Luglio 2006 INSTANT MEETING Roma 4 Luglio 2006 Hotel Exedra – Sala Michelangelo INSTANT MEETING Roma 4 Luglio 2006 Hotel Exedra – Sala Michelangelo.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Luglio 2006 INSTANT MEETING Roma 4 Luglio 2006 Hotel Exedra – Sala Michelangelo INSTANT MEETING Roma 4 Luglio 2006 Hotel Exedra – Sala Michelangelo."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Luglio 2006 INSTANT MEETING Roma 4 Luglio 2006 Hotel Exedra – Sala Michelangelo INSTANT MEETING Roma 4 Luglio 2006 Hotel Exedra – Sala Michelangelo

2 Wind – key historic milestones ENEL/FT/DT form Telecom JV Mobile/Free Internet service launched Merger with Infostrada Agreement with NTT DoCoMo to introduce i-mode in Italy Fixed line and GSM licenses awarded UMTS LicenceAcquisition of part of Blu’s assets Financial independence achieved UMTS launch Acquisition of Wind by Weather Investments 199719981999200020012002200320042005 As of December 31, 2005, Wind counts 8,117 employees The percentage of female workers is stable at 46% Human Resources

3 Wind highlights 1/2 Mobile market share Direct and Broadband customers Three leading brands 123 Total Customers 17%

4 Wind highlights 2/2 Backbone 2,880km of fibre optic MANs 18,510km fibre optic backbone Fixed network 488 ULL sites, 254 IP-based: 28% direct population coverage 300 additional ULL sites by 2006: Nationwide indirect coverage Fully IP-enabled by 2006 GSM 900/1800: 99.24% population coverage UMTS: All regional capitals and most provincial capitals GPRS / EDGE Mobile network 5 data centers 1,573 active servers 680 Tbytes of storage on 280 units 2 server farms (portal Libero, VAS and i- Mode) 530 Employees, ~990 FTE (outsourced) ~500K Prepaid Top-ups dialy ~6,4 Billion monthly CDR’s ~1.2 Million bills/month ~800 Tbytes of stored data 5 Wind Call Centers Approx. 4,000 people of which 1/3 in outsourcing IT Call Center

5 Financials Capex (1) 2005 revenues (1) : €4,661m 2005 EBITDA (1) : €1,502m

6 Luglio 2006 INSTANT MEETING Roma 4 Luglio 2006 Hotel Exedra – Sala Michelangelo INSTANT MEETING Roma 4 Luglio 2006 Hotel Exedra – Sala Michelangelo

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