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Avviso di seminario ERASMUS+

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1 Avviso di seminario ERASMUS+
Nell’ambito degli scambi culturali in ambito ERASMUS+ e del corso di Optoelectronics della Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Elettronica e con la collaborazione dell’IEEE Photonics Society - Italy Chapter, il Prof. Alessandro Fantoni - Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, in visita presso il DIAG, terrà un seminario dal titolo: Amorphous silicon photonics devices Il seminario, aperto a studenti e docenti interessati, avrà luogo il giorno 20 dicembre 2017 alle ore 15:30 nella sala lettura (II Piano) del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni - DIET, Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Informatica e Statistica, sede San Pietro in Vincoli, via Eudossiana, 18 Roma. ABSTRACT. State of the art good quality a-Si:H can be deposited by Pressure Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD). This technique has reached a stable maturity and quality, due to the large investment directed to mass production of a-Si:H solar cells and thin film transistor for active matrix flat panel displays. The amorphous phase of silicon has been intensively studied during the last decade of the XX century and it is well known that the electronic and optical properties of the films are strongly influenced by deposition technique and conditions. The physical properties of amorphous silicon are reviewed and correlated with the possibility of using this material in new applicative contexts. Photonic waveguides, biomedical proteomic sensor devices, plasmonic devices, integration with metal nanoparticles and graphene are presented as a possible reinvention of amorphous silicon for novel optoelectronics applications. BIOGRAPHY. Alessandro Fantoni was born in Rome (Italy) in He received a university degree in applied mathematics from the University of Camerino, Italy (1992), and a PhD in Material Engineering/Micro and Optoelectronics from the New University of Lisbon, Portugal (1999). Presently he is a Coordinator Professor at the Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer Department of the Engineering Institute of Lisbon (ISEL-ADEETC) and he is a member of the UNINOVA-CTS research centre (Centre of Technology and Systems), Caparica (Portugal). He teaches Electronics and Optoelectronics courses at both bachelor and master level. His research interests are related to simulation and characterization of micro and optoelectronic thin film devices. Prof. Antonio d’Alessandro Professor of Optoelectronics Vice-President of IEEE Photonic Society - Italy Chapter Prof. Paolo Di Giamberardino Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale Sapienza Università di Roma

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