Enzo anselmo ferrari By: Orazio Nahar.


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Transcript della presentazione:

Enzo anselmo ferrari By: Orazio Nahar

Early Life Enzo was born in Maddalena Pass which in Italian is Colle della Maddalena and it is in Modena, Italy Growing up he had very little formal education but he had desire to race cars and work with them. At the age of 10 he decided he wanted to be a racer. His father and brother died from the flu when he was 20 and in the Italian Army

EARly life continued His father and brother died from the flu when he was 20 and fighting in the World War 1 for the Italian Army. When he returned he came home to see that the family firm had collapsed. He created one of the, if not the strongest engine that the world ever saw at his time, also his designs changed how sports cars were created.

Why he’s well known Ferrari is well known because he designed some of the best sports cars in the world. His cars are really powerful, durable, and most importantly they look really cool. I chose him because I thought that he was an interesting person and that he had a difficult childhood and adulthood but he still made it to the top

Simple things about Enzo in italian questo è Enzo Anselmo Ferrari Il compleanno di enzo è febbraio diciotto, 1898 Lui morto aogosto quatordici 1988

Adjectives describing Enzo Enzo è alto, e intelligente, e interresante, e ricco, e determinato. Enzo costruire sportivo automobile. Lui costuire veloce automobile Lui gara quando lui giovane
