Alcuni, qualche, un po’ di

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1 Alcuni, qualche, un po’ di
Il partitivo Alcuni, qualche, un po’ di

2 del, dello, dell’, della, dei, degli, delle
SOME or ANY It is expressed by the contraction of di and the definite article in all its forms del, dello, dell’, della, dei, degli, delle I would like some vegetables Vorrei della verdura I would like (some of the ) vegetables Ho delle cugine molto carine I have very sweet cousins (some of the)

3 It is used as a plural form of the indefinite article un, uno, una
Ho una mela e delle pere I have an apple and some pears Ho un vestito e delle scarpe I have a dress and some shoes It is omitted in negative statements No we are not buying (any) ice cream, we are buying (some) fruit Non compriamo il gelato, compriamo della frutta.

Alcuni, alcune is followed by a plural noun Qualche is invariable Both may replace the partitive when some means a few. Invitiamo alcuni amici qualche amico degli amici Maria porta alcune bottiglie qualche bottiglia delle bottiglie With nouns that designate substances that can be measured but not counted such as latte, minestra, - the partitive article del, della, dello cannot be replaced by qualche or alcuni. Un po’ di (Un poco di) may be replaced when some means a little, a bit of. Mangio un po’ di pollo I eat some chicken

Molto, molta, molti molte much, a lot, many Tanto, tanta, tanti, tante much, so much, so many Troppo, troppa, troppi, troppe too much, too many Poco, poca, pochi, poche little, few Lavorano molte ore? I bambini mangiano troppo Le ragazze mangiano poco When molto, tanto, troppo and poco modify an adjective or a verb, they are adverbs. As adverbs are invariable. L’America e` molto bella America is very beautiful Tu parli troppo You speak too much

6 Tutto, tutta, tutti, tutte When the adjective tutto is used in the singular; it means the whole; when it is used in the plural, it means all, every. Studio tutto il giorno I study the whole day Tutto il mondo the whole, entire world The adjective tutto is followed by the definite article Studio tutti i giorni I study every day

7 Ogni – each, every Tutto and ogni are interchangeable
It is always followed by a singular noun Lavoriamo ogni giorno Ogni settimana gioco a tennis Tutto and ogni are interchangeable Tutti I giorni Ogni giorno

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