Online U. Marconi Milano, 21/9/2015 1. ~ 9000 optical link 40 MHz PCIe based readout 30 MHz × 100 kB/evt 5 Gb/s, 300 m long fibres from the FEE directly.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Online U. Marconi Milano, 21/9/2015 1. ~ 9000 optical link 40 MHz PCIe based readout 30 MHz × 100 kB/evt 5 Gb/s, 300 m long fibres from the FEE directly."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Online U. Marconi Milano, 21/9/2015 1

2 ~ 9000 optical link 40 MHz PCIe based readout 30 MHz × 100 kB/evt 5 Gb/s, 300 m long fibres from the FEE directly to the Event Builder n ~ 30 MHz × 20 ms ~ 6 × 10 5 HLT threads 2 CERN-LHCC-2014-016 Event Builder

3 PCIe40 Contributo INFN: soluzione basata su protocollo PCI Express Modifica della board AMC40. Nuova FPGA. 3

4 PCIe40 Primo prototipo Aprile 2015. – FPGA Arria10 ES1: PCIe Gen2 Secondo prototipo Giugno 2015 – FPGA Arria10 ES2: Pcie Gen3 4

5 EB server 5

6 Event builder node 6 PCIe40 Event Building Network Interface Event Building Network Interface data from the detector ~ 100 Gb/s to the event builder Dual-port IB FDR – 110 Gb/s from the event builder events that are being built on this machine opportunity for doing pre-processing of full event here to the HLT empty DDR3 40-50 GB/s Half duplex 2x50 GB/s Full duplex DDR3 40-50 GB/s Half duplex

7 7

8 Event builder Collaborazione: INFN-BO, CNAF, CERN Sviluppo del modello di Event Building Test su farm effettuati usando protocolli MPI e InfiniBand verbs. 8

9 Cineca cluster bandwidth 9

10 Test MPI Presentati da A. Falabella:“13th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors”. Problema MPI: fault tolerance 10

11 Bandwidth vs n. of nodes IB verbs 33.87 Gb/s 33.46 Gb/s 30.43 Gb/s 27.55 Gb/s Matteo Manzali LHCb week Bologna 14-18 Settembre 2015 11

12 Bandwidth vs n. of nodes IB verbs 25.29 Gb/s 24.98 Gb/s 12

13 Gara PCIe40 Market survey: 22 aziende Aziende italiane in gara: 5 o 6 13

14 Readout board Progetto originario: schede di readout AMC40 su crate ATCA. FEE 14

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