Il passato prossimo contro l’imperfetto

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1 Il passato prossimo contro l’imperfetto

2 Fate Adesso Guardate questo video! Watch this video on the difference between passato prossimo and imperfetto

3 Il passato prossimo The passato prossimo is used to talk about:
Specific completed actions – Ho viaggiato in aereo. – I traveled on an airplane. An action in the past which happened at a specific time – L’estate scorsa sono andato in Italia. – Last summer, I went to Italy.

4 L’imperfetto The imperfetto is used:
To give a description of a past experience – C’erano migliaia di turisti dappertutto. – There were thousands of tourists everywhere. To talk about a repeated action in the past – Lavoravo per cinque ore al giorno. – I used to work 5 hours a day. / I was working five hours a day. To express an opinion in the past – Era fantastico!

5 Attivita’ – 1. : Un mattina tipica
Sara ____________ (aprire) gli occhi appena ____________ (sentire) la sveglia. _______________ (essere) le sette di martedi mattina, non c' ________ (essere) il sole e ________________ (piovere) un po'. Sara _______________ (volere) fare colazione e cosi _____________ (andare) in cucina. Mentre lei ____________ (essere) in cucina, la sua compagna ____________ (entrare) perché anche lei _____________ (avere) fame. Sara e la sua amica ____________ (fare) colazione insieme.

6 2. Un appuntamento in centro
Sara opened her eyes just as she heard alarm. It was seven on Tuesday morning, it was not sunny and it was raining a little. Sara wanted to have breakfast and so she went into the kitchen. While she was in the kitchen, her roommate entered because she was also hungry. Sara and her friend made breakfast together.

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