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PubblicatoFabrizia Ippolito Modificato 11 anni fa
Anno Diaconale f Federazione delle Chiese Evangeliche in Italia ufficio volontariato internazionale via firenze 38, 00184 roma tel. (+39) 064825120 - fax (+39) 064828728 e-mail:
Introduction Italian Diaconal Year programme belongs to the Ecumenical Diaconal Year Network. It promotes and co-ordinates long-term and full time volunteer service in social and cultural fields mainly on international level. The programme was primarily addressed to youth, but a senior programme started in the last years
Placements Hosting placements for volunteers are normally involved in social structure linked to the Waldesian and methodost church (Reformed churche of italy). Activities are mainly in youth and children education, elderly homes, mental and physical disabilities.
Placements Each placement offers in different ways accommodation, food arrangements, timetable, distribution of work, language training according to common standards Each placement offers a tutor and/or a supervisor of work
Volunteers At the moment the program in Italy can host up to 14 volunteers. Volunteers will normally live in the placement or close to it Normally each placement host a group of volunteers who live and work together though coming with several programs or with personal project.
Volunteers what we ask Volunteer should: follow placement's rule Participate actively to the activities proposed, the evaluation and planning meetings To bring their ideas and capacity to the success of the project To have an open minded approach to diversity from Home countries' traditions
Volunteers what we offer The hosting program will provide: Information and introduction to the placement, working field, places Tutorship all service long Regular planning and evaluation meeting among staff and volunteers a language training to allow volunteer to work and establish personal contacts Board and lodging and accompanying programme
Volunteers What we offer The sending programme will provide: Information on type of service Selection process Contact with hosting organisation Preparation before departure Evaluation after re-entry Follow up activities
Learning opportunities Intercultural learning: Volunteers Staff – placements' guests Local communities Active citizenship: Personal interactions Intergenerational aspects Personal development
Accompanyng programme Seminars/meetings (depending on n° of participants) Preparation Orientation Evaluation Follow up
Practicalities funding Volunteers' fee based on a solidarity model Contribution by hosting projects (grant and/or in kind) EU grants Local public entities contributions (grant and/or in kind) Specific fundraising donations
Open questions Legal status of volunteer visa/resident permit allowances Language courses Keeping motivation Interaction with local community Group activities
THANK YOU Federazione delle Chiese Evangeliche in Italia Ecumenical diaconal Year Network
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Federazione delle Chiese Evangeliche in Italia Ufficio Volontariato Internazionale Anno Diaconale - ServizioVolontario Europeo Introduzione Sottoargomenti vari Primo tema Secondo tema Terzo tema Quarto tema Riferimento alla realtà Importanza Riepilogo
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