Sezione di Padova Contributo alla costruzione dei layers 6,7 Possibili task per PADOVA:  precedente proposta: R&D della procedura di assemblaggio degli.


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Transcript della presentazione:

Sezione di Padova Contributo alla costruzione dei layers 6,7 Possibili task per PADOVA:  precedente proposta: R&D della procedura di assemblaggio degli staves, inclusa la produzione del tooling e la realizzazione del prototipo della stazione di assemblaggio degli staves;  nuova proposta: R&D integrazione degli staves in half- barrel e distribuzione dei servizi, incluso lo sviluppo e la messa a punto del tooling e della procedura di integrazione. Produzione del prototipo 0 di half-barrel? INFN Upgrade Meeting11 Aprile 2013

Risorse di personale per attività di meccanica layers 6-7 Officina di progettazione meccanica:  M. Benettoni, con il supporto di A. Pepato  1 disegnatore meccanico equivalente  1 figura di ingegnere meccanico TD dedicata all'attività per i prossimi 3-4 anni  contributo ulteriore del personale dell’officina di progettazione meccanica ove necessario Officina meccanica  1-2 tecnici equivalenti Sezione di Padova Risorse di personale INFN Upgrade Meeting11 Aprile 2013

INFN Upgrade Meeting11 Aprile 2013 MORE INFO (slides S. Moretto, 21 marzo)

Padova Contributions for the whole ITS Upgrade Project  Physics - Simulation (WP1 – WP2) Topics: Future physics programme of the experiment and simulation studies to assess the expected performance of the ALICE detector, with the new ITS. A. Dainese is the coordinator of the WP1 and he strongly participated to the CDR draft. Declared interest for the simulation software development for the Monolithic pixel detectors characterization.  Characterization and Qualification - Readout Electronics (WP5 – WP10) Topics: Development of hardware and software for the characterization of PIXEL chip and entire module and data transmission. Development and realization of test setup for the pixel chip and modules. P. Giubilato is the coordinator of the WP10 (data transmission).  Mechanics and Cooling (WP11) Topics: Development of mechanics and cooling for the upgrade ITS. Studies on Silicon micro- channels cooling with the PhD Francescon and the engineer D. Del Col.  Outer Layers (6,7) Module (All) – WP8 -> Tasks and perspectives to be discussed March INFN Upgrade Meeting

Structures and Facilities: Clean room equipped with a Mitutoyo measuring machine for the installation of the prototypes and for testing assembly procedures. Padova Perspectives: Structures and Facilities Sizes 800x2000x1000 mm3 Bridge Type Accuracy (2.3+3L/1000)µm Probe and Optical Measurement March INFN Upgrade Meeting Active Scanner machine Zeiss Accura placed in the mechanical shop for the qualification of the produced tools and jigs. Sizes 1200x1800x1000 mm3 Accuracy from 1.6um + L/333 Active Scanning, Passive Scanning and Laser Scanning Another clean room of 70 mq equipped with Johansson measuring machine available at Legnaro Laboratory Electronic laboratory for the development of the test setup

Padova Perspectives: Engineerin g Office Mechanical Shop Clean room (with measuring machines) Electronic Laboratory All located at Physics Department “door to door”: Very useful to fast manage the proposed tasks for the WP8 (designs, production, qualification, tests, etc..) Significant experience in the past SPD project: mechanics, production, qualification, assembly and integration Important possibility to easily exchange information with the other interconnect WPs in Padova March INFN Upgrade Meeting