Guido Pizzella Universita’ di Roma Tor Vergata INFN- Frascati SN1987A revisited
May the Supernova Bang more than once ?
LSD Kamioka 8 Hours of 23 February 1987 Mont Blanc ~ 70 pulses/hour > 5 MeV Kamiokande ~150 pulses/hour > 7.5 MeV (7.5 MeV corresponds to Nhit=20)
Kamiokande neutrino telescope 1987 The data have been supplied to us by the Kamiokande collaboration in 1987. We have aknowledged the collaboration in several papers
Hirata et al. PR D 448 (1988)
relative Kamiokande time IMB no IMB
11 in 12 s Nh>21 7 in 6 s Nh > 22
Mont Blanc neutrino telescope 1987
Correlation of the Kamiokande and LSD neutrino detectors with the Rome and Maryland gravitational wave detectors
experimental results Kamiokande Mont Blanc 1 2 8 Correlations GW-LSD 8 hours 23 February 1987 Correlations GW-Kamioka Mont Blanc ~ 70 pulses/hour > 5 MeV Kamiokande ~150 pulses/hour > 7.5 MeV (7.5 MeV corresponds to Nhit=20)
…noi non doviamo desiderare che la natura si accomodi a quello che parrebbe meglio disposto et ordinato a noi, ma conviene che noi accomodiamo l’intelleto nostro a quello che ella ha fatto, sicuri tale essere l’ottimo et non altro. Galileo nel 1612 a Federico Cesi.
Neutrino interactions in iron n, Fe ne+56Fe 56Co+e- n, p