The happiest Christmas in my life The happiest Christmas of my life? Every year Christmas were the same, more and more beautiful. Only last year it.


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Transcript della presentazione:

The happiest Christmas in my life The happiest Christmas of my life? Every year Christmas were the same, more and more beautiful. Only last year it was a special one. My family and I applied for a sponsorship of a deprived child. His name is Loris; he is three years old and he is very nice and sweet. Christmas was something new for him, so when he arrived here was speechless. On Christmas Eve, after dinner, Loris was very happy. At midnight he can’t wait to go to the church for the Mass about the Holy Child’s birth. After the Mass we came back home and he went to bed very soon. I asked him why. He said me: ” Ale, if you don’t go to sleep, Father Christmas won’t bring you any presents. He’ll bring us only cool.” The following day, while we were sleeping Loris came to wake me up. He jumped on my bed and said me that under the Christmas tree there were a lot of gifts.

He was happy and surprised. Everything was a dream for him! His eyes sparkled with joy, but while he was unwrapping his gift, he stopped. His eyes were sad and I asked him: ”What’s the matter with you”? He answered: ”You are my family now, I want to stay with you“!!! I had tears in my eyes. I realised that I didn’t need all the presents under the Christmas tree! The only present, I had was Loris. The only one! It was the happiest Christmas of my life. It was nice kindling a light in a child’s eyes, and made his heart beating fast joyfully!…

Il Natale più bello della mia vita Il Natale più bello della mia vita? Per me erano tutti uguali ogni anno e sempre più belli, ma ogni anno con diverse emozioni. Solo l’anno scorso è stato un po’ diverso. Con la mia famiglia abbiamo adottato un bambino a distanza. Lui si chiama Loris, ha tre anni ed è un bambino dolcissimo. Per lui il Natale è come se fosse una nuova festa. Arrivato qui da noi è rimasto senza parole. La vigilia di Natale,dopo aver cenato tutti insieme, Loris seduto vicino a me, era felicissimo; arrivata la mezzanotte,lui non vedeva l’ora di andare in chiesa aspettando ansioso la nascita di Gesù Bambino. Celebrata la Santa Messa, siamo tornati a casa. Loris è andato subito a dormire. Gli chiesi perché fosse andato subito a dormire. Lui mi rispose “Ale, Babbo Natale deve venire anche qua a portarci i doni. Se viene e non ci vede dormire, se ne va e ci porta del carbone”. Il giorno dopo eravamo tutti a dormire quando ad un tratto Loris si buttò sul mio letto svegliandomi per dirmi che i regali erano lì, per terra intorno all’albero.Era felicissimo, era meravigliato, per lui era tutta un sogno.

Guardavo i suoi occhi e vedevo una luce accesa, una luce che esprimeva gioia. Ad un tratto mentre scartava il suo regalo rimase per un attimo lì fermo!. Vidi nei suoi occhi un po’ di tristezza, gli chiesi cosa fosse successo; lui disse: ”Ale,voglio stare con voi,non voglio andare via,ora siete diventati voi la mia famiglia”. In quel momento mi si riempirono gli occhi di lacrime. Pensai che non avevo più bisogno dei regali, che erano lì intorno all’albero, per essere felice, perché il regalo più bello che io possa aver mai avuto,è stato lui Loris. Questo è stato uno dei migliori Natali che io abbia trascorso, sapendo di aver fatto qualcosa di bello, accendere una luce negli occhi di un bambino,e far ribattere il suo cuoricino di gioia e felicità!…

The happiest Christmas in my life The happiest Christmas of my life? Every year Christmas were the same, more and more beautiful. Only last year it was a special one. My family and I applied for a sponsorship of a deprived child. His name is Loris; he is three years old and he is very nice and sweet. Christmas was something new for him, so when he arrived here was speechless. On Christmas Eve, after dinner, Loris was very happy. At midnight he can’t wait to go to the church for the Mass about the Holy Child’s birth. After the Mass we came back home and he went to bed very soon. I asked him why. He said me: ” Ale, if you don’t go to sleep, Father Christmas won’t bring you any presents. He’ll bring us only cool.”

The following day, while we were sleeping, Loris came to wake me up. He jumped on my bed and said me that under the Christmas tree there were a lot of gifts. He was happy and surprised. Everything was a dream for him! His eyes sparkled with joy, but while he was unwrapping his gift, he stopped. Hi eyes were sad and I asked him: ”What’s the matter with you”? He answered: ”You are my family now, I want to stay with you“!!! I had tears in my eyes. I realised that I didn’t need all the presents under the Christmas tree! The only present, I had was Loris. The only one! It was the happiest Christmas of my life. It was nice kindling a light in a child’s eyes, and made his heart beating fast joyful!… Alessia Carrozzo class 3C