Verso l’European Qualification Framework Strategie e linee di azione

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1 Verso l’European Qualification Framework Strategie e linee di azione
26 gennaio 2009 Luca Dordit Consulente ISFOL

2 Mobilità e Lifelong Learning SLITTAMENTI SEMANTICI
Mobilità geografica, formativa, professionale Mobilità verticale Mobilità orizzontale Mobilità laterale tra ambiti di apprendimento OSTACOLI Tra Paesi ed all’interno dei Paesi (within and between) Tra sistemi dell’istruzione e della formazione e tra tipologie di apprendimento (formale, non formale, informale) Verso l’effettivo transfer delle skills acquisite Verso il passaggio ad una nuova concezione dell’apprendimento basata sulla centralità dei soggetti apprendenti 1 Luca Dordit

3 Politiche comunitarie a favore della mobilità per ragioni di studio e di lavoro __ Periodizzazione schematica The EQF has raised interest in every broad sector of industry; service (financial services, personal services, commerce, tourism, health care, sports), manufacturing (automotive, chemical industry, electricity, metal), construction and the primary sector. There are also important cross-sectoral projects emerging; e.g. in ICT, marketing, social sciences, the latter with an aim to bridge education and training in VET and Higher Education. Reflecting the above interest, a number of test and pilot projects have been supported by the Commission focusing on how sector qualifications can make best use of the EQF. Their preferred option is that sectoral and enterprise-based qualifications should be linked to the EQF via national qualifications systems and frameworks. Indeed, it is argued, a direct linking of sectoral qualifications to the EQF would be unacceptable as there is (currently) no way their relevance and quality can be verified. A direct linking of sector and company qualifications could create a false image of reliability and trust, and thus increase the problems listed above. These stakeholders point to the de facto development of qualifications and certificates outside the domain of national qualifications authorities. While the most common solution will be to link sector and company qualifications to the EQF via national systems and frameworks, there will be cases where stakeholders prefer to operate on their own. According to these stakeholders, ignoring these initiatives is not an option. 2 Luca Dordit

4 EQF - Elementi chiave Livelli di riferimento Principi guida
Rilevanti per tutti gli stakeholder e gli utenti Principi guida Rilevanti come principi guida per i policy maker e le istituzioni Strumenti e dispositivi Rilevanti per i cittadini a livello individuale Projects have been initiated by a range of stakeholders, including sector organisations, social partners, national authorities and education and training institutions. While several of these projects are still at an early stage, success seems to be closely linked to the degree of involvement of stakeholders and the feeling of ownership to an initiative achieved. This means that narrow and isolated initiatives, failing to link up to relevant stakeholders in the relevant field, may face problems as regards overall credibility and trust. 3 Luca Dordit

5 Stato di implementazione delle proposte
Quadro comune delle qualifiche per il LLL - EQF Raccomandazione 23/04/2008 Sistema di Crediti - ECVET Proposta di Raccomandazione 9/04/2008 Dispositivo di trasparenza per la mobilità - EUROPASS Decisione 15/12/2004 Competenze chiave – Quadro comune delle Key Competencies per il LLL Raccomandazione 18/12/2006 Apprendimento non formale e informale - Principi comuni europei per l’individuazione e la convalida Conclusioni del Consiglio 18/05/2004 (atteso il completamento delle Linee Guida) Qualità - Quadro europeo per l’assicurazione della qualità della VET Proposta di Raccomandazione 9/05/2008 (attesa a breve la Raccomandazione) Orientamento e Counselling – Principi comuni in chiave LLL Risoluzione del Consiglio 18/05/2004 What we are looking for, is a potential application of the concept of valorisation to the projects and the questions above. Valorisation can be described as the process of disseminating and exploiting the results of projects with a view to: Dissemination of project results is often purely ‘spreading far and wide’ activities, using quantitative measures, and for valorisation, the exploitation process is quite decisive. ‘Exploitation’ is to enable others to make use of and benefit from the results, and we can identify two categories of exploitation mechanisms: mainstreaming and multiplication. 4 Luca Dordit

6 European Qualification Framework (EQF)
Funzioni dell’EQF Dispositivo per la comparazione delle qualifiche tra Stati membri e tra sistemi dell’istruzione e formazione Punto di riferimento neutrale basato sui risultati dell’apprendimento (learning outcomes) Meta-framework che consente la comunicazione tra sistemi eterogenei (Paesi, sottosistemi della formazione, tipologie formative) Sistemi interessati Processi di Bologna e Copenhagen Cosa non è Non sostituisce i framework nazionali e settoriali Non può definire nuove qualifiche Struttura 8 livelli progressivi articolati in knowledge, skills, competence Focusing on sectoral and company based qualifications, we assume that the issue is still open-ended: we still lack a comprehensive overview over needs and developments in this area; the political implications of these issues are not sufficiently debated and need to be clarified; we lack a systematic elaboration on how mutual trust can be supported, for example through quality assurance and other practical measures, between the diverse stakeholders active in this field. Increasing diversity of qualifications – for example triggered by internationalisation of markets and technology - may lead to a lack of transparency which threatens their role as trusted currencies in the labour market and education and training systems. 5 Luca Dordit

7 Raccordo tra EQF e percorsi di istruzione e formazione - Italia
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Livello superiore Formazione accademica Processo di Bologna Laurea Laurea magistrale Dottorato Livello base Obbligo scolastico Livelli intermedi Formazione secondaria Focusing on sectoral and company based qualifications, we assume that the issue is still open-ended: we still lack a comprehensive overview over needs and developments in this area; the political implications of these issues are not sufficiently debated and need to be clarified; we lack a systematic elaboration on how mutual trust can be supported, for example through quality assurance and other practical measures, between the diverse stakeholders active in this field. Increasing diversity of qualifications – for example triggered by internationalisation of markets and technology - may lead to a lack of transparency which threatens their role as trusted currencies in the labour market and education and training systems. Livello intermedio-superiore Formazione post secondaria non accademica 6 Luca Dordit

8 Schema dei processi di comparazione
Focusing on sectoral and company based qualifications, we assume that the issue is still open-ended: we still lack a comprehensive overview over needs and developments in this area; the political implications of these issues are not sufficiently debated and need to be clarified; we lack a systematic elaboration on how mutual trust can be supported, for example through quality assurance and other practical measures, between the diverse stakeholders active in this field. Increasing diversity of qualifications – for example triggered by internationalisation of markets and technology - may lead to a lack of transparency which threatens their role as trusted currencies in the labour market and education and training systems. 7 Luca Dordit

9 European Credit Transfer for VET (ECVET)
Definizione: è un metodo che rende possibile la descrizione delle qualifiche in termini di unità di apprendimento capitalizzabili e trasferibili, ai quali sono associati punti di credito Funzioni: intende facilitare il trasferimento e la capitalizzazione dei risultati dell’apprendimento di una persona che passa da un contesto di apprendimento all’altro, da un sistema delle qualifiche ad un altro Forme di cooperazione attese: è un meccanismo diretto a potenziare le sinergie tra le istituzioni che erogano il servizio della formazione; favorirà cooperazione tra le organizzazioni partner, impegnate nell’obiettivo comune del trasferimento e della capitalizzazione dei crediti formativi individuali Grado di coinvolgimento dei Paesi membri: sarà fondato sulla partecipazione volontaria degli Stati membri nei rispettivi sistemi nazionali delle qualifiche The results of the projects funded through EU programmes and initiatives need to achieve maximum impact: they should radiate as widely as possible so that the valuable lessons and experience gained by one group can benefit others. Moreover, what is learnt from a project should inform future policy. All this can happen only if connections are made between the organisers of the project and the wider community. The key means of connecting with a target audience is the process of dissemination and exploitation. To this end, the project promoters are invited to present their project focusing on: the preliminary/main findings; the (future) promotion of these findings; and their (potential) contribution to lifelong learning and mobility. 8 Luca Dordit

10 ECVET – Principali logiche operazionali
Descrizione delle qualifiche in risultati di apprendimento (learning outcomes) Suddivisione delle qualifiche in unità e loro successiva modularizzazione Assegnazione di un determinato valore alle unità ed ai percorsi per mezzo di crediti Riconoscimento istituzionale dei crediti mediante specifiche procedure di certificazione The results of the projects funded through EU programmes and initiatives need to achieve maximum impact: they should radiate as widely as possible so that the valuable lessons and experience gained by one group can benefit others. Moreover, what is learnt from a project should inform future policy. All this can happen only if connections are made between the organisers of the project and the wider community. The key means of connecting with a target audience is the process of dissemination and exploitation. To this end, the project promoters are invited to present their project focusing on: the preliminary/main findings; the (future) promotion of these findings; and their (potential) contribution to lifelong learning and mobility. 9 Luca Dordit

11 ECVET – Validazione e riconoscimento degli esiti formativi
The results of the projects funded through EU programmes and initiatives need to achieve maximum impact: they should radiate as widely as possible so that the valuable lessons and experience gained by one group can benefit others. Moreover, what is learnt from a project should inform future policy. All this can happen only if connections are made between the organisers of the project and the wider community. The key means of connecting with a target audience is the process of dissemination and exploitation. To this end, the project promoters are invited to present their project focusing on: the preliminary/main findings; the (future) promotion of these findings; and their (potential) contribution to lifelong learning and mobility. 10 Luca Dordit

Il riconoscimento all’estero di titoli, qualifiche e competenze. PER ULTERIORI INFORMAZIONI: Sito web ISFOL Centro Nazionale Europass Italia Tel. 06 – I RELATORI Luca Dordit –

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