Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Interfacce avanzate per modelli di simulazione: un’applicazione all’impresa virtuale F. Fontana ENEA Usability.


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Transcript della presentazione:

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Interfacce avanzate per modelli di simulazione: un’applicazione all’impresa virtuale F. Fontana ENEA Usability LAB (CAMO), University of Rome, DI Casaccia, 9 th July 2004, Rome, Italy

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Cyber Enterprise functionality and Ptolemy II (Vergil) integration for Virtual Component (VC) based simulation Cyber Enterprise Visual Interfaces (CEVI)

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Cyber Enterprise Cyber Enterprise Activity Plan Virtual Enterprise (VE) Model, Goals and Instruments User Requirements Analysis Technical Specifications according to the Usability Methodology Virtual Enterprise Architecture Virtual Enterprise Components (Modules) Virtual Enterprise General Management Web – DBs and Advanced Visual Interface (AVI)

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Virtual Enterprise The term "virtual" usually stands for something that is seemingly existing despite the lack of some distinguishing attributes. Thus, for example "virtual reality" or "virtual products" do not have any physical structure. They are only existing in computers. For the observer the reality or the product is "existing in the mind, especially as a product of imagination" (American Heritage Dictionary). The term "enterprise" generally associates a bounded and durable object, consisting of people and buildings and basing on a legal framework. Accordingly a virtual enterprise is an enterprise which is lacking some structural characteristics of real enterprises, but nevertheless functions like an enterprise in the imagination of the observer.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm The terms Virtual Enterprise can be synonymous of Cyber Enterprise because the (Sophocles, VISPO) Project objective is to offer advanced services specific of the Cyber Space by means of distributed computational simulation (VCs). Virtual Enterprise

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm E-Business Definizione IBM: Un approccio sicuro, flessibile e integrato alla creazione di un business dal valore aggiunto tramite la combinazione di sistemi e processi che gestiscono le operazioni primarie con la semplicità e la diffusione rese possibili dalla tecnologia di Internet

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm L’e-business comprende oltre all’e-commerce sia le applicazioni del FRONT END che quelle di BACK OFFICE L’e-commerce è solo uno degli aspetti dell’e-business E-Commerce: marketingmarketing venditevendite acquistiacquisti pagamentipagamenti supporto via Internetsupporto via InternetE-Commerce: marketingmarketing venditevendite acquistiacquisti pagamentipagamenti supporto via Internetsupporto via Internet E-Business E-Commerce +E-Commerce + Ridefinizione strategia competitivaRidefinizione strategia competitiva Ridisegno processi di businessRidisegno processi di business Integrazione delle catene del valore dei Business PartnersIntegrazione delle catene del valore dei Business Partners Customer connectionCustomer connection Cultura aziendaleCultura aziendaleE-Business E-Commerce +E-Commerce + Ridefinizione strategia competitivaRidefinizione strategia competitiva Ridisegno processi di businessRidisegno processi di business Integrazione delle catene del valore dei Business PartnersIntegrazione delle catene del valore dei Business Partners Customer connectionCustomer connection Cultura aziendaleCultura aziendale E-Business

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm La catena del valore La scomposizione dei processi aziendali, secondo la catena del valore dell’informazione individuata da Porter (1985), consente di isolare le singole attività rilevanti, individuare eventuali punti deboli all'interno delle stesse ed adottare le strategie idonee per il miglioramento delle stesse in una ottica di creazione del valore per il cliente finale. Produz ione Logisti ca entrata Logisti ca uscita MktgServizi Catena del valore tradizionale di Porter

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm La nuova catena del valore L'azienda e-business supera questa concezione: la catena del valore non è più lineare e consequenziale, ma si sviluppa "a rete" e il valore creato trae origine dall'attività di più soggetti che operano e si coordinano grazie alle possibilità di interconnessione. La gestione efficace della catena del valore presuppone la condivisione in rete, a livello di distretto industriale, di alcuni processi aziendali fondamentali.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm La nuova catena del valore Produz ione Logisti ca entrata Logisti ca uscita MktgServizi Catena del valore virtuale Raccolta e gestione dell’informazione

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Modelli di catene del valore canali integrati esigenze dei clienti infrastr uttura processi flessibili compon enti chiave int. e di outsorce Prodotti Modello di e-business, focus sul cliente (pull) infrastr uttura processi rigidi compete nze chiave interne Prodotti Canali Clienti Modello aziendale tradizionale, focus sul prodotto/servizio (push) Il capovolgimento della catena del valore: l’impresa diventa “centrata sul cliente”.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Modello dell’impresa virtuale Un’Impresa Virtuale manca di una caratterizzazione fisica e strutturale tipica di un’impresa reale, ma tuttavia funziona come essa nell’immaginazione dell’osservatore.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Modello dell’impresa virtuale ImpiegatiClienti PartnersFornitori Modello tradizionale Impiegati PartnersFornitori Clienti Modello relazionale Informazioni E’ centrata sull’evoluzione dei processi di comunicazione delle imprese

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Processi collaborativi: EDI EDI (Electronic Data Interchange): Interscambio elettronico, da computer a computer, di informazioni commerciali strutturate. Si basa sullo standard ANSIX12(USA) o UNEDIFACT(ISO) ma non utilizza tecnologie Web. Pregi: Metodologia efficace e sicura; Semantica ben definita delle diverse relazioni di scambio tra le aziende, applicabile in qualsiasi settore commerciale e Paese. Difetti: Investimenti alti; Ambiente di lavoro a mainframe.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Processi collaborativi: XML XML (eXtensible Markup Language): linguaggio adatto allo scambio di dati tra imprese, con una logica simile all’EDI; non è una tecnologia proprietaria. Usato in CEVI per definire il modelli dei VCs. XML/EDI: usare un messaggio EDI (secondo lo standard UN/EDIFACT) scritto in formato XML.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Standards CEVI è stato progettato in accordo con i seguenti standards: HTML; XML; XML/VOICE 2.0, MMI usare il testo per ascoltare messaggio audio (W3C Consortium, 2004) scritto in formato XML. ASP, JSP, JAVA, JDK 1.4.0, JMF 2.1; MACROMEDIA FLASH MX VMRL;

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm

Il Progetto SOPHOCLES Progetto SOPHOCLES “System level develOpment Platform based on HeterOgeneous models and Concurrent LanguagEs for System applicantions implementation”. Scopo : raggiungere la validazione concettuale di metodologie, piattaforme e tecnologie che supportano l’integrazione e la programmazione, in ambiente distribuito, di sistemi complessi basati su Componenti Virtuali (VC) eterogenei. VC : sono codici di simulazione che replicano il comportamento delle Intellectual Properties o IP (oggetti fisici come Controller, memorie flash, DSP, PLC, etc).

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Il Progetto VISPO

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Cyber Enterprise Model & Networks Extranet communication and services knowledge integration (partners, customer,etc.) assistance Extranet communication and services knowledge integration (partners, customer,etc.) assistance Intranet internal communication collaboration work Intranet internal communication collaboration work Internet institutional and product communication public relations e-commerce Internet institutional and product communication public relations e-commerce Sophocles Cyber Enterprise Sophocles Cyber Enterprise

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Cyber Enterprise Cyber Enterprise User Requirements and Multimedia Interface User Requirements activity: User classes Identification User working-groups for requirements definition Technical working groups for Virtual Component Demonstrations Technical resources identification and configuration (Cyber Enterprise)

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Cyber Enterprise Cyber Enterprise User Classification Criteria Frequency of use Computer familiarity Computer software expertise User mental abilities User physical abilities and skill

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Cyber Enterprise Cyber Enterprise User Classes End User Visitor (Cyber Enterprise) Business User (Cyber Enterprise) Technical User ( “ “ ) Cyber Enterprise Manager Web Cyber Enterprise Manager Data Base Manager/Administrator VCs Manager (Internet User) (Extranet User) (Intranet User)

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Meta Data Analysis VC SUPPLIER USER VCs COGNITIVE INTELLIGENT ADVISOR CYBER ENTERPRISE Cyber Enterprise

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Intranet VC1 VC2 VC3 Suppliers Virtual Components Advanced Communication VC Integrated Design Internet Extranet Customer Registration (User Views) Information Services Server Suppliers ICA VC Central DB Users Cyber Enterprise Core Client Vergil Advanced Visual Interfaces CEVI Web & Multimedia DBs integration Web Searching Active Matrix Web Site Main Banner CONSOLLENEWSMultimediaCyber ServicesSPOT VC Catalogue VC Datasheet VC Technical Doc Multimedia Documents Multimedia Web Seminar Cooperative Work Training Directories Architettura generale della CE

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm a) a)Monitor resolution; b) b)Screen subdivision in 5 functional areas (3*5 cells); c) c)Vertical thematic subdivision. Each thematic area is divided horizontally; d) d)Predefined matrix structure. The information are contained into the cells; e) e)Information retrieval from related databases; The web-db integration is based on: MATRIX HR - WEB SITE STRUCTURE HR

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm HR

MATRIX HR - WEB SITE STRUCTURE The web-db integration is based on: a) a)Monitor resolution; b) b)Screen subdivision in 5 functional areas (3*5 cells); c) c)Vertical thematic subdivision. Each thematic area is divided horizontally; d) d)Predefined matrix structure. The information are contained into the cells; e) e)Information retrieval from related databases;

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Home Page Welcome Home Page Welcome Project Information Project Information General Information General Information Cyber Enterprise Cyber Enterprise Target Groups Target GroupsNews Multimedia Network Services Network Services a ODL Courses User Regisration Access ODL Courses User Regisration Access Utilities Users / DBs Forum & Audio Chat Depliant Calendar,FAQs Links 9 Trailer Video Flash Technical Sections Customer Sections Partners Technical Info Partners Technical Info 31 Catalog Conferences Public Documentation Public Documentation MATRIX - WEB SITE MAP Netseminar & NetLesson Netseminar & NetLesson Staff Courses Docents Registration Selection Newsletter Documentation Management Courses Docents Registration Selection Newsletter Documentation Management

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm CORE It is the main module. It manages the web- db integration and web site structure MATRIX - MODULES CORE NEWS MULTIMEDIA LOGIN/ REGISTRA TION MANAGER WBDMS HOME PAGE MANAGER NET SEMINAR PUBLICATIONS CONGRESS HTML, XML IVQSS NLS Production VCs NET LESSON

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm MULTIMEDIA It is the module manages the multimedia (add, modify, delete and visualisation). It is the module manages the multimedia (add, modify, delete and visualisation).CORE NEWS MULTIMEDIA LOGIN/ REGISTRA TION MANAGER WBDMS HOME PAGE MANAGER NET SEMINAR PUBLICATIONS CONGRESS HTML, XML IVQSS NLS ON-LINE COURSES SI.A. NET LESSON MATRIX HR - MODULES

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm CORE NEWS MULTIMEDIA LOGIN/ REGISTRA TION MANAGER WBDMS HOME PAGE MANAGER NET SEMINAR PUBLICATIONS CONGRESS HTML, XML IVQSS NLS ON-LINE COURSES SI.A. NET LESSON NET SEMINAR/LESSON NET SEMINAR/LESSON It manages all information about the seminar and lesson and their visualization (video and slides included) It manages all information about the seminar and lesson and their visualization (video and slides included) Functions: sinchronous and asinchronous video streaming sinchronous and asinchronous video streaming sinchronous and asinchronous video streaming sinchronous and asinchronous video streaming seminar / sesson data set seminar / sesson data set seminar / sesson data set seminar / sesson data set sinchronous and asinchronous slide visualization / course links sinchronous and asinchronous slide visualization / course links sinchronous and asinchronous slide visualization / course links sinchronous and asinchronous slide visualization / course links on-line questions on-line questions on-line questions on-line questions NET SEMINAR DEMO MATRIX HR - MODULES

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm PC1PC2PCn Users Internet Remote access 56Kps Web-cam Real server Real producer Real player Digital TLC 56Kps Ulab PC Laptop U1U2Un Kps Sinchronous/Asinchronous Streaming MATRIX HR - Global Multimedia Specifications Java Media Server Java Data Server Java Viewer

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Media Server Video preview Media player Recorder capture Streaming File Streaming Realtime: 1-n MATRIX HR – JNetSeminar/JNetLesson

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm JNetSeminar Viewer Module Client Interface: Area Video Area Seminaries Area Slide Area Chat

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm DYNAMIC ICON – AVI

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm ROOMS – ADVANCED VISUAL INTERFACES

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm AVI – ADVANCED VISUAL INTERFACES

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm AVI – ADVANCED VISUAL INTERFACES

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Virtual 3D MATRIX EM Virtual Environments: - Industry, CAMPUS, Research Center, Power Plants; - Virtual Laboratory; - Virtual Classroom; - Meeting Point, Administration, etc.;

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Problematiche di sviluppo JAVA (Applet, RMI, JDBC, SWING, Socket) Drivers di 3° e 4° tipo installati sul lato server Java Plug-In + JVM 1.4 Applicazione Java Server JAVA (RMI, Socket) e CORBA Strumento di Sviluppo Rete - DB - Interfaccia Interfacciamento con i VC eterogenei e remoti Accesso RDBMS Eterogenei e remoti Compatibilità Web Browser-Java Restrizioni Applet Java

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Il Progetto Node A Application Launcher Network THALES PTII Corba, TCP/IP, RMI ENEA Socket, C++ Java, socket TCP/IP Node B Application Launcher Network Philips YAPI/Sy stem C LIFL/C++ Corba/Or bacus

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Ptolemy II E’ stato realizzato il Modulo VEC per integrare nella Cyber Enterprise Ptolemy II; Ptolemy II è una piattaforma per la progettazione di modelli di simulazione scelta come riferimento standard per il Progetto SOPHOCLES; Ptolemy II è stato progettato e realizzato nell’Università di Berkeley (California).

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Ptolemy II

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Ptolemy II

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Cyber Enterprise architecture and functionality

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm CE Architecture AVIWeb Client Central Database Local Database WS 1,2,...,n VC 1 Communication Manager Module Extranet Browser AVI VC Manager & Interface Interface & Setup Interface & Setup Interface & Setup VC 2 VC n Advanced Visual Interface VERGIL IF to Vergil WS 1 WS 2 WSn Intranet Service Network Server

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm CE Advanced Visual Interfaces Client Server Web Central DB AVI VC s Interface & Setup DB Intelligent Advisor Vergil - Comm Browser Advanced Web Searching System Vergil Iconic Visual Query System Advanced Visual Interface Browser VC Manager & Interface Communication Manager Module Web AVI

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Sim. Monitor CE, Status Cyber Enterprise Visual Interface (CEVI) VC Interface Layout ( Java Frames) 1324 (1+2)x(3-2)+(10:5)= VC Selection User Input, General Scritp,Parser User Profile Account VC DATA & Set-up ResultsVC Sessions VC Graphical Rep.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Global Scenario WEB Cyber Enterprise DATABASE Catalogo Doc. tecnica Vendita, contratti PHILIPS VCs, Server di VC, statistiche ENEA Handshake VCs LIFL VCs, Applicazio ni su elab immagini ESTEREL VCs IPITEC VCs Suppliers ICA VC Central DB Users CEVI VC VEC MM AWM NETSEMINAR Ptolemy II VERGIL VCM,CM WBDMS Altri ENEA Berkeley LEGENDA Gestione utenti INTERFACCE

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm CE – PTolemyII Data Exchange ActorsFolder Purchasing UserVCs VC selection Database

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm CE Modules – Vergil & VCs interaction Vergil Cyber Enterprise VC providers - - VC scheleton - - Vergil cfg files - - Upload vergil models - - VC setup - - VC configuration - - VC activation - - Simulation result (XML files) - - Login to the CE - - Download Vergil models (XML files)

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm This machine contains the Cyber Enterprise site and the AVI interface that allow the user to interact with the CE and the remote VCs. This interaction is made by means: VCM: The Virtual Component Manager is a core module that manages information about the User and VCs involved in the simulation. Query Server (accessed via RMI): Java package that executes queries towards remote databases using JDBC drivers (provided by IDS Server). (continue) Go inside: Cyber Enterprise HOST

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm A global view VC’s HOST Process executor server Cyber Enterprise HOST AVI Query server IDS server I/O server DB’s HOST Oracle/Access DBMS User HOST Browser JRE 1.4 PTolemy II VEC VCM

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Go inside: Cyber Enterprise HOST (2) I/O Server: Java package that puts in communication a client side application (Vergil Enhanced Console) with the CE by exchanging messages over a Socket.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Go inside: DB HOST This machine contains only the databases used in the CE. They are enquired remotely using the Query Server package and IDS server.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Go inside: VC HOST This is a VC provider machine. Other than the Virtual Component, it contains a Process Executor Server that listens for a remote invocation.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Go inside: USER HOST This is the user machine. Simply by using a web browser (with JRE 1.4 installed) he can perform a VC simulation. Moreover this machine could has: Ptolemy II (developed by the Berkeley Univ.): it is a Java application through which perform local simulation (by an internal simulation engine) and design VC Models (by means of Vergil tool). VEC (Vergil Enhanced Consolle, developed by ULAB): used to put in connection the user with the Cyber Enterprise. (continue)

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Go inside: USER HOST (2) VEC allows the user to: configure Vergil’s actor panel with the actor purchased (not present in the standard Ptolemy library); Upload VC models from the user host to the personal CE folder Download VC models from the CE personal folder to the user host. These operations require an authentication phase.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm DEMO HW – SW configuration Vergil CE - AVI VC providers PIV 1.8 Ghz Linux RED HAT Master - Monitor - Arbiter - Requester 0 - Requester 1 - Trigger Generator PIII dual processor 1 GHz Windows 2000 server Active Web Matrix VCM CM

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Introduction AVI CEVI-JA Cyber Enterprise Visual Interface Ptolemy II AVI to support model design CEVI-JA Provider Cyber Enterprise Visual Interface for Provider user Suppliers ICA VC Central DB Users CMVCM Web Seminar Cooperative Work Training VEC Vergil Enhanced Consolle DB VC server VCs DB VCs CEVI-JA Staff Cyber Enterprise Visual Interface for Staff user Cyber Enterprise Core Virtual Component Manager Communication Manager Web Multimedia......

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm The Cyber Enterprise is accessible through the web site developed with Active Web Matrix technology News; News; News about new services, functionalities or meeting are stored and posted on the web-site Web functionalities Web Based Document Management System; Web Based Document Management System; A web based system to organize, collect and show project documentation. Web seminar; Web seminar; Seminar and conference dissemination through the Web. Network services; Network services; A collection of services needed to manage the site content and structure VC Catalogue; VC Catalogue; A detailed list of VC, through which the user gains information and buys VCs. CEVI Interfacing CEVI Interfacing The visual interface through which the user accesses the remote environment to perform simulations. simulations.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Multimedia Database integration Information flows among CE, Web, user and provider’s VC server. These information, coming from heterogeneous and distributed CE – databases, are managed to create the CE knowledge. User DB Multimedia DB Provider’s DB Web

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm VC Server configuration VCs, hosted on the provider’s machine, must be configured with: a)Information (VC and connection links) about the model of the system the designer built (VC-net); b)TCP-IP information about the machines hosting the VCs involved in the design. c) Information about the SW component managing communication and simulation results. Information (a) is derived by the XML file produced by the Ptolemy II environment Information (a) is derived by the XML file produced by the Ptolemy II environment Information (b) and (c) are set by the CE through queries to specific databases. Information (b) and (c) are set by the CE through queries to specific databases.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Simulation User Interface environments AVI CEVI-JA Cyber Enterprise Visual Interface (Java Applet) CEVI-JA Provider Cyber Enterprise Visual Interface for Provider user Ptolemy II AVI to support model design VEC Vergil Enhanced Consolle CEVI-JA Staff Cyber Enterprise Visual Interface for Staff user To build a VC model To put in connection PtolemyII with the Cyber Enterprise Server (models upload/download, Vergil configuration, etc) To access remote simulation environments, in order to perform simulations. To monitor CE resources (in terms of users and VCs) To monitor provider resource (in terms of machines and VCs)

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm News Public document User Registration The user registration is a preliminary step that allows the user to access serveral Cyber Enterprise services;The user registration is a preliminary step that allows the user to access serveral Cyber Enterprise services; The registration is user-profile modelled (End-user, Visitor, Customer, Company, etc);The registration is user-profile modelled (End-user, Visitor, Customer, Company, etc); Different user-profile  Different amount of information requested;Different user-profile  Different amount of information requested; Different user profile  Different services allowed;Different user profile  Different services allowed; Web seminar Show room Network services CEVI VC store Registered user Registered as customer Free access VC catalogue

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Provider Web Information set Providers who desire to offer their simulation environment have to furnish to the Cyber Enterprise a set of information: A VC card that specifies both general (Name, field of application, etc) and technical information (number of I/O ports with their AC specifics, compatibility with other VC, etc); A VC card that specifies both general (Name, field of application, etc) and technical information (number of I/O ports with their AC specifics, compatibility with other VC, etc); The IP addresses of the machine that hosts VCs; The IP addresses of the machine that hosts VCs; How to locate the simulation result. How to locate the simulation result. The CE will provide an application to allow communication between provider’s machine and CE server.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm CE-Ptolemy II integration Ptolemy II (Berkekey Univ.) is a stand-alone program The CE has a distributed architecture VEC Ptolemy II has been integrated with an additional module (VEC- Vergil Enhanced Consolle) that allows direct communication between the client- machine (on which Ptolemy II is running) and CE machine (on which information about user, VC model and VC location are stored)

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Conclusioni e futuri sviluppi

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Conclusioni e futuri sviluppi

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Test di usabilità Metodologia: Circa 60 utenti scelti sulla base della metodologia di validazione ENEA/VENUS.   utenti casuali (esterni al laboratorio), uso occasionale (scelti soprattutto nel contesto ENEA);   utenti professionali, uso inerente alla propria attività lavorativa;   utenti esperti, conoscitori del sistema o esperti in informatica (studenti). Risultati: Indice generale di accettazione dell’utente con un buono grado di usabilità; Velocità di esecuzione e di presentazione dei risultati efficiente.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Starting DEMO

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Vergil – CE Communication Login buttonVergil configurationVergil model downloadVergil model upload

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm VC models and configuration VC models created by Vergil are represented as XML files <!DOCTYPE entity PUBLIC "-//UC Berkeley//DTD MoML 1//EN" " " …….. …….. This representation facilitates the exchange of data among the CE modules Each VC will be configured as soon as the XML file is parsed in order to establish the network of components involved in the simulation and their I/O port.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm CEVI VC selectionVC & user informationXML view Session areaResult area Script area

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Conclusion Cyber Enterprise was tested with user groups in terms Cyber Enterprise was tested with user groups in terms of design support and cooperative work environment; of design support and cooperative work environment; The CE’s testing phase has measured a high grade of The CE’s testing phase has measured a high grade of usability; usability; Advanced visual interfaces has been integrated with Advanced visual interfaces has been integrated with the CE core and with web-database applications; the CE core and with web-database applications; The CE platform is both Operating System and DBMS The CE platform is both Operating System and DBMS indipendent; indipendent; A reliable and VC systems have been developed A reliable and VC systems have been developed during the project. during the project.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Thank you for your attention!

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm I moduli di CEVI: VCM (Virtual Component Manager) Il Virtual Component Manager (VCM): permette l’integrazione fra Attori, Componenti Virtuali, utente e processi coinvolti nella fase di simulazione; è invocato tramite RMI da tutti i moduli della CE che richiedono l’accesso ai database (VEC, CEVI-JA, CM); utilizza una gestione ottimizzata delle connessioni, realizzata mediante l’uso di un “pool” di connessioni attive (connection pooling). CEVI-JA CM VCM VEC

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm I moduli di CEVI: CM (Communication Manager) Il Communication Manager (CM) svolge una funzione fondamentale nelle comunicazioni tra i VC e la CE nella fase di simulazione. Funzioni: riceve da VCM lista VC da attivare con i relativi parametri in linguaggio XML; mette in comunicazione tra loro i VC; attende il risultato; controlla situazione di errore e/o stallo; spedisce il risultato alla CE (VCM/CEVI-JA). CEVI-JA CM VCM VEC

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm I moduli di CEVI: CEVI-JA La Cyber Enterprise Visual Interface – Java Applet è il pannello operativo a disposizione dell’utente per interfacciarsi con la Cyber Enterprise. Mediante CEVI-JA l’utente può: accedere alle risorse (Componenti virtuali acquisiti, i modelli di simulazione costruiti, ecc); configurare i VC in real –time, per mezzo di area di scripts; avviare la simulazione; ricevere il risultato della simulazione. CEVI-JA CM VCM VEC

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Conclusioni e futuri sviluppi La sperimentazione e osservazione del sistema che si è realizzato, è stata messa continuamente in relazione agli utenti ed alla loro reazione, suggerimenti e richieste. La risposta alla domanda “il sistema risponde alle specifiche iniziali del progetto e ai requisiti dell’utenza?” è stata data dall’uso diretto del sistema da parte dei progettisti di “System On the Chip”.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Conclusioni e futuri sviluppi Creazione di interfacce multiple (o multimodali) in funzione dell’utente e del suo profilo: utente finale (CEVI-JA); staff; provider.

Virtual district Internet-based Service PlatfOrm Introduction Sophocles - CE is an advanced platform to manage heterogeneous and distributed simulation environment, cooperative-works and communications; Sophocles - CE is an advanced platform to manage heterogeneous and distributed simulation environment, cooperative-works and communications; It allows the access to remote environments and services through a friendly and easy-to-use graphical interface; It allows the access to remote environments and services through a friendly and easy-to-use graphical interface; The knowledge is maintained in secure system databases. The knowledge is maintained in secure system databases.