della “scala a e le baie inaccessibili si combinano con il mito e la leggenda, ma guardate con attenzione a questo paesaggio mozzafiato e troverete echi di un'altra realtà

5 Food Pane Soda è uno dei pani dell'Irlanda del Nord, fatto fresco ogni mattina per essere mangiato subito, o cotto fino a doratura in un Ulster Fry. 

6 Various forms of soda bread are popular throughout Ireland
Various forms of soda bread are popular throughout Ireland. Soda breads are made using either wholemeal or white flour. In Ulster the wholemeal variety is usually known as wheaten bread and normally sweetened, while the term "soda bread" is restricted to the white savoury form. In more southern parts of Ireland the wholemeal variety is usually known as brown soda and is almost identical to the Ulster wheaten (with a very slight difference).

7 Valeria vutcariov 2°R

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