Sindrome di Balint Reszö Balint (1874-1929).


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Transcript della presentazione:

Sindrome di Balint Reszö Balint (1874-1929)

1a descrizione nel 1909 Paziente con lesione bilaterale studiato dal 1903 al 1906 Disturbi dell’attenzione spaziale (simultagnosia) Paralisi dello sguardo Atassia ottica

Holmes descrive 6 soldati con ferite occipitali e problemi nel giudicare distanze e posizioni degli oggetti “As a result of visual disorientation, a patient may be able to find his way about even in familiar surroundings, and owing to the failure to recognise the positions and distances of objects, he may collide with obstacles, and may even walk into a wall though he sees it directly. He is also unable to grasp or point accurately to objects within the range of his vision.”

“localisation in space by vision is not a simple perception or an innate faculty,” ma“is acquired in childhood by correlating and integrating other sense impressions with visual perceptions” e dioende dall’ “integrity of anatomical paths linking visual perception with muscular and tactile impressions from all parts of the body, including the ocular musculature.” “prominent disturbances of visual orientation result from bilateral lesions of the parieto-occipital regions of the brain, and especially from those which involve the subcortical white matter in the neighbourhood of the angular gyri, but defective localisation in homonymous halves of the visual fields may be caused by injury of this portion of the opposite hemisphere

Chiamata “Sindrome di Balint “da Haecan e Ajutiaguerra che nel 1954 descrivono 4 pazienti con esplorazione lenta (“sluggish”) a causa di un restringimento della fissazione a un singolo punto e all’emergenza di di un riflesso primitivo di grasping oculare. Sindrome rara: nel 1995 Baykes et al. trovano in letteratura meno di 20 casi da Balint in poi Solo casi singoli con eziologia varia (anche da prioni o degenerativa)
