Progetto Comenius a.s Coordinatori:Polidoro, Screpanti
COMPOSIZIONE PARTENARIATO 1.Wilbury Primary School - London - GB (Coord.) 2.CEIP AZORIN - Rota - ES (Partn.) 3.Pujanke Elementary School - Split - HR (Partn.) 4.Dir. Did. 3° Circ. Chieti - Chieti - IT (Partn.) 5.Szkoła Podstawowa nr6 im Konstantego Ildefonsa Gałczyńskiego - Olsztyn - PL (Partn.) 6.Scoala cu cls. I-VIII Nr. 8 - Sibiu - RO (Partn.) 7.Rodebyskolan - Rodeby - SE (Partn.)
Obiettivi del progetto 1.Esplorare ciò che le scuole in Europa fanno per promuovere uno stile di vita sano attraverso la corretta alimentazione, lo sport, la prevenzione, il rispetto… 2.Condividere e celebrare le buone prassi di educazione alla salute 3.Confrontare le scuole in termini di sostenibilità, riciclaggio dei materiali e cura per l'ambiente 4.Promuovere il rispetto della tolleranza verso diverse culture, credenze e fedi
Attività pianificate 26 th September 2012 is ‘International Day of Languages’ – possible e-Twinning video chat day (Italy to look into and let us know) Teach children the name of parts of the flower in the other languages (Diagram of Flower: Petal, Stem, Leaf & Roots ) Start preparing GREEN corner in classes with flowers/plants Romania conference 1st-6th October BRING seed packets to give out for other countries to grow BRING 10 questions about ‘clean & healthy school environment’ for the Skype conference in late October (How would the children like to improve their school environment?)
November 2012 Paper posters about looking after our environment from school council need to be made by November Analysis of water: How to save water & how water is used in different countries Create a superhero that protects the world from pollution (Recycling stories) Create own comic strip on toondoo about Superhero (Older children) Create story sacks about the Superhero & stories (Younger children) DVD on olive oil production Exchange of Christmas cards: Must be sent by end of November to ensure arrival at schools (use recycled materials)
OTHER ACTIVITIES FOR REST OF THE YEAR Grow seeds brought back from Romania Draw steps from seed to flower Use photostory to show the growth of a flower Powerpoint presentation of children cleaning their environment 1 flower for each month: write a short poem/words about the flower Each ‘School Council’ to discuss the school environment Start teaching YOGA in classes and take small videos (Deadline end of January) Use of Fronter/Wiki and E-twinning platform
Prossimi incontri di progetto 1-6 Ottobre 2012 Sibiu (Romania) Aprile 2013 Olsztyn (Polonia) Giugno 2013 Split (Croazia)