Alexander Dubcek. Antonin Novotny Brezhnev – Dubcek.


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Transcript della presentazione:

Alexander Dubcek

Antonin Novotny

Brezhnev – Dubcek

I due leaders Dubcek e Brezhnev

Cronoca di una crisi (i) gennaio 1968: Dubcek segretario del partito. gennaio 1968: Dubcek segretario del partito. Fine febbraio: Novotny è criticato in seguito ad uno scandolo di corruzione. Si dimette il 21 marzo. Fine febbraio: Novotny è criticato in seguito ad uno scandolo di corruzione. Si dimette il 21 marzo. Marzo: proteste in Polonia. Avvertimento pesante di Gomulka. Marzo: proteste in Polonia. Avvertimento pesante di Gomulka. 21 Marzo: incontro Politburo. Falchi (Andropov) chiedono un intervento. 21 Marzo: incontro Politburo. Falchi (Andropov) chiedono un intervento. 23 marzo: Dresda incontro del patto di Varsavia. Pesanti critiche alla Cecoslovacchia. 23 marzo: Dresda incontro del patto di Varsavia. Pesanti critiche alla Cecoslovacchia. 10 aprile: pubblicazione Programma di azione. 10 aprile: pubblicazione Programma di azione.

Gomulka -- Polonia

Cronaca di una crisi (II) 6 maggio: riunione Politburo. Decide di difendere il socialismo con ogni mezzo necessario. 6 maggio: riunione Politburo. Decide di difendere il socialismo con ogni mezzo necessario. 2 luglio: Gottwald memorandum: lesercito prospetta lautonomia allinterno del Patto di Varsavia. 2 luglio: Gottwald memorandum: lesercito prospetta lautonomia allinterno del Patto di Varsavia luglio: Incontro dei paesi socialisti a Varsavia senza la Cecoslovacchia. Gomulka, Kadar insistono perché vi sia un intervento armato luglio: Incontro dei paesi socialisti a Varsavia senza la Cecoslovacchia. Gomulka, Kadar insistono perché vi sia un intervento armato luglio: Cierna nad Tisou (confine Cecoslovacchia-Ucraina). Incontro intenso luglio: Cierna nad Tisou (confine Cecoslovacchia-Ucraina). Incontro intenso. 3 agosto: Incontro Patto di Varsavia a Bratislava. LUrss ottiene il sostegno di un gruppo di stalinisti dentro la gerarchia. 3 agosto: Incontro Patto di Varsavia a Bratislava. LUrss ottiene il sostegno di un gruppo di stalinisti dentro la gerarchia. 6 agosto: Politburo decide di intervenire se Dubcek non incomincia la repressione. 6 agosto: Politburo decide di intervenire se Dubcek non incomincia la repressione.


Scontri per le strade di Praga

La dottrina di Brezhnev (I) The sovereignty of each socialist country cannot be opposed to the interests of the world of socialism, of the world revolutionary movement. Lenin demanded that all Communists fight against small­- nation narrow-­mindedness, seclusion and isolation, consider the whole and the general, subordinate the particular to the general interest. The sovereignty of each socialist country cannot be opposed to the interests of the world of socialism, of the world revolutionary movement. Lenin demanded that all Communists fight against small­- nation narrow-­mindedness, seclusion and isolation, consider the whole and the general, subordinate the particular to the general interest.

La dottrina di Brezhnev (II) It has got to be emphasized that when a socialist country seems to adopt a "non-­ affiliated" stand, it retains its national independence, in effect, precisely because of the might of the socialist community, and above all the Soviet Union as a central force, which also includes the might of its armed forces. The weakening of any of the links in the world system of socialism directly affects all the socialist countries, which cannot look indifferently upon this. It has got to be emphasized that when a socialist country seems to adopt a "non-­ affiliated" stand, it retains its national independence, in effect, precisely because of the might of the socialist community, and above all the Soviet Union as a central force, which also includes the might of its armed forces. The weakening of any of the links in the world system of socialism directly affects all the socialist countries, which cannot look indifferently upon this.

La dottrina di Brezhnev (III) The antisocialist elements in Czechoslovakia actually covered up the demand for so-­called neutrality and Czechoslovakia's withdrawal from the socialist community with talking about the right of nations to self-­determination. The antisocialist elements in Czechoslovakia actually covered up the demand for so-­called neutrality and Czechoslovakia's withdrawal from the socialist community with talking about the right of nations to self-­determination. However, the implementation of such "self­-determination," in other words, Czechoslovakia's detachment from the socialist community, would have come into conflict with its own vital interests and would have been detrimental to the other socialist states. However, the implementation of such "self­-determination," in other words, Czechoslovakia's detachment from the socialist community, would have come into conflict with its own vital interests and would have been detrimental to the other socialist states. Such "self­-determination," as a result of which NATO troops would have been able to come up to the Soviet border, while the community of European socialist countries would have been split, in effect encroaches upon the vital interests of the peoples of these countries and conflicts, as the very root of it, with the right of these people to socialist self-­determination. Such "self­-determination," as a result of which NATO troops would have been able to come up to the Soviet border, while the community of European socialist countries would have been split, in effect encroaches upon the vital interests of the peoples of these countries and conflicts, as the very root of it, with the right of these people to socialist self-­determination. Discharging their internationalist duty toward the fraternal peoples of Czechoslovakia and defending their own socialist gains, the U.S.S.R. and the other socialist states had to act decisively and they did act against the antisocialist forces in Czechoslovakia. Discharging their internationalist duty toward the fraternal peoples of Czechoslovakia and defending their own socialist gains, the U.S.S.R. and the other socialist states had to act decisively and they did act against the antisocialist forces in Czechoslovakia.