ossa il corpo umano muscoli tendini
faringe stomaco fegato Fine dell’autostrada Intestino
Gall Bladder Salve! Sono la cistifellea e servo ad immagazzinare la bile:un liquido prodotto dal fegato
bolo Bolo chimo chilo
Mouth (bocca) Teeth (denti) (mechanical breakdown (Cioè I denti spezzettano MECCANICAMENTE il cibo). I denti si dividono in CANINI (canine), MOLARI(molars), PREMOLARI(premolars) e INCISIVI (incisor). Saliva (saliva) (chemical breakdown, cioè la saliva scompone CHIMICAMENTE il cibo) Masseter muscle zygomatic arch, cranial ridge = carnivore Herbivore – diastema plate for incisors to press against Epiglotis prevents food going down the wrong way
Oesophagus E’ lungo circa 25 cm. Fa passare il cibo dalla gola allo stomaco. I movimenti muscolari sono chiamati peristasi . A good way to describe peristalsis is an ocean wave moving through the muscle. These diagrams don’t separate the esophagus from the mouth functions, you might want to talk about what happens in the mouth too.
Stomach Trattiene il cibo che mangi Rompe meccanicamente il cibo Mescola il cibo con i succhi gastrici L’acido nello stomaco uccide i batteri The stomach takes around 4 hours to do it’s job on the food, depending on what kinds of food are digested. Digestive juices HCL and pepsin (protein breakdown)
Small Intestine L’intestino tenue e’ lungo 6 metri I villi intestinari servono per assorbire Il nutrimento passa dalle pareti dell’intestino tenue Enzymes breakdown large molecules. Villi look like little fingers Blood system is in close proximity to carry nutrients away around the rest of the body
Liver Serve per purificare il sangue Livers can regenerate missing pieces if necessary. Is one of the largest organs in the body.
Gall Bladder La cistifellea è come un sacchetto che contiene I succhi gastrici Explain to students that removing the stones typically means removing the gallbladder, but that the body eventually adjusts to not having the bile stored.
Pancreas Produce composti per digerire i grassi e le proteine Neutralizza gli acidi che entrano nell’intestino tenue Regola lo zucchero del sangue attraverso la produzzione dell’insulina Explain the difference between the two types of diabetes. In type 1, the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin. In type 2, the body stops responding properly to the insulin it creates. Enzymes for breakdown of protein, cbh, sugar
Large Intestine È LUNGO CIRCA 1,5 METRI Depending on the maturity of the group, you can talk about the feces leaving via the anus. Mention the appendix at the bottom of the ascending colon and that it might have been used long ago but is not today Mention the portions of the large intestine, ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid, and rectum (last one if the audience is mature enough)
Rectum and Anus RETTO ANO e lungo circa 15 cm Immagazzina gli elementi prima di espellerli ANO L’anello muscolare controlla l’evacuazione. H/O game word play dove finisce la pupù ? NEL G NEL GABINETTO
Write the name of each colored organ: verde: Rosso: Rosa: marrone: Viola: Verdone: Giallo:
Answers verde: esofago rosso: stomaco rosa: intestino tenue marrone: intestino crasso viola: fegato verdone: cistifellea giallo: pancreas H/O in teams complete 69 the digestive system then use it to Draw full size body and position organs