HAREISEE meeting - Trieste, 10-11 July 2014 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Bologna, Italy R. Camassi, F. Bernardini, V. Castelli, C. Caracciolo,


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Transcript della presentazione:

HAREISEE meeting - Trieste, July 2014 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Bologna, Italy R. Camassi, F. Bernardini, V. Castelli, C. Caracciolo, E. Ercolani Historical INGV Bologna Investigation on historical earthquakes Investigation on historical earthquakes Compilation of databases and catalogues Compilation of databases and catalogues

HAREISEE meeting - Trieste, July 2014 StudyEQsMDPs Molin et al., 2008 Materiali per un catalogo dei terremoti italiani: revisione della sismicità minore del terriotrio nazionale Camassi et al., 2011 Materiali per un catalogo dei terremoti italiani: eventi sconosciuti, rivalutati o riscoperti HAREIA [14 “ZZ”]72328 Camassi et al., 2011 The 1511 Eastern Alps earthquakes, a critical update and comparison of existing macroseismic datasets 1122 The curious case of the 1346 earthquake recorded only by very young chroniclers Camassi & Castelli, 2013 The curious case of the 1346 earthquake recorded only by very young chroniclers 1ZD 1511 Friuli 1346 Emilia Investigation on historical earthquakes

HAREISEE meeting - Trieste, July studied eqs. 741 with new parameters 84 without parameters 26 “ZD” o “ZZ” Molin et al., 2008 Investigation on historical earthquakes

HAREISEE meeting - Trieste, July studied eqs. 155 unknown 55 ‘neglected’ 21 re-evaluated Camassi et al., 2011 Investigation on historical earthquakes

HAREISEE meeting - Trieste, July 2014 SHEEC , Mw≥5.8

HAREISEE meeting - Trieste, July 2014 Strong border earthquakes: 1348

HAREISEE meeting - Trieste, July 2014 Strong border earthquakes: 1511

HAREISEE meeting - Trieste, July 2014 Strong border earthquakes: 1690

HAREISEE meeting - Trieste, July 2014 Border earthquakes

HAREISEE meeting - Trieste, July 2014 Border earthquakes

HAREISEE meeting - Trieste, July 2014 Border earthquakes: Northern and Middle Adriatic Sea

HAREISEE meeting - Trieste, July 2014 Border earthquakes: Northern and Middle Adriatic Sea

HAREISEE meeting - Trieste, July 2014 Border earthquakes: Northern and Middle Adriatic Sea

HAREISEE meeting - Trieste, July 2014 Border earthquakes: Ljubljana or Friuli…?