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La presentazione è in caricamento. Aspetta per favore

Italian 1.  Give the definition, part of speech, 1 synonym, 1 antonym of the following IRE verb: DORMIRE.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Italian 1.  Give the definition, part of speech, 1 synonym, 1 antonym of the following IRE verb: DORMIRE."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Italian 1

2  Give the definition, part of speech, 1 synonym, 1 antonym of the following IRE verb: DORMIRE

3  Definition- to sleep  Part of speech – verb  1 synonym – hibernation  1 antonym – wakefulness  Objective: Understand the conjugations for –IRE present tense verbs

4 Let’s review our other verb endings first: What are the endings for –are verbs? -o -iamo -i -ate -a -ano

5 Let’s review our other verb endings first: What are the endings for –ere verbs? -o -iamo -i -ete -e -ono

6  What are the –ire endings? -o -iamo -i -ite -e -ono  What do you notice about –ire and –ere

7  Vediamo (Let’s see): -ere vs. –ire -o -iamo -o –iamo -i -ete -i –ite -e -ono -e -ono

8  -ere and –ire endings are almost all the same EXCEPT in the “voi” form. –ere verbs have –ete –ire verbs have –ite

9 Dormire – to sleep Aprire – to open Offrire – to offer Partire – to leave, to depart Seguire – to follow Sentire – to hear Servire – to serve

10  I bambini_________________________(dormire) nel letto (bed).  I ragazzi bravi non_________________________(mentire) mai.  La professoressa_________________________(aprire) la finestra.  La signorina _________________________(servire) il cibo.  I miei genitori_________________________(partire) domani mattina.  Rocco ed io_________________________(offrire) un caffè.  Marco e Giorgia_________________________(partire).  Voi _________________________(sentire) freddo?

11  THUMBS UP / THUMBS DOWN  1. Was today’s lesson understandable?  2. Is there an understanding of the Italian present tense ire verb conjugations?

12  Example: Io / aprire  Io apro la cartolina.   Io/dormire ____________________________________  Gianna/sentire____________________________________  Teresa ed io/coprire____________________________________  Tu/aprire____________________________________  Voi/seguire____________________________________  Mia madre/aprire____________________________________  Tu e marco/mentire____________________________________  La cameriera/servire____________________________________  Marta e tu/partire____________________________________  Loro/offrire____________________________________

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