1) WORDS ARE NOT ENOUGH Movimento + Sensi + Oggetti + Immagini +...
2) PLAY WITH LANGUAGE Rhymes Songs Nonsense: “Blue eyes, blue pies” - “Let's go, pets go!”
3) LANGUAGE AS LANGUAGE Per reading + writing: ci vuole tempo... (8- 10 anni)
4) VARIETY Di attività Di “andatura” Di organizzazione Di tono della voce...
5) ROUTINES Rules Systems Plans...
6) COOPERATION NOT COMPETITION Evitare premi, gare, ecc. Valorizzare esperienze condivise Atmosfera di collaborazione, unità, non ansia
7) GRAMMAR Quanto sai di una lingua non dipende da quante regole sai...
8) ASSESSMENT Correzione e valutazione inibiscono la comunicazione: scegli momento adeguato!
Take care of group formation and the learning community Abbassare le barriere affettive! Prendere tempo per creare atmosfera (English corner; class language, etc.)
La comunicazione avviene se le facciamo spazio...
Alcune riflessioni Consideriamo 3 tipi di lezione e cerchiamo di trovare - STRONG POINTS - WEAK POINTS
LESSON PLAN A Draw a snail on the board. Identify the main parts of the snail. Get the children to repeat after you. When finished give the children word cues and get them to say the complete sentences. When the class is confident choose individual children to say the sentences. Pairwork: Ask them to repeat the activity in pairs. Go around and listen for mistakes. Correct them if necessary. Writing: write sentences on the board, ask the children to copy them. Or: leave gaps in the sentences and ask the children to complete them.
LESSON PLAN B Give the children instructions to draw a snail. “Start at the center of the page, draw a very small circle...” Describe the snail and ask the children to repeat after you. Repeat the activity until they are confident. Ask them to describe the snail. Ask questions about the snails. Pairwork: ask them to ask and answer questions about the snail they have drawn. Writing: ask children to write down 5, 6 questions about the snail
LESSON PLAN C Organise the class into a semicircle. Show pictures of different type of snails. Describe them. Use lots of gestures and mime to help out. Underline differences in colour, size, shape, etc.
Organise the class in groups of 4 or 5; they are going to create a monster snail, they can use any colours they want, they can make it the shape they want. Appoint a tidy monitor Appoint a noise controller When the children finish ask them to display the snail Ask the children to describe snail. Give them examples.
Choose a pupil to stand by his or her snail an to point to parts of the model while you and the class describe the parts several times. Organise the class into new groups of 4, 5. Each group stands beside the snail. Appoint a teacher for each group. The teachers points to parts, the children have to describe them. Leave the group, leave them time to practise. Encourage them to write 5, 6 sentences on their snails. Allow errors in the first draft.
Ci sono molti tipi di insegnanti!
QUALI ATTIVITA' SONO PIU' APPROPRIATE ALL'INIZIO? Discutine in gruppo: 1) in coppia si pratica “Hello, my name is..., what is your name?” 2) insegnare alfabeto inglese 3) unire coppie di parole (Incy > spider) 4) fare una lista di parole che già conoscono 5) mettiti una maschera da ragno, presentati alla classe, chiedi nomi 6) bingo con nomi di animali First page, first lessons
7) roleplay: ognuno sceglie un animale e si presenta per nome e azione 8) scrivi frasi simili a quelle della prima pagina del libro 9) TPR activity 10) canzone con animali 11) insegnare colori e numeri 12) prendere una cartina e indicare i paesi dove si parla inglese 13) disegnare animale preferito 14) creare un pupazzo a forma di animale 15)...
You don't have to start with “Hello!”...but if you want to _h60&feature=PlayList&p=574DDA4C8B11 0ACB&playnext_from=PL&index=40&playne xt=9 5_h60&feature=PlayList&p=574DDA4C8B11 0ACB&playnext_from=PL&index=40&playne xt=9
Let's make a spider! Prepare a set of instructions to build a spider mobile
TPR activities Little Miss Muffet......sits on a bucket......eating her chocolate icecream......along comes a spider......and sits down beside her......and makes little Miss Muffet scream!
TPR activities Form a web Sing the song: “One little elephant went out to play in a spider's web one day. She had such enormous fun, she asked for another elephant to come”
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