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Expanded Role of Arterial Reconstruction Massachusetts Health Data Center LoGerfo et al: Arch. Surg. 1992.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Expanded Role of Arterial Reconstruction Massachusetts Health Data Center LoGerfo et al: Arch. Surg. 1992."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Expanded Role of Arterial Reconstruction Massachusetts Health Data Center LoGerfo et al: Arch. Surg. 1992

2 Dorsal pedis artery bypass: outcomes in 1032 cases (mean follow up 23.6 mo 1-120) 5 10 years primary patency 56.8% 37.7% secondary patency 62.7% 41.7% limb salvage 78.2% 57.7% patient survival rates 48.6% 23.8% dorsalis pedis bypass is durable with a high likelihood of ischemic foot salvage over many years. Saphenous vein is the preferred conduit when available These results justify the routine use of pedal arterial reconstruction for patients with diabetes with ischemic foot complications Pomposelli FB et al J Vasc Surg 37: 307-315, 2003

3 84 Diabetic Patients admitted because of a foot ulcer 4 excluded from the study 4 excluded from the study 26 PTA Amputation = 4 26 PTA Amputation = 4 10 BP Amputation = 1 10 BP Amputation = 1 22 Intractable Amputation = 12 22 Intractable Amputation = 12 Faglia et al, Diabetes Care 1996 Feasibility and Effectiveness of Peripheral Percutaneous Transluminal Balloon Angioplasty in Diabetic Subjects With Foot Ulcers

4 Journal of Internal Medicine: 2002; 252: 225-232 Extensive use of the peripheral angioplasty, particularly infrapopliteal, in the treatment of ischaemic diabetic ulcers: clinical results of a multicentric study of 221 consecutive diabetic subjects Faglia, Mantero, Caminiti et al.

5 july 1998 - july 2000 n = 221 PTA 191 (85.3%) AMPUTATED 10 (5.2%) By-Pass 9 amputated 1 NON REVASCULARIZED 19 8.7% AMPUTATED 6 31.6%

6 Europ J Vascul Endovascul Surg : 2005; 29: 620-227 Faglia E. et al Peripheral angioplasty as the first-choice revascularization procedure in diabetic patients with critical limb ischemia: prospective study of 993 consecutive patients hospitalized and followed between 1999 and 2003 Mean follow-up 26 ± 15 months 5 years primary patency 88% (95% CI 86-91%) Major amputations 1.7%

7 OUTLINES Il diabete è una malattia cardiovascolare Il paziente diabetico ha una elevata prevalenza di vasculopatia periferica La pluridistrettualità della macroangiopatia Le indicazioni alla procedura di rivascolarizzazione La preparazione del paziente Il follow-up ed il controllo dei fattori di rischio La persistenza dellischemia


9 Ischemia Critica dellarto in fase di stabilità Valutazione degli altri distretti vascolari PTA si Curettage chirurgico no Follow-up By-pass Ambulatorio ANGIO RM Ricovero ospedaliero Innesto cutaneo no si

10 TcPCO2 TcPO2 TcPCO2/ TcPO2


12 PERCORSO CLINICO-DIAGNOSTICO nella gestione del paziente in fase acuta Cura delle condizioni acute che minano la sopravvivenza del paziente ed il salvataggio dellarto a breve termine Attivazione di procedure diagnostiche standard Attivazione delle procedure diagnostiche di approfondimento specifiche

13 Ischemia Critica dellarto in fase di instabilità Valutazione degli altri distretti vascolari PTA si Ulteriore curettage chirurgico no amputazione By-pass ANGIO RM Ricovero ospedaliero Innesto cutaneo no si curettage chirurgico aggressivo

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