"Lavoro temporaneo e firma digitale"


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Transcript della presentazione:

"Lavoro temporaneo e firma digitale" La sperimentazione a Modena del progetto "Lavoro temporaneo e firma digitale" First, I would like to share with you an overview of some of the key points about our business. Adecco is the world wide leader in the Staffing Services Industry. Today, Adecco has the highest revenue, operating income, cash flow and market capitalization of any firm in the industry. Increasingly, I think that size and global reach do indeed matter in delivering high quality staffing services and our leading market position gives Adecco tremendous strength. As building our market capitalization and increasing shareholder value is our prime objective, I am pleased to note that our share price has increased from 265 CHF per share when the merger creating Adecco was announced, to 685 CHF per share as of last week. In terms of revenue, the merger to form Adecco has accelerated our growth significantly. In fact, the combined entity of Adecco is now three and a half times larger than either Adia or Ecco was alone. This is a remarkable feat that was achieved in just around 18 months. As Adecco we now have 3000 offices in 48 countries, with new operations recently established in Finland, Panama, India, Uruguay, Puerto Rico and Macao. Adecco has the largest and most diverse network of any company in our industry. Given all the uncertainty surrounding the merger to create Adecco, I am proud to say that we have managed to maintain and even accelerate our growth rate during 1997 and into 1998. Our running rate for growth is now 50% in local currency including acquisitions. Organically we are growing at over 30%. Finally, as you know, Adecco is a Swiss registered company, but we also have shares traded in Paris as well as ADR’s traded in the USA on NASDAQ. a cura di 2

Contratto di fornitura Il rapporto di lavoro temporaneo Contratto di lavoro Comunicazioni Impresa fornitrice amministrazione Pubblica FORMA SCRITTA Contratto di fornitura First, I would like to share with you an overview of some of the key points about our business. Adecco is the world wide leader in the Staffing Services Industry. Today, Adecco has the highest revenue, operating income, cash flow and market capitalization of any firm in the industry. Increasingly, I think that size and global reach do indeed matter in delivering high quality staffing services and our leading market position gives Adecco tremendous strength. As building our market capitalization and increasing shareholder value is our prime objective, I am pleased to note that our share price has increased from 265 CHF per share when the merger creating Adecco was announced, to 685 CHF per share as of last week. In terms of revenue, the merger to form Adecco has accelerated our growth significantly. In fact, the combined entity of Adecco is now three and a half times larger than either Adia or Ecco was alone. This is a remarkable feat that was achieved in just around 18 months. As Adecco we now have 3000 offices in 48 countries, with new operations recently established in Finland, Panama, India, Uruguay, Puerto Rico and Macao. Adecco has the largest and most diverse network of any company in our industry. Given all the uncertainty surrounding the merger to create Adecco, I am proud to say that we have managed to maintain and even accelerate our growth rate during 1997 and into 1998. Our running rate for growth is now 50% in local currency including acquisitions. Organically we are growing at over 30%. Finally, as you know, Adecco is a Swiss registered company, but we also have shares traded in Paris as well as ADR’s traded in the USA on NASDAQ. a cura di 2

Il flusso di alcuni documenti del lavoro temporaneo First, I would like to share with you an overview of some of the key points about our business. Adecco is the world wide leader in the Staffing Services Industry. Today, Adecco has the highest revenue, operating income, cash flow and market capitalization of any firm in the industry. Increasingly, I think that size and global reach do indeed matter in delivering high quality staffing services and our leading market position gives Adecco tremendous strength. As building our market capitalization and increasing shareholder value is our prime objective, I am pleased to note that our share price has increased from 265 CHF per share when the merger creating Adecco was announced, to 685 CHF per share as of last week. In terms of revenue, the merger to form Adecco has accelerated our growth significantly. In fact, the combined entity of Adecco is now three and a half times larger than either Adia or Ecco was alone. This is a remarkable feat that was achieved in just around 18 months. As Adecco we now have 3000 offices in 48 countries, with new operations recently established in Finland, Panama, India, Uruguay, Puerto Rico and Macao. Adecco has the largest and most diverse network of any company in our industry. Given all the uncertainty surrounding the merger to create Adecco, I am proud to say that we have managed to maintain and even accelerate our growth rate during 1997 and into 1998. Our running rate for growth is now 50% in local currency including acquisitions. Organically we are growing at over 30%. Finally, as you know, Adecco is a Swiss registered company, but we also have shares traded in Paris as well as ADR’s traded in the USA on NASDAQ. a cura di 2

La sperimentazione a Modena Obiettivo: Definire e sperimentare degli standard per la comunicazione attraverso mezzi telematici agli enti della Pubblica Amministrazione. Nell’ambito del progetto, rientra anche la sperimentazione della sottoscrizione dei contratti di fornitura e delle lettere di assunzione mediante firma digitale, secondo il D.P.R. 513/1997 Contratto di fornitura Contratto di lavoro Estensione documenti interni First, I would like to share with you an overview of some of the key points about our business. Adecco is the world wide leader in the Staffing Services Industry. Today, Adecco has the highest revenue, operating income, cash flow and market capitalization of any firm in the industry. Increasingly, I think that size and global reach do indeed matter in delivering high quality staffing services and our leading market position gives Adecco tremendous strength. As building our market capitalization and increasing shareholder value is our prime objective, I am pleased to note that our share price has increased from 265 CHF per share when the merger creating Adecco was announced, to 685 CHF per share as of last week. In terms of revenue, the merger to form Adecco has accelerated our growth significantly. In fact, the combined entity of Adecco is now three and a half times larger than either Adia or Ecco was alone. This is a remarkable feat that was achieved in just around 18 months. As Adecco we now have 3000 offices in 48 countries, with new operations recently established in Finland, Panama, India, Uruguay, Puerto Rico and Macao. Adecco has the largest and most diverse network of any company in our industry. Given all the uncertainty surrounding the merger to create Adecco, I am proud to say that we have managed to maintain and even accelerate our growth rate during 1997 and into 1998. Our running rate for growth is now 50% in local currency including acquisitions. Organically we are growing at over 30%. Finally, as you know, Adecco is a Swiss registered company, but we also have shares traded in Paris as well as ADR’s traded in the USA on NASDAQ. Fase 1 Fase 2 Fase 3 COMPLETATO COMPLETATO a cura di 2

Fase 1, Contratto di fornitura - Il flusso Impresa fornitrice Filiale: - emissione e firma contratto; - archiviazione. Internet Invio contratto di fornitura Comunicazione contratto Ricevuta di ritorno Invio contratto di fornitura firmato First, I would like to share with you an overview of some of the key points about our business. Adecco is the world wide leader in the Staffing Services Industry. Today, Adecco has the highest revenue, operating income, cash flow and market capitalization of any firm in the industry. Increasingly, I think that size and global reach do indeed matter in delivering high quality staffing services and our leading market position gives Adecco tremendous strength. As building our market capitalization and increasing shareholder value is our prime objective, I am pleased to note that our share price has increased from 265 CHF per share when the merger creating Adecco was announced, to 685 CHF per share as of last week. In terms of revenue, the merger to form Adecco has accelerated our growth significantly. In fact, the combined entity of Adecco is now three and a half times larger than either Adia or Ecco was alone. This is a remarkable feat that was achieved in just around 18 months. As Adecco we now have 3000 offices in 48 countries, with new operations recently established in Finland, Panama, India, Uruguay, Puerto Rico and Macao. Adecco has the largest and most diverse network of any company in our industry. Given all the uncertainty surrounding the merger to create Adecco, I am proud to say that we have managed to maintain and even accelerate our growth rate during 1997 and into 1998. Our running rate for growth is now 50% in local currency including acquisitions. Organically we are growing at over 30%. Finally, as you know, Adecco is a Swiss registered company, but we also have shares traded in Paris as well as ADR’s traded in the USA on NASDAQ. DPL - Servizio ispezione del lavoro: - archiviazione. Azienda utilizzatrice: - firma contratto; a cura di 2

Fase 1, Contratto di fornitura - Le garanzie Impresa fornitrice Accordo autografato Certificato su smartcard Certificato su smartcard Certificato su smartcard First, I would like to share with you an overview of some of the key points about our business. Adecco is the world wide leader in the Staffing Services Industry. Today, Adecco has the highest revenue, operating income, cash flow and market capitalization of any firm in the industry. Increasingly, I think that size and global reach do indeed matter in delivering high quality staffing services and our leading market position gives Adecco tremendous strength. As building our market capitalization and increasing shareholder value is our prime objective, I am pleased to note that our share price has increased from 265 CHF per share when the merger creating Adecco was announced, to 685 CHF per share as of last week. In terms of revenue, the merger to form Adecco has accelerated our growth significantly. In fact, the combined entity of Adecco is now three and a half times larger than either Adia or Ecco was alone. This is a remarkable feat that was achieved in just around 18 months. As Adecco we now have 3000 offices in 48 countries, with new operations recently established in Finland, Panama, India, Uruguay, Puerto Rico and Macao. Adecco has the largest and most diverse network of any company in our industry. Given all the uncertainty surrounding the merger to create Adecco, I am proud to say that we have managed to maintain and even accelerate our growth rate during 1997 and into 1998. Our running rate for growth is now 50% in local currency including acquisitions. Organically we are growing at over 30%. Finally, as you know, Adecco is a Swiss registered company, but we also have shares traded in Paris as well as ADR’s traded in the USA on NASDAQ. Ente certificatore, iscritto A.I.P.A. a cura di 2

Fase 1, Contratto di fornitura - Requisiti Impresa fornitrice Smartcard Lettore smartcard e-mail SW di ricono- scimento e applica- zione firma AZIENDA UTILIZZATRICE SFLT Smartcard Lettore smartcard e-mail Sistema informatico adeguato Smartcard Lettore smartcard e-mail Accesso a DB contratti DPL - SERVIZIO ISPEZIONE DEL LAVORO Piattaforma document management Reporting tools Marcatura temporale First, I would like to share with you an overview of some of the key points about our business. Adecco is the world wide leader in the Staffing Services Industry. Today, Adecco has the highest revenue, operating income, cash flow and market capitalization of any firm in the industry. Increasingly, I think that size and global reach do indeed matter in delivering high quality staffing services and our leading market position gives Adecco tremendous strength. As building our market capitalization and increasing shareholder value is our prime objective, I am pleased to note that our share price has increased from 265 CHF per share when the merger creating Adecco was announced, to 685 CHF per share as of last week. In terms of revenue, the merger to form Adecco has accelerated our growth significantly. In fact, the combined entity of Adecco is now three and a half times larger than either Adia or Ecco was alone. This is a remarkable feat that was achieved in just around 18 months. As Adecco we now have 3000 offices in 48 countries, with new operations recently established in Finland, Panama, India, Uruguay, Puerto Rico and Macao. Adecco has the largest and most diverse network of any company in our industry. Given all the uncertainty surrounding the merger to create Adecco, I am proud to say that we have managed to maintain and even accelerate our growth rate during 1997 and into 1998. Our running rate for growth is now 50% in local currency including acquisitions. Organically we are growing at over 30%. Finally, as you know, Adecco is a Swiss registered company, but we also have shares traded in Paris as well as ADR’s traded in the USA on NASDAQ. a cura di 2

Fase 1, Contratto di fornitura - Il confronto Stampa del contratto Consegna manuale Alla firma azienda utilizzatrice Alla firma DF Firma DF Classificazione ed archiviazione Recupero contratto firmato Firma responsabile azienda Convocazione DF Acquisizione contratto invio a P.A. Workflow attuale: tempo minimo 4h Acquisizione contratto e firma da parte dell’azienda utilizzatrice First, I would like to share with you an overview of some of the key points about our business. Adecco is the world wide leader in the Staffing Services Industry. Today, Adecco has the highest revenue, operating income, cash flow and market capitalization of any firm in the industry. Increasingly, I think that size and global reach do indeed matter in delivering high quality staffing services and our leading market position gives Adecco tremendous strength. As building our market capitalization and increasing shareholder value is our prime objective, I am pleased to note that our share price has increased from 265 CHF per share when the merger creating Adecco was announced, to 685 CHF per share as of last week. In terms of revenue, the merger to form Adecco has accelerated our growth significantly. In fact, the combined entity of Adecco is now three and a half times larger than either Adia or Ecco was alone. This is a remarkable feat that was achieved in just around 18 months. As Adecco we now have 3000 offices in 48 countries, with new operations recently established in Finland, Panama, India, Uruguay, Puerto Rico and Macao. Adecco has the largest and most diverse network of any company in our industry. Given all the uncertainty surrounding the merger to create Adecco, I am proud to say that we have managed to maintain and even accelerate our growth rate during 1997 and into 1998. Our running rate for growth is now 50% in local currency including acquisitions. Organically we are growing at over 30%. Finally, as you know, Adecco is a Swiss registered company, but we also have shares traded in Paris as well as ADR’s traded in the USA on NASDAQ. Estrazione e firma contratto Acquisizione contratto invio a PA (DPL) Ricezione ricevuta per effettuata consegna Workflow con firma digitale: tempo minimo 5min a cura di 2

Fase 2, Lettera di assunzione Impresa fornitrice Contratto di lavoro Centro per l’impiego Punti aperti: - libretto di lavoro elettronico - integrazione NETLABOR Integrazione NETLABOR? First, I would like to share with you an overview of some of the key points about our business. Adecco is the world wide leader in the Staffing Services Industry. Today, Adecco has the highest revenue, operating income, cash flow and market capitalization of any firm in the industry. Increasingly, I think that size and global reach do indeed matter in delivering high quality staffing services and our leading market position gives Adecco tremendous strength. As building our market capitalization and increasing shareholder value is our prime objective, I am pleased to note that our share price has increased from 265 CHF per share when the merger creating Adecco was announced, to 685 CHF per share as of last week. In terms of revenue, the merger to form Adecco has accelerated our growth significantly. In fact, the combined entity of Adecco is now three and a half times larger than either Adia or Ecco was alone. This is a remarkable feat that was achieved in just around 18 months. As Adecco we now have 3000 offices in 48 countries, with new operations recently established in Finland, Panama, India, Uruguay, Puerto Rico and Macao. Adecco has the largest and most diverse network of any company in our industry. Given all the uncertainty surrounding the merger to create Adecco, I am proud to say that we have managed to maintain and even accelerate our growth rate during 1997 and into 1998. Our running rate for growth is now 50% in local currency including acquisitions. Organically we are growing at over 30%. Finally, as you know, Adecco is a Swiss registered company, but we also have shares traded in Paris as well as ADR’s traded in the USA on NASDAQ. a cura di 2

La sperimentazione, prossimi passi Setup piattaforma tecnologica Marcatura temporale Gestione documentazione Strumenti di reporting Definizione standard Estensione ad altri documenti (interni/esterni) Utilizzo di XML First, I would like to share with you an overview of some of the key points about our business. Adecco is the world wide leader in the Staffing Services Industry. Today, Adecco has the highest revenue, operating income, cash flow and market capitalization of any firm in the industry. Increasingly, I think that size and global reach do indeed matter in delivering high quality staffing services and our leading market position gives Adecco tremendous strength. As building our market capitalization and increasing shareholder value is our prime objective, I am pleased to note that our share price has increased from 265 CHF per share when the merger creating Adecco was announced, to 685 CHF per share as of last week. In terms of revenue, the merger to form Adecco has accelerated our growth significantly. In fact, the combined entity of Adecco is now three and a half times larger than either Adia or Ecco was alone. This is a remarkable feat that was achieved in just around 18 months. As Adecco we now have 3000 offices in 48 countries, with new operations recently established in Finland, Panama, India, Uruguay, Puerto Rico and Macao. Adecco has the largest and most diverse network of any company in our industry. Given all the uncertainty surrounding the merger to create Adecco, I am proud to say that we have managed to maintain and even accelerate our growth rate during 1997 and into 1998. Our running rate for growth is now 50% in local currency including acquisitions. Organically we are growing at over 30%. Finally, as you know, Adecco is a Swiss registered company, but we also have shares traded in Paris as well as ADR’s traded in the USA on NASDAQ. a cura di 2