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Simple Sentences in Italian

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Presentazione sul tema: "Simple Sentences in Italian"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Simple Sentences in Italian

2 Fate Adesso Provide examples of proper sentence structures in English?
What makes up a typical sentence ?

3 Obiettivo Students will be able to understand how to create simple sentences in Italian by working on proper conjugations in Italian using basic simple skills.

4 Remember!! Becoming a fluent speaker of a foreign language takes a lot of work. Simply communicating or making yourself understood in a foreign language is much easier.

5 Simple sentences in Italian !
1) The basic sentence structure: Subject-Verb-Object Esempi: Examples Carla parla inglese. Carla speaks English. Carla: subject / parla: verb / inglese : object Pietro ha una macchina. Peter has a car. Pietro: subject / ha : verb / una macchina : object

6 Subject Pronouns Like in English we have 6 subject pronouns: I, You, He, She , It , We, You They In Italian, we have similar pronouns with extra forms Singular Plural Io – I noi – we tu – you (informal) voi – you all (informal) lui / lei – he/she loro – they Lei – you (formal) Loro – You all (formal)

7 Pay attention ! Notice the verbs have different endings? That is what is called “conjugation”. Verbs are conjugated in Italian. Meaning  take out the infinitive … ARE / IRE / ERE Here are examples of verbs that are conjugated:

8 Verbs ending in ARE Singular Plural parlo parliamo parli parlate parla
Parlare – to speak Singular Plural parlo parliamo parli parlate parla parlano

9 Verbs ending in ERE and IRE
Vendere – to sell Partire – to leave Singular Plural vendo vendiamo vendi vendete vende vendono Singular Plural parto partiamo parti partite parte partono

10 Attivita’ Today's activity in your groups, complete the slide you are assigned to. On the slide, there will be sentences you are to place properly together as well as to conjugate. Then you are to complete the following: 1. Mention the verb you are conjugating. 2. Mention what the sentences have in common. 3. Provide an example of one of the subject pronouns that was not used in the sentence.

11 Group 1 mangi / Tu / la torta. la pasta. / mangiare / Io
mangiamo / il cibo / Noi Loro / il gelato. / mangiano mangiate / Voi / la cena.

12 Group 2 parti / Tu / per Roma. domani. / partire / Io
partiamo / per vacanza. / Noi Loro / oggi. / partono partite / Voi / stasera?

13 Group 3 mandi / Tu / la lettera. l’email. / mandare / Io
mandiamo / l’informazione. / Noi Loro / gli studenti. / mandano mandate / Voi / le lettere?

14 Group 4 prendi / Tu / le figlie. le scattole. / prendere / Io
prendiamo / il cibo. / Noi Loro / l’autobus. / prendono prendete / Voi / l’aereo?

15 Group 5 vendi / Tu / i biglietti. le giacche. / vendere / Io
vendiamo / il cibo. / Noi Loro / il gelato. / vendono vendete / Voi / i dolci?

16 Group 5 apri / Tu / le finestre. la porta. / aprire / Io
apriamo / oggi mattina. / Noi Loro / domani. / aprono aprite / Voi / stamattina?

17 How do you conjugate the subject pronoun missing?
What subject pronoun was missing? How do you conjugate the subject pronoun missing? What is the order of a simple sentence?

18 I Compiti (Homework) Pick a verb below and write a simple sentence using the following Pronouns: Io, Tu, Lui, Noi, Loro. I need 5 sentences!!!!! Make sure you have your Subject – Verb – Object! cantare – to sing correre – to run parlare – to speak dormire – to sleep vedere – to see offrire – to offer

19 Exit Slip (L’uscita’) Pros and Cons of understanding and learning simple sentence structure in the Italian language?

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