Buon giorno, ragazzi oggi è il quattro aprile duemilasedici.


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Transcript della presentazione:

Buon giorno, ragazzi oggi è il quattro aprile duemilasedici

THE and ‘friends’

THE When we use ‘the’ – we consider the noun, its number, gender, and spelling. Singular Plural il ragazzoi ragazzi lo studentegli studenti l’amicogli amici la ragazzale ragazze l’amicale amiche

Related concepts Some of the same considerations exist for other words – such as: bello – beautiful/good/great quello – that/those dello - some

BELLO L’uso prima di un sostantivo

BELLO – used before LOILL’LAGLIILE BELLO BELLO – beautiful

LOILL’LAGLIILE BELLO BE + ‘the’ bello bel bell’ bella begli bei belle BELLO – beautiful

Thoughts about the usage of bello 1. A before the noun it can take on other meanings (especially with things) to say…yes, good-looking but also nice/pleasant/fine 1. B Note certain adjectives are VERY common to find used before the noun (bello, santo, buono, and grande) Es

Thoughts about the usage… 2. after the noun it is literal – good-looking/beautiful/handsome Esempi - Un bel libro = a good book. Un libro bello = a book that is beautiful Bei film – good films/movies (pleasing) I film belli – films that are beautiful In the case of people – ‘bello’ will mean good-looking in either case..

PRATICA - Which ones can have more than one answer? Show the possible answers 1. A fine day 2. A good looking man 3. Good books. 4. Good looking male friends. 5. Good looking female friends.

Which ones can have more than one answer? Show the possible answers. 1. A fine day 2. A good looking man 3. Good books. 4. Good looking male friends. 5. Good looking female friends. Un bel giorno Un bell’uomo (or…un uomo bello) Bei libri Begli amici (or amici belli) Belle amiche (or amiche belle)

Quello THAT

QUELLO – used before LOILL’LAGLIILE QUELLO BELLO – beautiful

QUELLO – used before LOILL’LAGLIILE QUELLO quello quel quell’ quella quegli quei quelle BELLO – beautiful

Quello When Quello functions as an adjective, the pattern of agreement in gender and number works as seen in the examples below: Singular Plural quel ragazzoquei ragazzi quello studentequegli studenti quell’amicoquegli amici quella ragazzaquelle ragazze quell’amicaquelle amiche

Pratice: ______ ragazza ______ amiche ______ fiori ______ uomo _____ studenti

dello some

DELLO – some (partitive…some of) LOILL’LAGLIILE DI BELLO – beautiful

Start with ‘di’, when you add ‘the’ it will change FORM LOILL’LAGLIILE DI + …. DE dello del dell’ della degli dei delle BELLO – beautiful

PRATICA 1. ___________ zucchero 2. ___________ fiori 3. ___________ amici 4. ___________ scarpe 5. ___________ acqua 6. ___________ giornali