La Grammatica Italiana Avanti! p


Presentazioni simili
Imperfetto IWBAT say what I used to do or was doing in the past.

= ho giocato I have played Il passato prossimo The past =
They will read I will study She will walk the dog You guys will win the game!
Each student will be able to ask an adult or stranger: What do you like to do? and What dont you like to …?
Passato Prossimo con Avere
© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.4B.1-1 Punto di partenza Italian uses two principal tenses to talk about events in the past: the passato prossimo.
© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.5A.1-1 Punto di partenza In Lezione 4B you learned to form the passato prossimo with avere. Some verbs, however,
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Il presente del congiuntivo (the present subjunctive)
Il presente del congiuntivo (the present subjunctive)
Ripasso di captitolo 6 Il passato prossimo.
Ripasso di captitolo 6 Il passato prossimo. In Italian the passato prossimo expresses completed actions that happened a short time ago. In Italian this.
IL TRAPASSATO. The trapassato is formed with the imperfect of essere or avere and the past participle of the verb; if essere is needed, then the past.
Il Passato Prossimo The Past Perfect Tense.
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© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.6B.1-1 The imperfetto can be translated into English in several ways. Lia piangeva. Lia cried. Lia used to cry.
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Passato Prossimo Putting together the pieces of the Past Tense in Italian.
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Il passato prossimo (present perfect - past tense)
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Transcript della presentazione:

La Grammatica Italiana Avanti! p. 189-191 Passato Prossimo La Grammatica Italiana Avanti! p. 189-191

PASSATO PROSSIMO Is used to describe specific events in the past. It tells what happened at a given moment. For example, Ieri io ho ricevuto tre lettere. Yesterday I received three letters. It is also used to indicate a sudden change in a state of being. For example: Ho avuto paura quando ho visto il topo. I got scared when I saw the mouse.

Passato Prossimo Avere: (Auxiliary + past participle) Past participle does not change or agree with subject. Io ho mangiato Tu hai mangiato Lei ha mangiato Noi abbiamo mangiato Voi avete mangiato Loro hanno mangiato

Passato Prossimo Essere: (Auxiliary + past participle) The past participle must agree with in gender and in number with the subject Io sono stato/a a Los Angeles Tu sei stato/a a Los Angeles Lei è stato/a a Los Angeles Noi siamo stati/e a Los Angeles Voi siete state/i a Los Angeles Loro sono stati/e a Los Angeles

Avere o Essere? Most verbs take, “Avere” There is no clear rule for all the verbs that take essere, but most express motion from one place to another. These are some verbs that take essere: Andare, entrare, stare, uscire, arrivare, partire, tornare, nascere etc.