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Transcript della presentazione:

REGIONE FVG – CENTRAL DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR, TRAINING, EDUCATION, PEER OPPORTUNITIES, YOUTH POLICIES AND RESEARCH – AUTHORITY FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE ESF Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi

Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi NOW REGIONE FVG IS PREPARING AND STUDYING FOR PLANNING MOBILITY PROCESSES OF THE NEXT PROGRAMME PERIOD

Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi … AND WE’RE DOING IT DEVELOPING THREE LEONARDO PROJECTS … WE ARE LEAD PARTNER OF A MULTILATERAL NET LEONARDO PROJECT AND WE ARE PARTNER IN PREMO PROJECT …. AND ALSO WE ARE LEAD PARTNER IN TRACK PROJECT

Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi A few words to describe our strategy: 1 - Go&Learn LEO International NET Project: The aim is to create an international catalogue of visits and seminars in smes, creating an international enterprises net in which developing work experiences abroad

Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi A few words to describe our strategy: 1 – For the G&L Project we have a partnership with 13 partners, in which training partners, chambers of commerce and employee associations are included. The duration of the project is 36 months and the project is running now…. of course we’d like to enlarge the net of the project … consider it as an invitation

Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi A few words to describe our strategy: ….. While PREMO Project has the aim to prepare the mobility during the pre-sending period … TRACK project has the aim to identify strategies to spend skills acquired during a work experience abroad …

Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi A few words to describe our strategy PREMO PROJECT HOW TO PREPARE THE MOBILITY, HOW TO SEND PEOPLE ABROAD?

Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi A few words to describe our strategy GO AND LEARN PROJECT WHERE AND HOW TO ORGANIZE VISITS IN SMES AND WORK EXPERIENCES ABROAD Models, contracts, administrative procedures, training schedules and orientation

A few words to describe our strategy TRACK PROJECT HOW TO AKNOWLEDGE AND CERTIFY SKILLS ACQUIRED DURING WORK EXPERIENCES ABROAD AND INCREASE THE POSSIBILITY TO USE CERTIFIED SKILLS IN THE LOCAL LABOUR MARKET Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi

A few words about track and GO&LEARN projects Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi

TRACK - TRANSNATIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WORK EXPERIENCE IN FOREIGN COMPANIES 2012-IT-1-LEO Why track project? The reasons Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi

TRACK - TRANSNATIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WORK EXPERIENCE IN FOREIGN COMPANIES 2012-IT-1-LEO Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi To increase mobility processes in the training system is a main priority for EC in the next programme period To increase mobility in Europe we thought that mobility experiences have to be more desirable as possible To make attractive a work experience abroad it has to be more useful as possible To be more useful as possible the work experience abroad has to be more usable as possible in the own labour market

TRACK - TRANSNATIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WORK EXPERIENCE IN FOREIGN COMPANIES 2012-IT-1-LEO Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi The usability of a work experience abroad depends on the ability of the training system to make clear, readable, and therefore recognize the skills acquired abroad So the question is: How our new skills could be clear, readable and could be recognized by local enterprises?

TRACK - TRANSNATIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WORK EXPERIENCE IN FOREIGN COMPANIES 2012-IT-1-LEO Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi For many years in Friuli Venezia Giulia region it has been developed a system for description and articulation of skills related to the structures of work processes, dropped from the system of professional qualifications – that is not always understood by enterprises In other countries we can find some good experiences of testing skills inside of the enterprises

TRACK - TRANSNATIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WORK EXPERIENCE IN FOREIGN COMPANIES 2012-IT-1-LEO Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi certification of skills acquired can not be self-referential and then separated by the production system and so the production system must be able to recognize skills acquired abroad. We need to create a skills certification system that enhances the enterprises training role and even amplifies the ability of recognition of learning

TRACK - TRANSNATIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WORK EXPERIENCE IN FOREIGN COMPANIES 2012-IT-1-LEO Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi Project objectives 1 - Increase the quality and attractiveness of the European system of vocational training through the transfer of innovative practices for the recognition of skills acquired in the processes of international mobility of students in training related to the band and IVT groups in mobility.

TRACK - TRANSNATIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WORK EXPERIENCE IN FOREIGN COMPANIES 2012-IT-1-LEO Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi Project objectives 2 - We will therefore aim to transfer a model of encoding and recognition of skills coming out of the paths of mobility in order to facilitate the growth of their own marketability within the economic system of reference and to increase the value in use of learning accrued in 'field of international mobility.

TRACK - TRANSNATIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WORK EXPERIENCE IN FOREIGN COMPANIES 2012-IT-1-LEO Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi Project objectives 3 - Therefore the project aims to overcome the problem of recognition of qualifications and diplomas by companies specifying the instruments of recognition of skills acquired in training experiences made in non-formal contest borrowing the experience of assessment centers.

TRACK - TRANSNATIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WORK EXPERIENCE IN FOREIGN COMPANIES 2012-IT-1-LEO Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi What we transfer and what we receive the Friuli Venezia Giulia skills repertoire - we have mapped 86 production processes and work processes on which we have built the skills repertoire Experiences made abroad of skills assessment centers inside the enterprises

TRACK - TRANSNATIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WORK EXPERIENCE IN FOREIGN COMPANIES 2012-IT-1-LEO Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi The match of these experiences will let us sharing, updating and integrating the skill certification model based on the analysis of work processes translating into four major European languages the skills repertoire for some defined sectors (eg. commerce, logistics, tourism and catering, mechanical engineering) creating an online tool that allows the printing of certificates in multilingual Europass format

TRACK - TRANSNATIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WORK EXPERIENCE IN FOREIGN COMPANIES 2012-IT-1-LEO Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi PARTNERSHIP COMPOSITION - REGIONE AUTONOMA FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – REGIONE FVG – Italy - p00 - Ente ACLI Istruzione Formazione Professionale Friuli Venezia Giulia - ENAIP FVG - Italy – p01 - Provincia Autonoma di Trento – PaT – Italy - p02 - Regione Valle d’Aosta – LVdA – Italy - p03 - KCH Services – KCH – NETHERLANDS - p04 - Towarzystwo Naukowe Organizacji i Kierownictwa Oddział w Gdańsku – TNOIK - Poland – p05 - Dirección general de formación - Consejería de empleo, turismo y cultura – Spain – p06 - European Vocational Training Association – EVTA - Belgium – p07

TRACK - TRANSNATIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WORK EXPERIENCE IN FOREIGN COMPANIES 2012-IT-1-LEO Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi PARTNERSHIP COMPOSITION Trieste Udine Trento Aosta Ede Madrid Gdansk Bruxelles

TRACK - TRANSNATIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WORK EXPERIENCE IN FOREIGN COMPANIES 2012-IT-1-LEO Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi OUTPUTS 1. mid term report – WP 1 2. final report – WP 1 3. quality plan – WP 2 4. beneficiaries interviews collection – WP 3 5. enterprises interviews collection - WP 3 6. report with suggestions about assessment – WP 3 7. guidelines useful for skills certification - WP 4 8. skills repertoire translated in all partner languages – WP 5 9. on line tool for printing certificated skills on Europass document – WP enterprises in which we can certify skills identified in every partner territory – WP 6 11.Guidelines for skills certification and printing them on the Europass given to enterprises – WP6 12. Final conference – WP stakeholders informed about project results – WP 7

TRACK - TRANSNATIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WORK EXPERIENCE IN FOREIGN COMPANIES 2012-IT-1-LEO Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi WORK PACKAGES 1.Project management 2.Quality assurance 3.Analysis and research 4.Guidelines for acknowledgement of skills gained during work experiences abroad 5.Transfer of skills repertoire – also in on line modality 6.Creation of a common system for skills certification 7.Dissemination

GO&LEARN project Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi THE AIM IS TO BUILD AND DEVELOP AN INTERNATIONAL NET OF ENTERPRISES IN WHICH IS POSSIBILE TO REALIZE INTERNATIONAL WORK EXPERIENCES THIS IS THE PROJECT OF WHICH WE ARE GOING TO TALK ABOUT

Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi GO&LEARN Project LLP IT-LEONARDO- LNW At the end of the project we’ll have an international net of enterprises in which develope guided visits, training units, stages and work experiences. Every eneterprise will have shared modalities of work, same standard administrative documents for managing international work exoperiences and will use the same training units and training methodologies

Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi GO&LEARN Project LLP IT-LEONARDO- LNW At the end of the project an international catalogue of enterprises in which develope work and training experiences will be ready Now the project partnership is working for preparing documents and training units

Giovanni Tonutti - Direzione Centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione, pari opportunità, politiche giovanili e ricerca Servizio programmazione e gestione interventi formativi GO&LEARN Project LLP IT-LEONARDO- LNW At the end of the projects we’re expecting to hit these outcomes: - a common standard structure about logistics and administrative aspects; - local G&L reference bodies; - a network of sponsors, patrocinators and stakeholders - a network of certified training companies,; - a Go&Learn website; - the Catalogue of “Learning in Company” circuits; - the Catalogue of “Industrial Tourism and guidance” tours; - a proposal to reward the training companies adhering to the G&L initiative;