Transposition techniques


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Transcript della presentazione:

Transposition techniques Phrases III Transposition techniques

Common transpositions Eng > Ita [1] NP with premodification NP with pre- and postmodification The continuing post-industrial transformation Le continue trasformazioni avvenute nel/del periodo post-industriale

Eng to Ita [2] AP > NP Improved work-life balance Un miglioramento del rapporto fra il lavoro e la qualità della vita successful surgery successo dell’intervento chirurgico

Eng to Ita [3] Preposition + VP ing PP By setting up clusters of SMEs… Attraverso la creazione di agglomerati di PMI… In providing essential public services Nella fornitura dei servizi essenziali

Other common transpositions Eng > Ita 4. V + NP NP Have questions? have problems? Please try our Internet … Domande? Problemi? Contattate… 5. Preposition + VP lexical preposition + VP empty verb + PP In carrying out its job, the IMF reflects… Nel portare a compimento 6. VPing NP Registering your product Registrazione del prodotto Empty verbs: portare ad ebollizione, portare a maturazione, empty because the semantic load is carried by the noun that follow it.

Which transpositions can you identify here? EU farm policy has evolved considerably in recent decades to help farmers face new challenges and also in response to changing public attitudes. Certification schemes by definition employ third-party attestation. La politica agricola UE si è evoluta in maniera considerevole negli ultimi decenni per aiutare gli agricoltori ad affrontare nuove sfide e anche in risposta ad un cambiamento nell’opinione pubblica / mutato atteggiamento dell’opinione pubblica I regimi di certificazione, per definizione, utilizzano un'attestazione rilasciata da terzi

Which transpositions can you identify here? KEY EU farm policy has evolved considerably in recent decades to help farmers face new challenges and also in response to changing public attitudes. [Pre_NP] Certification schemes by definition employ third-party attestation. [Pre_NP] La politica agricola UE si è evoluta in maniera considerevole negli ultimi decenni per aiutare gli agricoltori ad affrontare nuove sfide e anche in risposta ad un cambiamento nell’opinione pubblica [NP + PP] / mutato atteggiamento dell’opinione pubblica [pre_NP + PP] I regimi di certificazione, per definizione, utilizzano un'attestazione rilasciata da terzi NP+VP+PP

Which transpositions are needed here? EU farm policy – the common agricultural policy – serves many purposes: helps farmers produce sufficient quantities of food for Europe helps them invest in modernising their farms protects the environment and animal welfare. EU farm policy has evolved considerably in recent decades to help farmers face new challenges and also in response to changing public attitudes.

Which transpositions can you identify here? KEY Pre_NP EU farm policy – the common agricultural policy – serves many purposes: pre_NP_post helps farmers produce sufficient quantities of food for Europe Prep + VPing helps them invest in modernising their farms protects the environment & animal welfare. NP_post La politica agricola dell’UE, la politica agricola comune, ha numerosi obiettivi: aiuta gli agricoltori a produrre quantità di cibo sufficienti per l'Europa PP li aiuta a investire nell'ammodernamento delle loro fattorie tutela l'ambiente e il benessere degli animali.

The clause level Each type of phrase performs one or more grammatical functions in a sentence There are 5 grammatical functions: subject, verb, object, complement, adverbial An adverbial can be filled by An adverb phrase: They lived happily, Frankly/honestly, of course I’m quite fed up A preposition phrase: I prefer to stay at home on Sunday night A noun phrase: She phones me every evening

Translation problems Mostly related to the use of an objective, impersonal style in specialized registers, both in English and Italian English: passive Italian: passive (with essere or venire) si-passivante (e.g. si mangiano i gelati)

Translation strategies Eng>Ita Active to passive Active (imperative) > Modal passive form When returning the product, include your full name, address and an explanation of the defect Il prodotto deve essere accompagnato dalle vostre generalità complete di indirizzo, indicando il difetto. Active > passive (essere/venire)* The display will show the remaining time Sul display viene indicato il tempo rimanente Modal active > modal passive You can view the clock if the system is in Standby mode L’orologio può essere visualizzato se il sistema è in …

Translation strategies Eng>Ita (2) Impersonal passive > si-construction It is recommended to use the supplied speakers Si raccomanda di utilizzare… Passive > passive (beware of subject position!) If “CHECK TAPE” is displayed the protection tab has been removed > Quando viene visualizzata l’indicazione “CHECK TAPE”, la linguetta di protezione è stata staccata. A fine needle biopsy was carried out> Fu eseguita una biopsia ad ago sottile Passive> si-contruction Si effettuò una biopsia ad ago sottile Tab=linguetta

Translation problems/strategies Reordering Adverbial position Subject (dropped/added) It reveals a different era of Scottish culture in the many mementoes of family life of the day Attraverso i suoi numerosi ricordi di vita familiare dell’epoca, ___rivela una diversa era della cultura scozzese

Translation problems/strategies Eng>ita Join two short sentences by means of conjunction or subordination “Mangia bene, vivi meglio!” (Eat well, live better!) is Eataly’s motto. The essential Italian mantra that eating well leads to a better life is celebrated. … è il motto di Eataly, dove si/che celebra il mantra italiano secondo cui il buon cibo migliora la vita.

Task Neutrality and protection symbolized by the red cross emblem is being ignored The military action in Iraq is being conducted in spite of world opinion No more than 35 highly qualified graduates will be admitted for study. We have been told that the Environment secretary’s decision normally takes three weeks. No date for the appeal court hearing has been set. Priority was given to ensuring that the final course examination would be conducted in sign language. p. 131 Si è ritenuto prioritario che L’operazione viene condotta/si sta conducendo a dispetto dell’opinione pubblica mondiale

Change phrase and clause structure as needed Visita la Tate St Ives, l’iconica galleria con vista sull’Oceano Atlantico