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Contribution by the students of the Film-maker course

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Presentazione sul tema: "Contribution by the students of the Film-maker course"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 HOW TO MAKE A SHORT FILM Basic actions and suggestions (Proposal for a handbook)
Contribution by the students of the Film-maker course Città di Castello

2 Basic actions for the production of a video
Plot Screenplay Story Board Shooting Editing

3 Realisation Pre-production Production Post-production

4 PRE-PRODUCTION Finding the plot and setting up the script
Staff organisation Finding locations and actors Schedule transfers and request of authorisations when needed Setting up the set: set design, costumes, props Schedule and working agenda

Shooting agenda Shooting Shot check

6 POST-PRODUCTION Editing Sound mix

7 PLOT A plot is the first sketch of a story that will become a film. The synopsis is usually dreawn up on one page. Every story is the outcome of a traditional drama set of elements: Conflict Crisis Climax Conclusion

8 SCREENPLAY A screenplay is the backbone of a film. Writing a script should be rigorous. Its main elements are: Actions Dialogues The format of a screeplay is structured in a way that one page usually equates to one minute of screen time. In a “shooting script”, each scene is numbered & technical direction may be given

9 LO STORYBOARD In questa fase è importante pensare a quello che i francesi chiamano il decoupage tecnico. Pensare cioè al tipo di inquadrature che si vogliono realizzare. Uno strumento utile per abituare i ragazzi a quella che sarà la visione reale del girato, la composizione di uno storyboard, ovvero il disegno vero e proprio di ogni singola inquadratura. Are graphical oganizers such as a series of illustrations images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture or interactive media.

10 SHOTS Environment Extreme long shot Long shot Medium shot Total People
Full figure Cowboy shot/American shot Close-up Detail

11 Long shot Barry Lyndon (1975) - Stanley Kubrik

12 Full shot Mulholland Drive (2001) – David Lynch

13 Cowboy shot/American shot
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) – Sergio Leone

14 Close up The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) – Sergio Leone

15 Detail Psycho (1960) – Alfred Hitchock

16 CAMERA PLACEMENT Long take Land scape view Camera dolly
Shot/Reverse shot

17 The SET Set design Lights Costumes Make Up & Hair-Styling

organization of shooting day Call sheet Decoupage – detailed scenes Location Crew Accessoires

19 POST-PRODUCTION Acquisizione del girato Scelta delle scene migliori
Montaggio delle scene seguendo la sceneggiatura (Editing) Scelta della colonna sonora Finalizzazione

La visione di gruppo del prodotto ultimato servirà come feed-back del lavoro al fine di verificare se gli obiettivi prefissati sono stati raggiunti e in quale misura.

21 Grazie per l’attenzione Thank you for your attention
Contributo degli allievi del Corso per Film-maker

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