Qualche elemento di « Reliability Analysis »


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Transcript della presentazione:

Qualche elemento di « Reliability Analysis » Bathtube Early Failure Period Wearout Failure Period Intrinsic Failure Period λ(T) T 11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa

11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa

Qualche elemento di « Reliability Analysis » MTBF Mean time between failure MTTF Mean time to failure MTRF Mean Time to Recovery Failure Due di questi parametri servono per il calcolo della disponibilità di un apparecchio 11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa

Qualche elemento di « Reliability Analysis » Disponibilità intrinseca é calcolata senza tenere conto della maintenance preventiva Per rendere questa espressione la più possibile vicina al valore unitario bisogna fare tanta prevenzione e non attendere che la NC si presenti…. 11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa

Breve Introduzione all’ECSS (European Cooperation for Space Standardization) (www.ecss.nl) Agli inizi degli anni 90 l’ESA realizzo che in Europa non esisteva una poliica comune per la qualita quindi: Tanti standards non armonizzati Industria europea penalizzata Sistema complessivo della gestione della qualita poco efficente 11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa

Breve Introduzione all’ECSS 1993 ha inizio il progetto ECSS che vede la collaborazione di ESA ed industria spaziale europea per uno sforzo comune nel realizzare uno standard per il settore spazio in Europa. 11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa

Breve Introduzione all’ECSS Punti chiave dello standard: Orientato ai risultati dimenticando l’antica filosofia delle PPS Armonizzazione e relazioni con altri standards ISO Sviluppare uno standard per lo Spazio di alto livello per armonizzare gli standard europei con quelli Americani EN ECSS vuole che certi suoi specifici standards possano essere accreditati come standard EN dallo European Committee for Standardization (CEN) 11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa

Breve Introduzione all’ECSS Differenti livelli di standard (Tratto dal sito www.ecss.nl) Livello 0 The document at Level 0 describes the policy and objectives of the ECSS system and its architecture together with the principle rule for the creation, validation and maintenance of documents. Livello 1 The documents at Level 1 describe the strategy in the specific domain. They give a global view of the requirements and outline the interfaces between the elements (and the documents) at Level 2. Livello 2 The documents at Level 2 describe the required objectives and functions for all aspects in the individual domain (project organization, quality assurance, system engineering, etc.). Livello 3 The documents at Level 3 describe methods, procedures and recommended tools to achieve the requirements of Level 2 documents. In addition they define the constraints and requirements for interfaces and performance of the specified product or activity. The Level 3 documents are guidelines and are allowed to be adapted to the projects' needs. 11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa

Breve Introduzione all’ECSS Definizione dei dominii (Tratto dal sito www.ecss.nl) Project Management responsible for achievement of the totality of the project objectives, and specifically for organisation of the project, and its timely and cost-effective execution. Engineering responsible for definition of the system, verification that the customer's technical requirements are achieved, and compliance with the applicable project constraints. Production production, responsible for manufacture, assembly and integration of the system, in accordance with the design defined by engineering Operation operations, responsible for exercising and supporting the system in order to achieve the customer's objectives during the operational phases (note; operations may be carried out by the customer, by the supplier or a third party on the customer's behalf, or by a combination of these) Product Assurance responsible for the implementation of the quality assurance element of the project and also for certain other specialist activities. 11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa

Breve Introduzione all’ECSS Space project management Title Publication date Price in Euro M-00B Policy and principles 29-Aug-03 10 M-00-02A Tailoring of space standards 25-Apr-00 M-00-03A Risk management M-10B Project breakdown structures 13-Jun-03 M-20B Project organization M-30A Project phasing and planning 19-Apr-96 M-30-01A Organization and conduct of reviews 1-Sep-99 M-40A Configuration management M-50A Information/documentation management M-60A Cost and schedule management M-70A Integrated logistic support 11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa

Breve Introduzione all’ECSS Space product assurance Title Publication date Price in Euro Q-00A Policy and principles 19-Apr-96 10 Q-20B Quality assurance 8-Mar-02 20 Q-20-07A Quality assurance for test centres 31-Jul-02 Q-20-09B Nonconformance control system Q-30B Dependability Q-30-02A Failure modes, effects and criticality analysis (FMECA) 7-Sep-01 Q-40B Safety 17-May-02 Q-40-02A Hazard analysis 14-Feb-03 Q-40-04 Part 1A Sneak analysis - Part 1: Method and procedure 14-Oct-97 Q-40-04 Part 2A Sneak analysis - Part 2: Clue list Q-40-12A Fault tree analysis - Adoption notice ECSS / IEC 61025 Q-60A EEE components Q-60-01A European preferred parts list (EPPL) and its management 4-Oct-99 11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa

Breve Introduzione all’ECSS Q-70A Materials, mechanical parts and processes 19-Apr-96 10 Q-70-01A Contamination and cleanliness control 11-Dec-02 20 Q-70-02A Thermal vacuum outgassing test for the screening of space materials 26-May-00 Q-70-04A Thermal cycling test for the screening of space materials and processes 4-Oct-99 Q-70-07A Verification and approval of automatic machine wave soldering 20-Jan-98 Q-70-08A Manual soldering of high-reliability electrical connections 6-Aug-99 Q-70-09A Measurements of thermo-optical properties of thermal control materials 29-Aug-03 Q-70-10A Qualification of printed circuit boards 23-Nov-01 30 Q-70-11A Procurement of printed circuit boards Q-70-13A Measurement of the peel and pull-off strength of coatings and finishes using pressure-sensitive tapes Q-70-18A Preparation, assembly and mounting of RF coaxial cables 31-Aug-01 11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa

Breve Introduzione all’ECSS Q-70-20A Determination of the susceptibility of silver-plated copper wire and cable to .red-plague. corrosion 19-Dec-00 10 Q-70-21A Flammability testing for the screening of space materials 4-Oct-99 Q-70-22A The control of limited shelf-life materials 21-Jan-00 Q-70-25A The application of the black coating Aeroglaze Z306 30-Jul-99 Q-70-26A Crimping of high-reliability electrical connections 13-Feb-01 Q-70-28A The repair and modification of printed circuit board assemblies for space use 21-Jun-02 20 Q-70-29A The determination of offgassing products from materials and assembled articles to be used in a manned space vehicle crew compartment Q-70-30A The wire wrapping of high-reliability electrical connections Q-70-33A The application of the thermal control coating PSG 120 FD Q-70-34A The application of the black electrically conductive coating Aeroglaze H322 Q-70-35A The application of the black electrically conductive coating Aeroglaze L300 Q-70-36A Material selection for controlling stress-corrosion cracking 20-Jan-98 11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa

Breve Introduzione all’ECSS Q-70-37A Determination of the susceptibility of metals to stress-corrosion cracking 20-Jan-98 10 Q-70-45A Standard methods for mechanical testing of metallic materials 29-Aug-03 Q-70-46A Requirements for manufacturing and procurement of threaded fasteners 13-Feb-04 Q-70-71A Data for selection of space materials and processes 27-Feb-04 30 Q-80B Software product assurance 10-Oct-03 20 11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa

Breve Introduzione all’ECSS Space engineering Title Publication date Price in Euro E-00A Policy and principles 19-Apr-96 10 E-10A System engineering E-10-02A Verification 17-Nov-98 30 E-10-03A Testing 15-Feb-02 E-10-04A Space environment 21-Jan-00 E-10-05A Functional analysis 13-Apr-99 E-10 Part 6A System engineering - Part 6: Functional and technical specifications 9-Jan-04 E-20A Electrical and electronic 4-Oct-99 20 E-20-01A Multipaction design and test 5-May-03 E-30 Mechanical   Part 1A Thermal Control 25-Apr-00 Part 2A Structural Part 3A Mechanisms 11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa

Breve Introduzione all’ECSS Part 5.1A Propulsion . Liquid and electric propulsion for spacecraft 2-Apr-02 20 Part 6A Pyrotechnics 25-Apr-00 10 Part 7A Mechanical parts Part 8A Materials E-30-01A Fracture control 13-Apr-99 E-40 Part 1B Software – Part 1: Principles and requirements 28-Nov-03 30 E-50 Part 1A Communications – Part 1: Principles and requirements 20-Oct-03 E-50-05A Radio frequency and modulation 24-Jan-03 E-50-12A SpaceWire . Links, nodes, routers and networks E-70 Part 1A Ground systems and operations - Part 1: Principles and requirements E-70 Part 2A Ground systems and operations - Part 2: Document requirements definitions (DRD) 2-Apr-01 E-70-41A Telemetry and telecommand packet utilization 30-Jan-03 11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa

Breve Introduzione all’ECSS General Title Publication date Price in Euro P-00A Standardization policy 4-Apr-00 10 P-001A, rev. 1 Glossary of terms Jun-97 11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa

Conclusione Conclusione: Qualsiasi sia il progetto o qualsiasi sia il dominio la qualità deve essere intesa come la disciplina della gestione del miglioramento attraverso l’unico strumento possibile: la prevenzione. 11/23/2018 Paolo Cannarsa